dayz of noah

The digitalization of society is growing fast, and it’s called the fourth industrial revolution that the World Economic Forum speaks of. It’s already available on the UK Government website. This is all linked to Agenda 21. This is a great video by Dayz of Noah discussing smart cities, the internet of bodies, the internet of things, driverless cars and logistics, and finally Metaverse, which will be discussed more in part 2. This is the first part of a 4 hour 50-minute video.


Sports Star Interviewer, CNN Female News Reporter, Meryl Streep The Giver Movie, Movie Actor 1, Stefan Oelrich, Male Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial, Joseph, Early Warning Movie 1981, News Reporter, Ed Ludlow, Ronald Reagan, CNN Reporter, Questioner in Early Warning Movie 1981<br>, Joe Biden, Biodigital Convergence Voiceover, Jason Warnke, Voice Over, Dr Anthony Fauci, Caper Advert, Frank Jensen, Chase Pipkin Freethink, Ahmed Beshry, Stephan Van Diijk, Klaus Schwab, Chris Urmson, Satya Nadella, Doconomy Project, Mayor De Blasio, Dayz of Noah, Jennifer Morgan, Fauci Interviewer, Jeff Bridges The Giver Movie, Voice Over Vax Propaganda Advert, Dr Wen (Actor), Female Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, Aurora Advert, Bill Gates, Movie Actor 2, Sports Star

Early Warning Movie 1981  01:08

Since our last meeting, we’ve made tremendous progress. And I like to say that most of the credit goes to our extremely efficient International Research and Development Committee. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication to our cause. In reviewing this year’s progress, let me say that we have been highly effective in conditioning the people’s minds to accept our solution to the world’s problems. The energy crisis here in the United States was exceptionally successful worldwide, and we expect similar success with our upcoming food shortage. Our labour leaders have made great progress by causing confusion and work stoppages in all areas of the world. Financially, the dollar is being devalued even faster than we could have hoped. Politically, the public has lost total confidence in any form of government. The threat of universal war is a daily possibility. As you know, we ourselves do not need to hold any visible office of leadership. As a matter of fact, it’s better that we do not. We control the finances, news media, food, transportation, energy, we control everything. It is important that you as world leaders keep our programme before your countrymen. With our world bank computer programme operational, we now have the capacity to control the financial affairs of every human being on Earth by giving each person his own computer number. Anytime his number is used, we would know his financial situation at once. He cannot buy or sell anything without his computer number. It will simplify our lifestyles tremendously. The end result will be a one world monetary and government system that we alone will control. Yes,

Questioner in Early Warning Movie 1981<br>  02:57

What about the people who forget their number or their cards are lost or stolen?

Early Warning Movie 1981  03:02

We’ve made provisions for that. By using this laser imprinter, we can painlessly and permanently affix the person’s number to the back of his hand or his forehead if he so desires. The numbers would be easily read by this new ultraviolet scanning equipment. For the purposes of demonstration, I’ve had such a number imprinted on myself. Once this number is imprinted, it cannot be lost nor can it be changed. Now are there any questions?

Questioner in Early Warning Movie 1981<br>  03:34

What about the individuals who refuse to have this number implantation?

Early Warning Movie 1981  03:39

We expect some minor resistance, especially from highly motivated religious groups. But eventually hunger will cause even the most zealous to conform to our programme. Gentlemen, I believe that within a year, two at the most, our One World Government will be a reality. If we continue on our present course, it is my opinion that we could present the devil himself as a world leader and the people would accept him.

CNN Reporter  04:24

Joining me now is Dr. Leana Wen she’s an emergency room physician who was working at Massachusetts General Hospital the day of the terror attack. She also works at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. So you were at Massachusetts General on Monday. What happened?

Dr Wen (Actor)  04:36

Oh, it was a horrific day. We had no idea what was coming. It was three o’clock and we heard that there were two explosions. We didn’t know where, we had no idea how many people were coming to us.

CNN Reporter  04:48

How many people came? In the women’s hospital and because of all the drills the hospitals here have been running since 9/11 you were unbelievably prepared,

Dr Wen (Actor)  04:58

Technically and medically we were ready. We had done drills, we knew what to do with each individual patient who came in. But I’ve never seen (inaudible) like this before the volume and the nature of the trauma was really chilling and really shocking.

