candy kittens sex education

Has anyone seen the Candy Kittens ‘Sex Education’ sweets in their local supermarket? It’s real. Here is a short video from my local Asda. Unless you were not aware of the UN and UNESCO propaganda within the educational system, here is the document. International technical guidance on sexuality educationThe InternationalContinue Reading

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trends in excess deaths

Finally, this important topic is on record in Parliament. Download Trends in Excess Deaths 2023-10-20. Motion made, and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Mohindra.) 2.32pm Andrew Bridgen (North West Leicestershire) (Reclaim) Sharethis specific contribution We have experienced more excess deaths since July 2021 than in the whole ofContinue Reading

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Article copyright: UK Column’s Debi Evans Blog 17 January 2023 For the last 75 years since it was originally rolled out in the UK in 1948, the British public have been dependent on the only health service available to them, the National Health Service (NHS). Did you know that the UK isContinue Reading

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urine therapy

There is not a great lot of information online on urine therapy, but as someone who has tried this therapy on more than one occasion, and still exists, if it was truly toxic would I not be ill? Two of my most popular posts on this website are possible waysContinue Reading

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Not suitable for children. This documentary contains very graphic scenes. Download Transcript: Died Suddenly – Documentary Transcribed SPEAKERS Vaccine Singer, Brenton Faithful, Embalmer, New Zealand, Joe Rogan, John, COVID Vaccine Victim, MSNBC Speaker, Piers Morgan, CNBC, Steve Kirsch, News Reporter, Bill Maher, Albert Bourla, Megan Fathers, AstraZeneca Vaccine Victim, JContinue Reading

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