miguel escobar


Miguel Escobar

Miguel Escobar  00:03

Hello, board members. My name is Miguel Escobar, and first I would like to thank everybody who partakes in the district in giving your time for our children. I am a physician assistant and I’ve worked in healthcare for over 15 years. I have been working in the valley in cardiology at the hospitals for about three years, and right now I work in internal medicine, and I also work with the Border Patrol screening (inaudible) that come in. So I’ve had first hand experience with COVID, especially before anybody in the media knew about it, because I have certain government clearance. So I’m here to talk about a lot of the misinformation that’s out there.

Miguel Escobar  00:40

First of all, most people don’t know in the general population, the actual facts of what’s going on with COVID. Okay, number one, because they don’t know where to look for it, because it’s very complicated, even for medical professionals. Number two, you may not have the time, like most people here to actually dig in deep and see the facts that are out there. Number three, and the most important is that the government and many entities are actually censoring, true factual information that I’m about to present you, you can’t find it, it’s not out there. I understand that you might have some doctors on your board, or doctors that come and help you out, but I can tell you one thing, if they’re telling you something different that I’m about to tell you, they’re either one, misinformed and they’re not looking in the right places, two, they’re straight up lying to you and that will lead me to believe that who is paying you, or who is influencing you to say these things.

Miguel Escobar  01:35

Number one, the case counts is absolutely obliterate. You can be run over by a car, and you go into the ER, you say I’m short of breath, because your blood is filling your lungs, and if they test you for COVID you died of COVID, not at the car accident. You could have known severe cardiovascular disease, which is what I partake in, and come in with an absolute 100 percent heart attack, but they test you for COVID. What did you die of? COVID. What just happened about two weeks ago, CDC is now telling all the laboratories to stop using the PCRs that we’ve been using this whole time, because they cannot decipher between the flu and COVID. So we have to stop using them. That information alone should stop this whole ridiculousness. Okay.

Miguel Escobar  02:21

Number two, the masks. What is the dirtiest spot on your body? It is your mouth. I’m pretty sure no one here would sit there and smell their anus and their private parts all day because that seems disgusting. But your mouth is dirtier than your private parts? Why would you sniff the bacteria that comes out of your mouth all day long [and] enforce that on our children. That is wrong. That psychologically affects them and you’re going to implore more infections on them. There are literally studies that I can prove to you that are on the CDC website that are randomised control studies that show that nor hand washing nor wearing surgical masks, especially anything less than that, actually prevent you from getting infected, whether if you’re infected, or you’re trying to prevent an infection, I can sit here alone on that topic for at least three hours and talk to you about how that is so ridiculous. Let’s get to the most important part because I’m very limited on time and I could sit here for hours and talk to you about this.

Miguel Escobar  03:20

The unvaccinated theory is nothing but b s. Okay. Does anyone here know, especially the medical professionals here, that the CDC about a month and a half ago changed their requirement for hospitals and clinics to count a COVID case? If you are now vaccinated, you don’t have to register that person as a COVID case if they have COVID. Even if they’re in the hospital dying of COVID, if they were vaccinated you don’t have to count that as a COVID case. Why are people saying “oh, the unvaccinated are filling the hospitals”, because the CDC has literally changed that. So if you get COVID and you are vaccinated you don’t count into the pool of people that are vaccinated? Does anybody here know that? I doubt it. Do we also know of the change in the PCR test? No, I doubt that. So you’re aboard for education, not health. There’s never been a study on social distancing or any of these ridiculous partitioners that are in between you. So you’re telling me that you’re safe to breathe, but we’re not safe to breathe? Even on the CDC, after 15 minutes of being in the same room with somebody you’re breathing in the same air? Okay, so let’s get past this ridiculousness because it doesn’t work. And then the vaccines, just a whole other nut showcase in itself.