Female Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:15

You’re having reaction, you’re gonna be fine. Hold still.

Male Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:21

Wait, what brand {inaudible) is that?

Female Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:23

I don’t know.

Male Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:25

What’s in it?

Female Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:26


Male Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:27

What medicine?

Female Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:28

I don’t know.

Male Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:31

What are the stats from Europe,

Female Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:32

You could die.

Male Actor in Vax Propaganda Commercial  05:33

What does Joe Rogan say? Call Joe.

Voice Over Vax Propaganda Advert  05:38

We don’t question the science when our life depends on it, so why question it when millions of lives depend on it? Science has our backs. Get the VAX

Fauci Interviewer  05:46

We’ve heard a lot of about herd immunity, and I’ve even heard some people say that we may not even be able to reach that. But certainly vaccine uptake is going to be a very important part of that. How do we combat vaccine hesitancy?

Dr Anthony Fauci  06:06

Well, we combat vaccine hesitancy by making sure that the message of getting the vaccine comes from a trusted messenger. You’ve got to match the message with the messenger. And when you’re trying to get to people who are not necessarily connected to all the things that you and I are connected with. Maybe getting a clergy, a sports figure, or an entertainment figure, someone they trust, to convince them to do what’s right for themselves, their family and their community.

Sports Star  06:41

First of all, you don’t get the vaccine for yourself, you get it for other people.

Sports Star Interviewer  06:44

No I’m not saying that. Hold on you said your piece, I didn’t say.

Sports Star  06:48

I got vaccinated, I can’t wait to get the booster. You don’t get vaccinated just for yourself. Like Adam said, you get vaccinated for your family first. You get vaccinated for your teammates second, things like that. That’s what bothered me about this whole thing. I think everybody should get vaccinated.

Mayor De Blasio  07:07

We did the vaccinate or test option, but it hasn’t gotten us where we need to go. So we say vaccinate. If you choose not to, you have the right to go on unpaid leave. We’re going to work with your union to figure out what happens next. But the bottom line is we’re not going to pay people unless they’re vaccinated. They’ll lose their jobs, they can correct and come back. I think that’s compassionate. I think that’s right. But the bottom line is 96% of our education employees did it. 96% of our health care workers did it. It’s time for everyone else.

Mayor De Blasio  07:39

Mmm I’m getting a very good feeling about vaccination right this moment,

Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews  07:49

I’m not going to say to someone, oh, look, just wait this out will you. We’ll just wait four or five weeks and then you’ll be able to go to the pub. No, if you make the judgement to not get vaccinated and you reckon you can wait out us or the Publican or whoever you want to think you’re waiting out, you won’t wait out the virus because the virus will be here for a long time. And your only protection against it is being vaccinated. This will be well into 2022, well and truly into 2022. Then we’re going to get into booster issues so it won’t be your first and second dose. It’ll be have you had your third and then the other issue will be well who knows what variants come in.

CNN Female News Reporter  08:25

Have you taken a test, are you going to take a test?

Dr Anthony Fauci  08:27

No. Well I’m not taking a test for the same reason I have no symptoms. I have not, I’m practising pretty good social distancing

Dr Anthony Fauci  08:35

Not everybody in the United States should take a test, I mean I have no symptoms there’s no reason for me to take [a test]

CNN Female News Reporter  08:36

But it’s hard to fully do it as we see.

Movie Actor 1  08:43

Does it matter?

Movie Actor 2  08:43

Not to me, not if I can give him life that’s worth anything anything.

Movie Actor 1  08:50

Including your own life?

Movie Actor 2  08:52

Even that? To succeed in creating life is the ultimate achievement, to hesitate. to fear, to doubt now like everything I’ve ever done pointless empty. This, this is my life.

Movie Actor 1  09:11

But to create life shouldn’t man leave that to God.

Movie Actor 2  09:16

Here on Earth man is God.

Dayz of Noah  09:28

Okay, peace peace. Thank you guys for joining we are back. We got so much to get into today’s it’s gonna be a good time. A lot to discuss. Welcome Futureshock let’s get it

Ronald Reagan  10:00

In our obsession with antagonisms at the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognise this common bound. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet I ask you is not an alien force already among us?

Voice Over  10:43

She was wrong Michael. You don’t need a pandemic for people to take the vaccine. Just need the fear of a pandemic.

