Article copyright: UK Column’s Debi Evans Blog 17 January 2023

For the last 75 years since it was originally rolled out in the UK in 1948, the British public have been dependent on the only health service available to them, the National Health Service (NHS). Did you know that the UK is one of the only countries in the world to have waiting lists for treatment? From its inception, NHS consultants weren’t keen on having to survive on an NHS wage only, hence private work outside of the NHS was agreed upon as a feature of the model.

I remember Dr Vernon Coleman telling me how, when he was a hospital Junior Registrar, he had worked all hours to clear his consultants waiting list whilst he was on holiday, thinking he was doing him a huge favour. When the Consultant returned, he was far from happy: essentially, his waiting list had been wiped out, as had his private practice! Who would want to jump an invisible list only to have to pay a fortune unnecessarily? No-one. A hard lesson learned.

No longer does the United Kingdom have a safe, accessible ‘health service’. Does this mean we have now become a third-world country as regards equity of access to healthcare system? I hope the rest of the world is noticing. As our government boasts of our status in the world as a global superpower in ‘Life Sciences’, what does that really mean? You may be forgiven for thinking that, as the name suggests, ‘life sciences’ study life in all its forms, past and present. This can include plants, animals, viruses and bacteria, single-celled organisms, and even cells. Life sciences study the biology of how these organisms live, which is why you may hear this group of specialties referred to as biology—which is a synonym for ‘life sciences’, unless someone is tinkering with the meaning.

Whilst our government applauds itself for selling us all out under the pretext of ‘life sciences’, we learn that the innocuous term really means pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and genomics. The NHS holds a vast amount of data, the UK’s unique selling point, as I noted last week. In order to maintain our place on the Life Science stage, we must transform the landscape. Building back better, then, but only after deliberate, systematic demolition of the only health service available to us. After making us all completely dependent on the NHS for any medical care, the UK Government is ready and willing to pull the rug from under our feet. Once again, we are on our own.

Once upon a time, patients in hospital were cared for by highly-trained nurses and doctors, all with one aim; to help their patient feel better in a safe, caring environment. Once upon a time, by the side of every patient’s bed was a chair for visiting relatives and friends, their arms laden with grapes, magazines, bottles of juice, clean nightclothes and toiletries. Once upon a time, patients were visited up to twice a day by devoted family. Once upon a time, relatives would be offered a cup of tea when visiting. Once upon a time, relatives and friends were our ‘regulators’, watching everything we did, fully involved in their loved one’s care.

Once upon a time, relatives were welcomed with open arms, the joy and happiness that patients got from seeing their families being far more powerful than any allopathic medicine or procedure. Once upon a time, doctors would prescribe Guinness for anaemic patients, or perhaps a tot of pre-prandial sherry for those who were reluctant to eat. Once upon a time, vulnerable and elderly patients were sent off to the seaside for a week or two prior to returning home. Once upon a time, medicine and nursing was a vocation. Once upon a time, I was proud to be a nurse. Once upon a time seems so long ago.

In 2023, as I stand back and watch the NHS being deliberately dismantled right in front of my eyes, I genuinely didn’t believe I could still be shocked. But I was wrong. Elderly and vulnerable patients are being abandoned, neglected on trolleys in Accident and Emergency corridors, unconscious, unattended, with many devoid of even a pillow. To me, this is horrifying. Many staff are referring to departments as war zones and are reporting conditions as grossly unsafe for both patients and staff.

If the NHS and its present-day staff are declaring the system unsafe, I would deem it as outright dangerous. The NHS declares that it has never seen such an overwhelming demand for its service. Could this have anything to do with illness caused or exacerbated by the Covid–19 injection? It appears the never-isolated Covid–19 still has the power to run and control the NHS single-handedly.

How is the NHS managing to get away with making the rules up as they go along? No two local NHS Trusts are the same, it would appear. Many of the ‘rules’ appear to be fake altruistic virtue-signalling at its worst. The UK Government currently has no statutory mandates or guidance in place for its exhausted population. As the World Health Organisation winds the ‘pandemic’ down and no longer refers to it as a threat to global health, the NHS does not appear to have got the memo.

For many attending outpatient departments, this means you may have been masked, warned, instructed and cleared before even being allowed to enter the department. After getting ‘hospital traffic control’ (HTC) clearance to proceed to the department, you will wait on your own until you are called.

Most people are quite nervous before a ‘consultation’ or an ‘investigation’; many have no clue of what they are actually having done or who they will see. It can be quite daunting and the waits can be long. Perhaps the patient is in pain or worried that they may forget what they are told or what they have to remember to tell the professionals attending them. Having company is often a lifeline for the patient: someone whom they can chat to, and someone who will watch their back. However, in many NHS facilities, including GP surgeries and minor injury clinics, there is no-one to do the checks and balances for you, so you are on your own.