Miguel Escobar  04:38

In six months, more people have died from this vaccine than in 20 years of every single vaccine given in America. Let that sink in. In six months, 12,000 and the VAERS reporting system. Harvard, who everyone should trust here, did a major study and they found out that only 1 percent of all the adverse effects and deaths are actually reported. So imagine that if 12,000 we know now have died, that’s only 1 percent. What just came out last week that probably no one here knows because it’s been censored. There was just now a lawsuit that went up against the CDC and the FDA, because they found out that these pharmaceutical companies created their own adverse effects agencies where the reporting is happening there. And they found out that it seems now that in three days, over 45,000 people have died because of vaccine. I work with people who have COVID, and not. I know more people that have died from the vaccine than that have died from the COVID. Okay, I can sit here and give you so much information that will boggle your brain. Now, it is not our duty here to figure out what is going on in this country. Why are we being misinformed? Okay, that’s not our duty, I could help you. But your duty is to focus on our children’s education. Okay, and the buildings and whatnot that you have said, which is awesome that you take your pride in that, not my child’s vaccination status. Okay. That is not your duty. And you should be worried about people wanting to vaccinate their children when this has killed more children that has ever happened in any history of vaccines.

Miguel Escobar  06:29

I have all this information and it’s readily accessible. My email is MiguelAEscobar55@gmail.com. MiguelAEscobar55@gmail.com. I can provide you [with] over 1000 pieces of literature, especially over 300 showing that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin actually work because everyone that I have personally treated, I know not one person in my section of family or friends that has been hospitalised or died. So this whole craziness about the the unvaccinated? No, you can still get COVID if you are vaccinated. You can still spread COVID if you are vaccinated. That is a false statement. if someone thinks that because you’re vaccinated you are not going to spread this. And the biggest one of all, is that there is still no proof that a child has actually infected a teacher or caused a death in any school in the world. Why are we worried about our children? If you truly care about their safety and their wellness, then why hasn’t anyone mentioned that children in 2020 increased their suicide rates by five fold? Five fold. Do you want to know why my 3k 4k student isn’t going to go to Edinburgh because your protocols, because most of the people that I talked to, well, I’m also in the upper echelons, I’m a PA, I’ve lived here for long enough to know who runs around here.

Miguel Escobar  08:15

We don’t want to put our children where you’re going to put these partitioners, or wearing a mask, are my kids gonna have to worry because he’s touching and hugging his friend, which we’ve been doing the whole time. Why? Because I’m not going to sit at home on a TV screen making sure that my kid watches a screen when I don’t even let them watch TV to begin with. Why are we going in reverse people? I know everybody here probably partook in a chickenpox party like myself. I’m old enough to do that. Hey, it’s okay let him get a little dirty. Why are we so scared of germs? Germs are what create immunity in the body. And what vaccines and medicine is trying to mimic in our bodies is the immune system. There is nothing stronger than our own immune system. What the school, if they really want to make a difference, and I can tell you this because I’ve served on many boards [as] I’m very active in the PA society, I’ve been very active in politics my whole life. If you really want to make a difference, do what no one else is doing.

Miguel Escobar  09:23

Not one person at the CDC FDA or any of the AMA you name it. I’ve DHR’d none of them, SDHS. Nobody will sit here and tell the most unhealthiest city in America voted twice now, okay, hey, go exercise, hey focus on your eating, hey, go outside do something because the only way you’re not going to get sick of COVID and the only way we’re going to really help the community into lowering deaths of people that are going to die because they’re unhealthy is to eat healthy and be healthy, and for our children part of that is our social interactions. Our 3k 4k completely depend on facial recognition, and trusting a face that you can see, not a masked face, I would never put my child in that. And the people that I, I talk to thousands of people a day, and you can see my spirit here, okay? And believe me, I will let them know, do not get vaccinated, and don’t put your child in something that’s going to lower their education, it’s gonna lower everything about what’s going on right now.

Miguel Escobar  10:34

We should not live in fear. If we start this with prayer, then you should know that God tells you don’t live in fear. We’re always going to live with infections, we’re always going to live with diseases. The only way to get around that is live healthy, be healthy. So I implore you all, please look at the facts. Don’t go by what the media says because it’s straight up lies. I can prove this to you 100 percent. I work in a facility at the Donna facilities. I work with children and adults all day long. We’ve seen over 70,000 people (inaudible) that are like this, like this. Do you think people wear masks in there? Why do you think they don’t want people to go in there with cameras? Because it would put the whole pandemic to shame because no one’s vaccinated, no one’s wearing a mask. Everybody’s pretty much sick, cos their immune. Imagine people coming over for a month, their immune system is to the floor, but not one person has died of COVID.