Klaus Schwab  11:01

Masks are not sufficient. We need vaccines to immunise ourselves. The same is true for cyber attacks. Year two, we have to move from simple protection to immunisation. We need to build IT infrastructures that have each antibody spilled in inherently to protect themselves.

Movie Actor 1  11:27

I must have a qualified doctor to assist me. You are not a qualified doctor, I asked for a qualified doctor.

Movie Actor 2  11:34

Yes, of course.

Movie Actor 1  11:36

My work is of the utmost importance for the survival of the human race. Do you believe in evil doctor, I do not mean evil as it is commonly understood, I mean the existence of evil as a living organism, as a plague a disease which infects humanity like cholera, or typhoid, an epidemic slowly spreading until it affects the whole world. Evil is a disease a disease which can be prevented or cured, like many others. Come, I will show you. There. Now you are looking at the very essence of evil itself, the isolated bacillus of the most deadly plague of all.

Bill Gates  12:30

If you wanna wait and see if a side effect shows up two years later, that takes two years. If you wanna wait and see if a side effect shows up two years later, that takes two years, two years, two years.

Joe Biden  12:45

We meet this year in a moment of intermingled with great pain. We’ve lost so much to this devastating pandemic. the emergence of new technologies and global health and a global health threat Council toward global COVID Respond the global Covid response vaccinating the world and building back better.

Jeff Bridges The Giver Movie  13:32

Do you know what that’s like to love someone? I do. Real joy.

Meryl Streep The Giver Movie  13:42

Then you should know better than anyone. You have seen children starve. You’ve seen people stare at each other’s necks, just for the view. You know what it feels like when men blow each other up over a simple lie in the sand? And yet, you and Jonas want to open that door again [and] bring all that back.

Jeff Bridges The Giver Movie  14:14

If you could only see the possibility of love.

Meryl Streep The Giver Movie  14:17

But why?

Jeff Bridges The Giver Movie  14:18

Of love. With love comes faith comes hope.

Meryl Streep The Giver Movie  14:22

Love is just passion that can turns, it turns to contempt and murder.

Jeff Bridges The Giver Movie  14:28

We could choose better.

Meryl Streep The Giver Movie  14:32

People are weak. People are selfish. And people have the freedom to choose. They choose wrong every single time.

News Reporter  14:55

How weird is this Joseph one day you go to get a vaccine and the next you’re live on National TV.

Joseph  15:03

Very weird.

