child sacrifice

Video Copyright: TRANSCRIBED That’s me. I’m Ellie. Don’t feel bad. It’s okay. It was a long time ago. 1962. I just thought maybe you don’t know about me. My parents didn’t want me anyway. The doctor worked with scientists and they took my organs out as soon as IContinue Reading

playing God

Article Copyright: UK Column Playing God is a profoundly moving documentary that dives into the heart-wrenching journeys of families who have lost their loved ones to end-of-life drugs. Jacqui Deevoy, co-producer and presenter of the Ickonic film A Good Death?, has teamed up with award-winning directors Naeem and Ash Mahmood and co-producer Phil GrahamContinue Reading

urine therapy

There is not a great lot of information online on urine therapy, but as someone who has tried this therapy on more than one occasion, and still exists, if it was truly toxic would I not be ill? Two of my most popular posts on this website are possible waysContinue Reading


Not suitable for children. This documentary contains very graphic scenes. Download Transcript: Died Suddenly – Documentary Transcribed SPEAKERS Vaccine Singer, Brenton Faithful, Embalmer, New Zealand, Joe Rogan, John, COVID Vaccine Victim, MSNBC Speaker, Piers Morgan, CNBC, Steve Kirsch, News Reporter, Bill Maher, Albert Bourla, Megan Fathers, AstraZeneca Vaccine Victim, JContinue Reading

Article Copyright: The Gateway Pundit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)  just recently won a major lawsuit brought against the CDC, requiring the agency to turn over its V-safe COVID Vaccine Injury Data. In order to collect health evaluations following vaccination against COVID-19, the CDC developed a tool called V-safe thatContinue Reading