Do you know who you are going to see? Do the professionals you are scheduled to see know why you are there and what you are having done? Do you understand what you are being told? Do you understand the procedure you may be having? The risks and benefits? Are you aware of what the drugs or medications are that are being administered to you right there in the department, or that you are being given to take home? Have you checked?

What does ‘on your own’ mean in real terms if you test positive for Covid–19 and you are at home, or are an inpatient in hospital or care home? For the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, the protocol is the same. ‘Protocol?’, I hear you cry, ‘what protocol’? The answer is NICE NG191 ‘Covid-19 rapid guideline: managing Covid-19’, which will be your constant companion if you test positive for Covid–19 in those circumstances in Britain.

Stay with me. I will explain why this protocol is so worrying and, in my opinion, very dangerous. Please remember that PCR tests are unreliable at best and dangerous at worst. The ‘protocol’ gets activated on the result of a dodgy test. From there on in, your life is in the hands of Big Pharma and biotech.

If you have not had any of the Government’s recommended injections and are breathing a sigh of relief knowing you have dodged one potentially life-changing or even life-ending injection, I regret to tell you there are a few more injections, infusions, aerosols, tablets and patches yet to dodge. For those who have accepted one or more injections but now would refuse any more, do you know what else you need to dodge? Does anyone?  Let’s explore further. How will it affect you or your family?

At home

If you are vulnerable, elderly or deemed at risk and you are at home unwell, feeling rough, and have tested positive (or false positive) for Covid–19, you may be offered a monoclonal antibody or an antiviral medicine (a -mab or a -vir if you look for the longer name) either to prevent your condition worsening or stop it from materialising in the first place. This is not dependent on being vaccinated; the protocol is the same for both vaccinated and unvaccinated (please note, those not fully boosted may be classified as unvaccinated). There are many novel ‘medicines’ coming down the line that are still in Black Triangle status, some of which you will not be familiar with. Some of them you will not even be able to pronounce. Try this for size: casirivimab and imdevimab. A tongue-twister, I am sure you will agree—and anyway, what exactly is it?

Please check before you agree to take anything you have not heard of before. All drugs have more than one name: the brand name will be different from the names of the active ingredients. Insist on seeing the official manufacturer’s Patient Information Leaflet. Are there any known serious adverse reactions? What are the results of long-term safety studies, if indeed they have ever taken place? Do your homework first. Big Pharma don’t make money from well people; they rely on the sick.

How does NICE protocol NG191 affect you if you have the misfortune of being admitted to Accident and Emergency?

There are three main ways of accessing Accident and Emergency in the UK:

  1. Dialling 999 for an emergency ambulance (if you can find one)
  2. Direct referral from your GP (family doctor) or 111 (the non-emergency NHS phone number)
  3. Self-referral as a walk-in patient (turning up unannounced in your own transport)

UK Column is hearing many reports of ambulance staff being asked to test patients for Covid–19 prior to accepting them for transportation to Accident and Emergency. Patients who have tested positive for Covid–19 and who are deemed vulnerable will be placed on the NICE Covid–19 protocol.


Referral via 111 call or GP via ambulance, or walk-in referral

The same protocols as above apply where a patient who requires admission has been referred to Accident and Emergency via ambulance. Routine Covid–19 tests will have been performed on patients who arrive unaccompanied, leaving the patient on their own. Do you know what is on the end of the six-inch stick that will be stuck up your nasal orifice, or even if the procedure is required? Or do you feel too ill to care?

For walk-in referrals, expect to be asked a slew of Covid questions before being allowed access to the Covid–19 ‘safe’ waiting room in the green zone. Anyone who tests positive will either be sent home immediately or moved to a Covid red zone. From there, you will be even more isolated and on your own. You may be offered a novel Covid therapeutic in any event.



Any patients who have been admitted for routine surgery, acute illness via Accident and Emergency or scheduled routine admission will be tested for Covid–19: not once, but on multiple occasions. If, during your stay, you test positive for Covid–19 at any time, you will be transferred to a Covid–19 ‘isolation’ ward, where you will be kept away from your family and friends. I am not exaggerating.

When a patient is admitted to hospital with Covid–19, a discussion about treatment, expectations and care goals is meant to take place. Sadly, this does not appear to be happening in reality. The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) may be used when deemed appropriate; it will be documented in the patient’s medical records. The CFS should not be used for people under 65 years or those with stable long-term disabilities such as cerebral palsy, learning disabilities or autism. Most GPs use the CFS; the majority of us have already been scored. Do you know your score—or, should I say, worth?