Dayz of Noah  15:09

Very, very weird. Oh and it’s only getting weirder, guys it’s only getting weirder. Well, really, what would one expect when our future is being designed by creeps? These detached A social robotic sad excuses for humans are the ones behind our technologies and our Metaverse and our great reset and our, you know, new world that’s around the corner, this new normal they call it when in fact there’s nothing normal about any of this. Do you see the language, the way they play with the language and the way they play with meaning and definitions, constantly changing definitions, mind you. Not only have they changed vaccine, forgive me algorithms. I slipped I’m gonna be slipping today. So we’re just going all the way in. Not only are they changing the definitions of vaccines three or four times and that by now I think they’ve changed many other definitions. And in fact, now they’re going to change the definition for what it means to be what is it fully juiced as it were man. Man forgive me for my absence, guys, you know, in this transition, I’ve been looking for new places to settle and I just got back from a beautiful trip to the South, a shout out to the south I’ve visited several states, man, some really, really nice areas. And we’re getting closer to figuring out where in the heck we are going to be. So I’m back now. And you know, we’re just, we’re just gonna get right into this, really. I don’t want to go too much into detail, but it was a good time. And I am going to be in the Bible Belt, eventually. Not sure if we’re going to hang out for this winter to pass through. Really not sure just yet. And it really depends on actually finding something that works. But I love the South, the South is a beautiful place red states is where it’s at, man. If your state is red, hold up your head, man. And if your state is blue, don’t feel blue. You know, because we know who’s in control and you have faith and we’ll figure these things out. Really. There’s only so much we can do. So let me see here give me one second here, I’m going to pull something up. Actually, let me just pull one of these cameras here. Okay, there we are. Alright guys, so I want to thank you all for being with me. Boy, boy, do we got a show do we got a show? We’re just gonna dive in. I’m not going to do much of the you know, the intros and all of that as far as prefacing we’re just going to jump in so first I want to start off again, a shout out to the mods man. I see A Spiritual Logic is in the house, good to see brother Hulk. Brother Ned is with us, Rob Tick, of course. Kitty Sue is in the house not a mod but shout out to Kitty Sue, always representing. Who else I saw Steven Delay, a shout out to brother Steven. And MJA is with us good to see you sis. Always good to see you guys. Man. Yeah. Has it been a, you know, we haven’t we haven’t been together for a couple of weeks now but has quite a bit happen within these couple of weeks. I mean, it’s just story after story. Controversy after controversy, we got the Baldwin you know, that whole situation. We won’t get into it. From my perspective he’s a total psyop just to get people distracted. I mean, when it happened, people were I think it was for about a week, that’s all people were talking about. Right? But during this week what else happened? They approved 5-11 for the juice, so a lot of this stuff you see in the media guys and of course this is conspiratorial. I’m really not concerned with people that want to use that that argument about conspiracy, there’s plenty of conspiracy to go around, right? It’s blatant at this point. But a lot, a lot of times they bring out these controversies and these stories that really don’t matter to any of us. People get shot every day. Right. But it just happens when, why? Well, I mean, I guess it was kind of a freak situation, if it was, if it happened the way they said it happened, you know, a prop gun and all of that. But anyways, we don’t spend time on that. But that’s just one of many things that have, you know, that has happened. And it’s just clown world. Speaking of clown world, this is just an example of the psychosis we’ve been discussing. I think a big part of this whole 20 months now has been about one thing, surely, which is mass induced psychosis. Now some of you think that’s, you know, hyperbolic, that’s a hyperbolic term to use? I don’t think so. I don’t think so. Because when we look around how people are acting, afraid to visit each other for holidays, because they don’t want to get a cold. Now, we won’t even go there just because I understand some people, oh, I’ve had it and I’ve never been so sick in my life. And you know what, people get sick. People get really bad flus. That’s just it happens. But when it’s happening during this mass psychological operation, it hits a little different, if you know what I mean. But anyways, mass psychosis and the detachment, the mind and body detachment, the aim to detach the public’s mind from their bodies.

Dayz of Noah  21:44

Once you separate this integrated interconnected interdependent system of mind body, you break an individual you break a person, you break the identity, you break the will and this is ultimately about breaking the will. Right? Mass or should we say of course mass psychosis but full spectrum dominance, but full spectrum compliance, right. Systemic codependence. The Road to Serfdom. I know it’s one of Hayek’s titles for one of his books, but it couldn’t be any more perfect as it is today for a title of the moment right, The Road to Serfdom. If you haven’t figured it out already. That’s what’s happening right now. This is exactly where things are going. The new serfdom. I call this, it’s in a sense a type of new guilded age. Right? The former robber barons and oligarchy or aristocrats are now in the shape of global oligarchs you know, World Economic Forum all of these types. It’s the same thing man it’s just informational now, it’s digital. It’s different revolution but the same spirit is behind it. So now let’s jump into let’s talk about this psychosis man. I just had to show this just to begin this is just an example of what I mean by a psychosis. Once you can get people to behave this way with such fear and detachment from reality. Well, you have them in your palm you have them in your palm so let’s check this out.

Dayz of Noah  23:40

See if it’ll play for me. Oh, come on looks like we’re getting a little. Let me refresh this here. Sorry guys. There we go. You know, you got to make sure it’s clean you never know, there might be some bit on that coffee. You can never be too safe, you know? You’ve got to make sure you know you gotta you might as well just dip the whole thing in a vat while you’re at it right.

