reiner fuellmich update august 2021

Reiner Fuellmich Update – August 2021 (23)

Reiner Fuellmich: Dear fellow citizens all over Germany. Today the new Federal Government met for its third session. My aim is to ensure stability and continuity in the crisis, at least in the narrative while many other things will and have to change.

I want to get the things that we can change started right away. But by getting things started does not mean that I will immediately make concrete decisions in all areas. It means two things to me:

First, I will immediately start working through all the important issues of my competent cabinets, and together we will seek solutions that are as permanent as possible. Despite all efforts, things cannot be done overnight and therefore I will do something else. I am giving us breathing room by intervening immediately in some places without creating definitive facts. By this I mean the moratorium. With this moratorium we immediately limit the risks and provide ourselves with the necessary leeway to work out practicable and proportionate solutions. A moratorium is like pressing the pause button. We temporarily suspend certain measures taken by the previous Government so that no additional damage can occur at the moment.

Specifically this means first vaccinations are no longer recommended. Second, we have temporarily revoked the extra ordinary emergency approval of all vaccines. Third, we will come to a final decision with the support of the best efforts.

Today’s editions are the following:

From the federal side there is no longer a masking requirement. I call on all federal states for their part to drop all such regulations. Everyone must be allowed to decide for themselves whether or not to wear a mask. The Robert Koch Instituate now clearly advises against it because the health disadvantages clearly outweigh the advantages, at least in most life situations. The RKI still differentiates here. According to WHO,  PCR corona tests are not suitable for diagnostics. The test results do not provide any information for assessing the risk situation. It is incomprehensable that these daily figures and the data on incidences, and our values derived from them, have been forced upon us for so long a time as a yard stick for dangerousness and protective measures.

We will no longer use test results in crisis management and any revoked reimbursement arrangements for health insurers. For real hazards we are currently forming new indicators that reflect the state of the art insights. We will likely unveil the first set of indicators in the next few days. We have also extended the moratorium from two weeks to two months. That doesn’t mean we want to take that much time, but we need that as a buffer because speed must not take precedence over quality when it comes to finding the solution [as] too much is at stake.

I think we have the ball rolling, which we can use to get out of entrenched destructive ways, and I see every how people take up this impulse and take their fate into their own hands. Life on the streets is relaxing, (inaudible) creation processes are getting back on track. Demonstrations are taking place. The media have begun to report in a more detached and objective way.

None of this is enough yet, but I can feel it very clearly we are right on track. We cannot yet give the all clear in terms of health. but we are finally taking care of the essentials and that, for the moment, is the vaccination issue where we don’t yet fully know the effect regarding their side effects, even though we have to fear that they are very negative. I wish you a good evening.

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  1. Prayers go with your and your group……..I am located in Baton Rouge, La. and if we can help …..let you know Prayers to you all…….in Jesus name

  2. Keep up the good fight against the totalitarian. Righteousness will prevail.

  3. Please keep up the Great work Reiner. We love you, and there’s nothing you can do about it! Xxxxx

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