The National Institute Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance states:

People with COVID-19 may deteriorate rapidly. If it is agreed that the next step is a move to secondary care, ensure that they and their families understand how to access this with the urgency needed. If the next step is other community-based support (whether virtual wards, hospital at home services or palliative care), ensure that they and their families understand how to access these services, both in and out of hours.

Anecdotal reports to UK Column are revealing that relatives are not being told when their relative’s conditions are deteriorating or even when they have passed away. None of the families who we have spoken to understood how to access any of the above services, and those who tried to seek alternative pathways—such as removing relatives from secondary care back to primary care—were stonewalled. Permission denied.

Many patients deemed vulnerable or elderly who do require admission and who test positive for Covid–19 are being automatically (often without their knowledge or permission) administered a dangerous cocktail of Black Triangle medications as part of the NICE/NHS Covid–19 protocol. In the interests of brevity, I will just take one as an example. Ronapreve is a monoclonal antibody containing the active substances of imdevimab and casirivimab. Ronapreve also contains Polysorbate 80, the very same ingredient as is found in some of the Covid–19 vaccines. It is used to treat patients with ‘confirmed’ acute Covid–19 infections (even if there are no symptoms!) and also to ‘prevent’ acute infection.

It is not a vaccine and is administered via an infusion. It is a Black Triangle medicine, and it is therefore under extra scrutiny and intense pharmacovigilance. Are you fully informed? Do you consent to being given an experimental Black Triangle monocolonal antibody, or a Black Triangle novel antiviral such as Remdesivir? Monoclonal antibodies would normally be given to patients with cancer or HIV. The condition that you were originally admitted for appears to take a lower priority when patients test positive for Priority Number One, Covid–19.

In April 2022, NICE made recommendations for people at high risk of progression to severe Covid–19, on the use of nirmatrelvir with ritonavir (jointly referred to as Paxlovid) and remdesivir. The effectiveness of these antivirals when used in combination has not been established. In the worst-case scenario, if it were me to which this was happening without prior notice and I was conscious of what was happening, I would refuse. But would I ever be told I was being given these ‘new treatments’ in the first place? And what if I was unconscious, or deemed not to ‘have mental capacity’—who then makes that crucial decision? It clearly wouldn’t be me.

What else is included in the protocol? Respiratory saturations are monitored and, if necessary, oxygen will be administered based on the LED display of a cheap oximeter (please see my blog of 4 October 2022 for the inaccuracies in readings from such devices). The oximetry advice appears to advise that anyone with an oxygen saturation of below 92% (100% is highest) is deemed ‘at risk’.

At the time of writing, I have checked my blood oxygen using one of these devices and mine registers 88%, but I am not breathless, my colour is good and I feel fine. Too many are relying on devices and not on how they feel and look. Do you trust a plastic box with an LED display? I don’t. Even the NHS website admits:

Be aware that some pulse oximeters can underestimate or overestimate oxygen saturation levels, especially if the saturation level is borderline. Overestimation has been reported in people with dark skin.

If a patient’s condition deteriorates, the protocol is escalated—and that may include mechanical ventilation, otherwise known as being put on a ventilator, which will require further pharmaceutical interventions of Midazolam and morphine in order to sedate the patient prior to intubation. It would appear that mechanical ventilation is preferable to high-flow oxygen, I am puzzled as to why. Maybe one of our wise and well-informed readers will let me know.

What constitutes a deteriorationEither:

  • You are unable to complete short sentences when at rest due to breathlessness
  • Your breathing suddenly worsens within an hour
  • Your blood oxygen level is 92% or less. Check your blood oxygen level again straight away—if it’s still 92% or below, go to A&E immediately or call 999;

or if these more general signs of serious illness develop:

  • You are coughing up blood
  • You have blue lips or a blue face
  • You feel cold and sweaty with pale or blotchy skin
  • You develop a rash that does not fade when you roll a drinking glass over it
  • You collapse or faint
  • You become agitated, confused or very drowsy
  • You have stopped urinating or are passing much less water than usual

We are hearing anecdotal reports of medical professionals at NHS hospitals determining whether patients are to be put on end-of-life care without the patient’s or family’s input. We are also hearing of ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (DNR/DNAR) notices being placed on patients without any discussion with family. Yet more worryingly, we are hearing of reports of family members dying and relatives not being informed until after their loved one has passed, leaving them alone to die.

We are also hearing of patients who are confused, or with a diagnosis of dementia, who are being neglected. Unless a patient has a red beaker and red plate, they will not be automatically fed by nursing staff. It is understood that patients with dementia are more likely to eat from a red plate than from a white plate.