Dayz of Noah  24:33

Sorry for the language there. It’s just I don’t know if you guys even heard that. But he used some foul language. I mean, it’s just absolutely hilarious. We got to make a little fun of some of this stuff. I understand this is really a sad time right and this is an extremely horrible moment to be in. Right but we got to laugh a little bit. We got to you know poke and prod as they poke and prod us we got to do the same back because you’ll go crazy, you know getting down about some of this stuff here, man. So, psychosis, right? This is over the top. What is it? OCD it seems to be or I guess a better term would be hypochondria, right? A type of generalised hypochondria, anxiety and an increase in neuroticism. So imagine all the neurotics out there, imagine how they’re behaving today. Just imagine, just crazy. Crazy. So we’re going to be discussing the metaverse today. One thing we will be touching on that will be the second segment. But we’re going to start off with the big COP26, I believe, the big cope. The big technocratic cope, and their whole climate change thing. Isn’t it interesting? Isn’t it interesting how all of a sudden, things have just took a new course almost. It’s like now everything is about climate change again. I mean, for me, it’s like we’re right back to 2018. I remember 2018 was the year of, well, 17, I think 17 was probably maybe even more significant. But climate change was the big deal. Right? The big deal. And we’re right back there. And again, we’ve been talking about these things for years now. The umbrella is climate change, right? This is their environmental movement. This gives them the opportunity to reshape the environment. Now, of course, there’s the public health movement that’s focused on biology through virology, but also focusing on the bodies of people, the body politic, the populations, the masses, as it were. So they come, they work together, right, though, I would say the public health issue is under the umbrella of climate change, they kind of go back and forth, just like you’ll see them go back and forth between police shootings and police brutality stories, and gender issue stories, right, between, you know, the sexes. So I mean, it’s, we’re right back, we’re right back there, but we’re getting hit from both angles. Now. It’s like, though the vid has slowed down quite a bit. If you think about it, it’s slowed down quite a bit. And as it slows down, they pick up the climate, rhetoric. So what’s interesting about this also is why has, why is it that things have slowed down a little bit? Not everywhere, some places are still surging in cases. But interestingly, a lot of these locations are seriously juiced up. High juice rates, high juice rates, right. So I think the reason they’re lowering, or at least not, you know, playing on the rhetoric and playing on the fear propaganda as much is because most places today are really inoculated, man. So if you keep promoting that the cases are rising, then that would only mean that the juice ain’t working. And the juice is definitely loose, it couldn’t be any more loose. I mean, it depends on where you’re at. I’m gonna tell you in the south is a whole different story, man. It’s like 2016 all over again. You know, no mandates. You know, I didn’t even have to think about putting anything on my face anywhere I went. It was just glorious. It was I loved it. Anyhow, I’m getting off track here. It is good to be back. So let’s, let’s see, you know, we’ll keep moving. Let’s keep moving here. We got a lot to discuss a whole lot to discuss here. So let’s just jump into this. Now, we’re going to start off with before we get into the whole climate thing, I really want to show you guys this clip. Because this, this clip right here amongst many others that I’ve shown you guys is a nail in the coffin. This clip right here, I mean, for anyone who’s actually paying attention, It’s going to tell you exactly what’s been going on here. This has all been about presenting the right problem to roll out the solution which is the fourth industrial revolution through the digitization of all things, I call it the internet of all things. Right, the Internet of all things. In order for us to get here they have to include the people. Why? Biodigital convergence. I’ll be showing you something on that in a second here, too. They have to get people involved, because they need us to connect. How did they do that? They did that through public health. We’ve discussed this, I don’t want to repeat too much. So let me show you this clip. And your mouth might drop a little bit. And it might not. You might be like, yeah I’m not surprised at all.

Dayz of Noah  30:23

But this right here, this was at the World Health Summit. I think it was last week. Okay, this is fresh off the press man, fresh off the press. And this is Steven Oelrich, executive of Bayer. And we understand Bayer and Monsanto have merged. So this is the merging of Big Pharma and big food, right big GMO food, mind you, big poisonous chemical based food, right? Check this out. Very, very interesting here. This will set the tone as we move forward with the show today.

Stefan Oelrich  31:05

We’ve heard a lot about innovation tonight. System making use of the current momentum to tackle issues beyond COVID-19. We’ve seen the vaccines as the perfect example during this crisis, but innovations in the field of biotech, also radically up end our view on many other diseases, especially NCDs, we can now think of curing many of those disease, not just treating symptoms.

