reiner fuellmich update august 2021

Reiner Fuellmich Update – August 2021 (23) Reiner Fuellmich: Dear fellow citizens all over Germany. Today the new Federal Government met for its third session. My aim is to ensure stability and continuity in the crisis, at least in the narrative while many other things will and have to change.Continue Reading

sally beck

Reiner Fuellmich interviews journalist Sally Beck. Interview June 25th. SPEAKERS Reiner Fuellmich, Sally Beck, Vivienne, Viviane Fischer Reiner Fuellmich  00:00 Sorry Sally to keep you waiting. Sally Beck  00:03 Don’t worry. Reiner Fuellmich  00:05 We’re close to our one year anniversary as the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee. I think inContinue Reading

james delingpole

This video of James Delingpole interviewing Dr Reiner Fuellmich on 25 May 2021 is a great summary from the start of the investigations and the lawsuits into current events…with more news on the way in two to three weeks, according to Reiner. The successive court cases thus far are spokenContinue Reading

Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his team of lawyers through Oval Media interview various lawyers and scientist experts on the Corona scandal. Current posts linked with Dr Reiner Fuellmich at Covid Truths. The Grand Jury will also be updated as and when the transcriptions are completed. This collection displays the meetingsContinue Reading

vera sharav

Article copyright: who has transcribed interview 44 of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss with German / US lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviewing Vera Sharav of Alliance for Human Research Protection. Noted phrases from the text are: An undercover dictatorship A chilling replay of T4 Masks are an insidious psychological weapon;Continue Reading


When will the PCR lawsuits be found in our favour? So many lawsuits worldwide. Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Juan Pauls are interviewed by Wilheim of Viruswaarheid Live. Published 3 March 2021. 54-minutes. Juan Pauls, Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Willheim. Other guests join in later. Sorry if the names are incorrect.Continue Reading

reiner fuellmich

The greatest Nuremberg of all time is on its way (NB: translated from German) 17/02/2021 By Jean-Michel Grau Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich,Continue Reading