Children and babies in hospital diagnosed with Covid–19 are put on the same Covid–19 protocol pathway as the adults, only within paediatric guidelines. The UK Column office is getting many calls and e-mails from parents with children who are being treated as inpatients and who are worried at what medication their children are receiving without their knowledge or permission. This is particularly difficult when children are in hospital alone, isolated from their parents and siblings. This is happening in NHS hospitals all over the United Kingdom—parents feel helpless as medical staff make decisions in their absence.

If a child is deemed vulnerable and tests positive for Covid–19, are you fully confident in what treatment your child is receiving? Do you know what treatment your child or baby is in receipt of? It shocked me to learn that babies over six months old, and children, are being given the same medications as adults, only within a paediatric dose—including Remdesivir, otherwise known as Veklury.

Given the Covid–19 protocols in place in the National Health Service, do you feel confident and safe with the treatment you may receive in hospital, without your consent or your knowledge?

If you are not Covid-positive, can you relax? The quick answer to that is no. There are many new novel experimental drugs on their way to a pharmacy near you. I make no apologies for repeating myself on this most urgent subject. If you have Alzheimer’sdiabetesrheumatoid arthritisCrohn’s diseaseflu or any other disease, check first—because there will be a brand new monoclonal antibody or antiviral for you, too. Monoclonal antibodies are big business. Do you know what you are taking or being offered?

mRNA is here to stay

mRNA is an abbreviation for ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’, which has long ranked as a promising but unproven treatment. In 2018, a group of researchers announced a ‘new era in vaccinology’. mRNA is here to stay, heralded as a game-changer. In what domains can we expect to see it put to work next? As we face a paradigm shift for cancer treatments, the race for a personalised skin cancer vaccine—designed to prime the immune system so that the body can generate a response to any specific cancer tumour—is very much on. But cancer is only part of the agenda.

Researchers have been experimenting with mRNA-based vaccines and treatments since the 1970s, although messenger RNA, now known as mRNA, was originally discovered in the 1960s. In the 1990s, the first mRNA treatment was tested on mice, for cancer, in trials of which none ended well. In 2013, the first human mRNA vaccine for rabies was tested. mRNA was always an experiment and was decades away from ever being used in the real population.

Covid–19, the deadly ‘virus’ (please note that I lean towards terrain theory) presented scientists, researchers, globalists and philanthropists/oligarchs like Bill Gates with the perfect opportunity (plan?) to roll the experimental mRNA out, in the guise of a protective, all-singing, all-dancing, life-saving ‘vaccine’ delivered directly to ‘real-world populations’—known as the the public to you and me. Save granny and roll up your sleeve.

Very well, but at what cost; my own life? No-one seemed to know, but never mind; feel the fear and do it anyway appeared to be the call to arms. Since when did anyone roll up their sleeve for an experimental injection, least of all a vaccine to protect someone else, worse still that that someone is not a person but a a health system already on its knees? It appears that common sense left quietly, almost unnoticed, by the back door. I saw it happen; and if you are reading this, you did too.

Thanks to BioNTech, the United Kingdom appears to have won the ‘golden ticket’ for the first cancer mRNA vaccine, which is due to be trialled in September 2023. Scientists say the technology behind the Covid–19 vaccines could forever change medicines as we know them and could lead to new treatments against diseases expected to include malaria, flu, cancer, diabetes and HIV. There are already many novel ways to administer mRNA vaccines, and I am in no doubt there will be many more.

Here are a few:

  • Intranasal vaccine administration—a needle-free, non-invasive delivery of vaccines
  • Intratumoral vaccination—mRNA specific activation of tumour-resident T cells
  • Intranodally injected naked mRNA—encoding tumour-associated antigens into patients with advanced melanoma and patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Professor Katalin Karikó of BioNTech, a Hungarian researcher who pioneered the use of mRNA, insists that there are no limits to the potentials of mRNA technology. She proudly announces that mRNA is cheap to make and can be made very quickly. UK Column will be revisiting this remarkable claim with Hedley Rees, the UK’s most experienced expert in manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceuticals, who has a very different perspective. Watch this space.

Next time, I will be returning to a more mixed bag of health news. I hope this blog will help you make a more informed decision on what you may or may not be offered if you have the unfortunate necessity of visiting or consulting the NHS anytime soon. Refuse the Covid test, for it is the test that changes a patient’s pathway, sometimes with disastrously sad, life-ending consequences. Do your own research, join your own dots and find your own truth.

Until next week,

Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. Proverbs 19:20

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