Dayz of Noah  31:44

This is important here. Important here. I know you guys don’t like when I pause and talk, but I have to do this. He said cure disease. Now remember, I showed you guys, I think it was, what was that magazine Scientific, goodness, I can’t remember the magazine, one of these science magazines. And it said [in] the future we aim to cure everything, cure all diseases, through genetics, right through genomics. Should I say? Right? So he doesn’t say it here, of course, but we understand this is CRISPR technology. I’ve showed you plenty of that before as well, and I’ll be showing you more as this rolls out, because everything I’ve been showing you guys for years now is being rolled out this year, in fact. It’s amazing how everything we’ve been putting together for almost six years now on this channel is coming to fruition rolling out this year, and into 2022. You saw Dan Andrews of I believe, I believe of Wales, I think, and he was saying like, oh, you know, it’s really gonna be about boosters. And it’s not going to be about your first booster it’s going to be about have you had your third I mean, these they’re not playing around, it’s because they understand the future is rooted in genetic therapeutics, ongoing, ongoing, compulsory injections, right? So they have to trick you into feeling sick. They have to make you think that you’re sick, right? So I’m sorry, guys, I’m just a little excited to be back. Let me just shut my mouth here and play this clip so you guys can hear what this man has to say here. Again, this is Stephen Oelrich of Bayer, Bayer executive.

Stefan Oelrich  33:41

As we think forward innovation, and we tend to forget that especially in the rich countries, is also sustainability at a totally different level. Because those that take the leap to drive innovation in a really meaningful way and invest and take the risk to invest in R&D will also attain sustainability by creating job security and creating prosperity for those that take the investment. I think this is really important also for for these latitudes here. And for us, therefore, we’re really taking that leap us as a company Bayer in cell and gene therapy, which to me is one of these examples where really we’re going to make a difference hopefully, moving forward. Ultimately the

Dayz of Noah  34:34

Yes, absolutely. You are correct MJA that’s Victoria. I get these guys mixed up. Sorry about that.

Stefan Oelrich  34:42

The mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say if we had surveyed two years ago, in the public, would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy?

Dayz of Noah  34:55

Let’s run this back I’m sorry, listen to this

Stefan Oelrich  34:58

In the Ukraine for example. We also need to focus on what is socially responsible outside of Europe and ensure sustainable action there. We pledged this past year to give an additional 100 million women access to contraception in the world. We’ve invested 400 million this year into new plants that are dedicated to just produce long acting contraceptives for women in low and middle income countries.

Dayz of Noah  35:32


Stefan Oelrich  35:33

And we had Bill Gates this week in Berlin, I’m sure many of you have met him this week. Together with him and Melinda Gates. We’re working very closely on family planning initiatives as an example for that.

Dayz of Noah  35:54

Oh, Bill and Melinda Gates, of course, but what are they working on, guys? What have we been discussing? Planning, planned economy, family planning, oh, they sure know a lot about being a family, don’t they? They sure know a lot about being parents, don’t they?

Stefan Oelrich  36:14

One of my preferred projects, and we’re a leader in heart health as a company, and we’ve been invested in this for a long time, and I hope, one of the anticoagulants that you had to take maybe came from us. So he raises his thumb, so glad to help you out there Bill. And today, I must say for the first time I. Donating medicines or sustainability by creating job security and creating prosperity for those that take the investment, I think this is really important also for these latitudes here. And for us, therefore, we’re really taking that leap us as a company Bayer, in cell and gene therapy, which to me is one of these examples where really we’re going to make a difference, hopefully, moving forward. There’s some ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago, in the public, would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body, we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate. I think this pandemic has also opened many people’s eyes to innovation in the way that was maybe not possible before.

Dayz of Noah  37:37

Well, well, well. Did you guys hear that? He said it. Yes, Prisoner of Hope, he said it. See, this is what the research is about digging, and finding these little nuggets, nuggets of truth. Straight out of the horse’s mouth, man. This has been the process the whole time. I don’t need Stefan to tell me this, right. But sometimes I need Stefan to convince some of the naysayers out there now. They might say oh, well, you’re you’re taking that out of context. You’re reading into his point, you’re assuming things you’re assuming motive. I get it. I get it. He said it guys. He said let’s run this back.

Stefan Oelrich  38:29

Examples where really we’re going to make a difference, hopefully, moving forward. There’s some, ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago, in the public, would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body, we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate I think this pandemic has also opened many people’s eyes to innovation in a way that was maybe not possible before.