Miguel Escobar  11:37

And just right now, another study that just came out by John Hopkins. John Hopkins just came out with a study with over 48,000 kids showing that no healthy child died of COVID, that the only children that died of COVID were the very severely ill, which most of those children can’t even be in school. So get over the fear. The masks don’t work. Okay. Hug thy neighbour. Love thy neighbour, and everything will be okay. God bless you all. I hope that you actually inquire to me because most doctors that I know have no idea what I’m talking about. And they do not know where to search for this information. I can still show you the randomised controlled trials if that’s what you want. I can show you the evidence. I can give you affiliations to doctor groups that I’m part of that are actually suing companies and CDC and FDA to make a change. If you want to be the district that all the children go to be the one that makes the change because I’m telling you parents out there are starting to realise what’s going on. And this is not a health board. This is a school board. God bless you all and thank you so much for your time.



    I myself have been at a loss watching our country go crazy. I have created cards with many Doctors on Rumble.com to pass out, but many are folloiwng like sheep to slaughter. It is all that I can do right now is to try and share info.

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR LEADERSHIP….we are ready and waiting on our next move. God Be with you…We are praying for this EVIL to be unraveled.

    May God Bless you today!!

    Dr. Joe & Marsanne Kunzer

    1. Author

      Fantastic work, Marsanne. Whatever work you are doing to expose the evil and help people will not go unnoticed by Almighty God. The problem that we are seeing today is too much compliance for the ‘good of society’. The ‘love thy neighbour’ has been used out of context, and most churches including the Church of England are going along with everything like blind sheep when I firmly believe that it’s entirely satanic, and where is their discernment against such evil. Keep going. You are not alone. Continue to pray against this evil. May the good Lord turn this onto them and bring them down.

    2. He claims he has 15 years of Medical Experience. He graduated from Texas A&M with a Degree in Biology in 2008. He earned his Masters to be a PA in 2016. He has never had an Texas Medical License in anything else.

      His expert is Dr. Mercola. Really? https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/mercolacom-llc-607133-02182021

      He works at McAllen Heart Hospital for now. Yes, things are going crazy. About 40% of the GOP believes in Q and that there is a Bill Gates Microchip in the Vaccine? Over half of the Republicans thinks the election was a fraud. Who are these people?

      I take the Opinion of Epidemiologists and Virologists and 96% of the MDs in the Nation. Isn’t if funny that the ones having problems with this are mainly the religious fanatics? The Real satan is your leader? The “Chosen One” Herr Trump? His words reflect his evil heart and his fruit is rancid. REPENT

      1. Author

        You seem very angry. I think this video might be of help to you, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M since you say you believe the epidemiologists, virologists and MDs in the nation, which I take to mean that those who have been censored have no credibility in your eyes. The fact that people have been lied to, and are still being lied to is not the fault of those who have the common sense to think for themselves, and to do their own research. It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine is something that places the actual virus into you. These vaccines create a spike protein inside the recipient and when their body comes into contact with a wild coronavirus during the cold and flu season, that’s when we will see the real repercussions of this depopulation agenda, which will be blamed on another variant, no doubt. It’s all made up science. Please stop listening to these paid actors because they don’t care about you. All they care about is profit.

        1. Thank you so much Miguel for your passionate and calm delivery of the Truth.

          Abundant Blessings to you and massive support and love for the work you are doing.
          Thank you 🙏🏼
          Thank you 🙏🏼
          Thank you 🙏🏼

          1. Author

            Thank you Natasha. Keep sharing and exposing these lying crooks in the mainstream media and Government.

      2. Hey, I am a Biblical Scholar and don’t attribute any of this the ‘a satan (the Hebrew word that means “the accuser”), and what Mr. Escobar speaks about rings true from my year and a half of critical thinking regarding this COVID mess, and provided me with further logical thinking that supports the information I have been gathering.

        What actual words that he spoke seem to be false to you? Did you realize how filthy our mouths are? Had you not figured out long ago that the only deaths we hear about are from COVID? It seems that the COVID boogeyman has chased Cancer, Heart Disease (and everything else) away. That being the case, maybe we should be happy? Only one disease to conquer now? Do you have ANY of the qualifications to rightly challenge what he has seen personally? I know other healthcare professionals (who work in a major hospital in the COVID wing) that are refusing the vaccine because they also have seen the carnage caused by it. I personally know a perfectly health 45 year old male (or at least he was) that got sick from the first shot and the second shot gave him a full on stroke. 100 days later, he is still having blackouts. I know of various people who stood in line for the COVID test, signed the paperwork and then left (after hours of waiting) and still received a positive result… as in ‘you have tested positive for COVID-19.