Dayz of Noah  39:05

I don’t have to even play anymore of that because you know you guys get it and it’s juicy. What is that sound? This is an hour and 53 minutes here it’s juicy, it’s juicy, juicy. Let me actually put it in the chat for you guys if you just want to watch this garbage. And I understand it’s hard to listen to these types, it makes you want to throw up in your mouth a little bit, I get it. But some of you guys like to do the research as well. Now, I’m going to tell you when I do these shows. I don’t get to even half of my references and sources here. But I have about easy 60 different articles and things to show, right. So it’s hard for me to post all of these on the videos and so forth. If you’re really interested in these specific articles, etc. Just reach out to me because it’s a lot of work to do that extra step. I just hope you guys understand that. But I am going to try my best to work on that right and to be a little more thorough in that regard. But let’s keep moving, let’s just keep on moving.

Dayz of Noah  40:22

So, okay, check this now. So I had to preface it with that. All right, that’s, that’s the smoking gun period. That’s a smoking gun. Like I just don’t know what else to say. That is a smoking gun. And let’s get, now we’re going to get into COP26 because it’s a big cope. That’s all this it;s a big cope. Um, let’s do this now. Now I want to talk about what all this COP26, the new climate change agenda. All of these recent talks regarding the climate, it truly is just the World Economic Forum and others, right, we don’t want to make it seem as if it’s these are the big bad guys and no one else is involved. They’re just the ones that are out in the open, right that we can actually point at. We understand there’s a lot of things going on behind the shadows, and behind the scenes that we’re not aware of, right, we understand the spiritual battle at the end of the day, and who’s really behind all of this. Just have to qualify some of this stuff. But let’s talk about 2030 Agenda 2030 Agenda 21, which the great reset truly is, right? The great reset, build back better all of their different terms and all of their ideas, it all goes back to agenda 21. It all goes back to the work of the Club of Rome, right? It all goes back to even the League of Nations under Wilson, right? This stuff goes way back. I mean, this stuff goes back to Theodore Roosevelt, and his initial conservationist movements. And of course, we understand his whole work in Africa, etc. This stuff goes back guys. And then we could go even further back to Malthus, who might have been the brainchild of all of this depopulation talk. Now, I’m going to tell you guys, we are, goodness are you guys hearing that? What is that? clicking sounds, we are under replacement rates right now. We are depopulating by nature right now. And if you do a little research, I did a whole show on this on the old Nightline show in 2018, or 19, I think it  was 2018, we did a whole show on the work of John Calhoun, and the Rat City. And the beautiful ones, for those that are familiar with the Rat City Project. And what’s interesting, and again, it’s mice or rats, right? It’s not humans, but it gives you a perspective on how God has created things such that they organically, they organically make up or imbalance. So he overpopulated this mock city he made with rats and the rats started or should I say they stopped reproducing. And this whole new sub subgroup of the rats developed and he called them the beautiful ones, and they would just kind of like hang out together, they wouldn’t reproduce and they would just, you know, groom each other. Interesting, kind of like the narcissistic culture you see on Instagram today where no one’s really making babies anymore. They’re just kind of, you know, pleasuring themselves to virtual imagery, you know, if we want to be clean about it. So I truly believe, not just based on that study, that’s just an example of this idea. But I truly believe God has created humanity such that we don’t ever have to worry about overpopulation it’s almost as if he’s designed into us genetically this type of this abstraction, this metaphysical understanding of when to stop when to start, you know, interesting stuff, we could talk about that another time maybe if you guys are interested in that kind of stuff, but you know, it just blows my mind that they really think we’re overpopulated. Now some countries might be India China, yeah, okay, we won’t be discussing those areas. But as far as the West is concerned, we are depopulating and let’s not even talk about Japan. Oh, it’s scary when you look at the numbers. Certain groups might not be here in not too long under their, you know, their own volition Yeah, man. Yeah, man, a limit switch. I like that J Slower show, yeah, I like that. Exactly. See, they’re trying to replace biology with technology. They’re trying to perfect biology. In fact, they’re trying to, Baudrillard has a good concept on this, they’re trying to perfect natural selection to artificial selection. Right? It’s really, really interesting. And ultimately it will fail. Nature always wins. Because nature is under the Most High. It’s the most High’s creation. You can’t outdo nature with your fancy technology, in fact, you will only stumble and fall.

Dayz of Noah  45:37

So let’s get into this smart city, we’re going to get into the climate change thing. Smart cities, and the deconomy. Now, we’ll talk about the deconomy at the end of this first segment, that has to do with digital digital currency and carbon tracking through digital currency. We’ll talk about that at the end of this first segment. But I’m going to begin this segment with a clip from the deconomy project. But it more so focuses on just the climate change initiatives. And I just want to show you this to give you an understanding of what their whole philosophy is rooted in.