        No, I don’t believe that GATES has a microchip in the shot, but he has clearly stated that vaccines are a good way to control the population. Hmmm? He’s a chip off the old block, his father being a strong supporter of ZPG. (You do know what that is, right?).

        On a side note… as far is the election goes (and I don’t live in the U.S., so was not part of the ‘vote’ there), did you choose to have Biden as your president? My suggestion is that you don’t answer, as it may further degrade what others think of your opinion.

        Don’t listen to those that are making money off of your fear (pharma, media and even places that get paid to give you the shot). This has been the biggest money making scheme in the history of the world. Think about it. Listen to common sense. Your body was made to defend itself. Neither you, nor most of the people you know, are in no danger of dying from COVID (especially Delta, which is rather ineffective). Why would you choose to mess it up with this junk? Oh yes, you voted for…

      3. (Repost with two small grammatical corrections)

        Hey, I am a Biblical Scholar and don’t attribute any of this to ‘a satan (the Hebrew word that means “the accuser”), and what Mr. Escobar speaks about rings true from my year and a half of critical thinking regarding this COVID mess, and provided me with further logical thinking that supports the information I have been gathering.

        What actual words that he spoke seem to be false to you? Did you realize how filthy our mouths are? Had you not figured out long ago that the only deaths we hear about are from COVID? It seems that the COVID boogeyman has chased Cancer, Heart Disease (and everything else) away. That being the case, maybe we should be happy? Only one disease to conquer now? Do you have ANY of the qualifications to rightly challenge what he has seen personally? I know other healthcare professionals (who work in a major hospital in the COVID wing) that are refusing the vaccine because they also have seen the carnage caused by it. I personally know a perfectly health 45 year old male (or at least he was) that got sick from the first shot and the second shot gave him a full on stroke. 100 days later, he is still having blackouts. I know of various people who stood in line for the COVID test, signed the paperwork and then left (after hours of waiting) and still received a positive result… as in ‘you have tested positive for COVID-19.

        No, I don’t believe that GATES has a microchip in the shot, but he has clearly stated that vaccines are a good way to control the population. Hmmm? He’s a chip off the old block, his father being a strong supporter of ZPG. (You do know what that is, right?).

        On a side note… as far is the election goes (and I don’t live in the U.S., so was not part of the ‘vote’ there), did you choose to have Biden as your president? My suggestion is that you don’t answer, as it may further degrade what others think of your opinion.

        Don’t listen to those that are making money off of your fear (pharma, media and even places that get paid to give you the shot). This has been the biggest money making scheme in the history of the world. Think about it. Listen to common sense. Your body was made to defend itself. Neither you, nor most of the people you know, are in any danger of dying from COVID (especially Delta, which is rather ineffective). Why would you choose to mess it up with this junk? Oh yes, you voted for…

  2. Thank you for speaking our! So many with true and accurate information are being stifled it’s frightening. I would love to delve deeper into your research and would appreciate any links to these studies you talk about.
    Thank you
    Cathy Burger……informed resistor

  3. I think Kevin Lawrance (comment posted above) is pissed off because his belief just got its ass kicked. He thinks he knows what he’s talking about when he’s clearly delusional when he tries to debunk Miguel Escobar’s credentials and his statements. This is exactly the reason for the insanity around the world. Kevin Lawrance is just as guilty for supporting the mainstream bought and paid for medical shills as anyone by deliberately ignoring the facts and truth presented by well known reputable doctors that have been censored because they speak with authority while standing firmly in the truth. Kevin Lawrance just got his ass handed to him because he just got challenged with the facts.

    1. Author

      Yes, Mr Lawrance has not responded. These shills cannot respond because they are just told what the 77th brigade tell them. They are just liars like their father the devil.

  4. Hi Miguel
    My coworker stated her baby if almost 2 years old had covid from some fsmily member and she too became covid infected gor the 2nd time.
    Her 1st encountered happened at the beginning of covid while nursing her new baby. She was told to stop nursing and she did not. She recovered nicely and later was vaxed x 2….prior to her 2nd bout of covid.
    That is the 1st I’ve heard of a young one at almost 2 to spread the bug. Couldnt that be just a cold as well? With an avearge Corona virus/ cold. I heard that the test cant identify from common cold to corona 2.0. What do you think?

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