Doconomy Project  46:24

We have to cut carbon emissions in half by the year 2030. And with over 60% of an individual’s carbon footprint being linked to consumption, we have to start understanding

Dayz of Noah  46:36

Okay, the reason I’m showing you guys this is because this rhetoric, you’re hearing. this, these are the arguments that ground everything we’re seeing today, all the push for climate initiatives, climate change, projects, etc. This is the rhetoric here. So I have to show you guys these clips here so you get an understanding of truly what’s going on. Now, some of you might might be well aware of these things. I totally understand that, especially those that have been following this channel for a while. But there’s a lot of new people here too. So let’s watch

Doconomy Project  47:13

Ending the impact of consumption on our planet, and start choosing lower impact products. It’s one of the most important decisions we as individuals can make each day. But for that we need brands to carbon label their products. Unfortunately, it’s really hard and expensive for them to calculate their products carbon footprint. This is especially

Dayz of Noah  47:39

Oh, yes. Who is that? Who said that? Jonathan Dempsey took the words out of my mouth. I was gonna mention that later regarding Gates, Yes. Actually, the biggest C02 pollution I believe, from what I’ve read and this might be incorrect. But I’ll have to double check, but I believe the most comes from our breath. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is why when you look at Gates, his whole argument he had on that one show where he’s putting up all the different carbon emissions, and we were part of it, wiping out part of the population also wipes out some of the carbon emissions. So that’s something to think about there guys. Something to think about just like the cow farts, they want to get rid of the meat. Our breath is a threat to their movement. Don’t forget that. Thank you for mentioning that.

Doconomy Project  48:36

Really worrisome. Since small and medium sized brands that want to be transparent about the impact of their products simply lack the resources to do so. Doconomy is a Swedish impact tech that provides digital services to help consumers reduce the footprint generated by their consumption. With this in mind Doconomy launched the 2030 calculator, a tool allowing any brand to calculate the carbon footprint of their product. It cuts down on the time spent calculating from weeks to minutes and the cost from 1000s of dollars to no cost at all. The 2030 calculator is an open platform where each brand that

Dayz of Noah  49:23

Remember we discussed the circular economy all of this relies on a circular economy okay. All of this relies on a type of circular economy. Look at this image here. This is a perfect example of how they want to, through the Internet of Things, by embedding sensors in every product eventually in your body, okay, but firstly, Internet of Things prior to Internet of Bodies, Internet of Things like you see this chair here. And look at this, little these different forms of data here. Materials, packaging, energy, transportation, they want to be able to literally measure all production in this fashion. This is, it’s not only I would argue impossible on a global scale, maybe in a small little town you could pull something like this off maybe in a city, Sweden, Germany, parts of Germany, Denmark, of course, Victoria, parts of Canada will be the first areas to fulfil some of this. It’s already happening. I’ll show you something in a minute here. But this is what they want. It’s like, it sounds very, like it’s fantastical, right? It’s like, come on. In the perfect world. In the perfect utopia. It just sounds like something out of a movie is really my point. It’s just kind of crazy. When you think you could pull this off. Do you know how many people are going to have to lose out or at least give up things and be displaced and have their whole world turned upside down to bring in some type of global circular economy system like this? Come on, guys.

Doconomy Project  51:10

Brand that performs the calculation contributes their own emission data, enabling competitors to use the same data and methodology to calculate their products carbon footprint. The launch generated global attention from brands, media and academia, driving the necessary understanding and prioritising to accelerate brands ability to carbon label their products. And as a result, more brands have started calculating their products carbon footprints, making sure consumers understand the true cost of consumption.

Dayz of Noah  51:47

Can you believe it? The true cost of consumption? What about the production? You guys make this stuff? You socially engineer society such that we want this stuff? And you sell us the stuff and we consume this stuff? Where does the process begin? Does it begin with us? I think not. You see how easy how this works? Its our fault, right? Humans are the problem. We’re the problem. Now you saw this here they want to, they want companies to mark their carbon footprint for products, right? Internet through the Internet of Things. What’s next? They want us, you and I every individual to quantify our carbon footprint. How do you think they are going to not only scale that, how do you think they’re going to run that system? Through the internet of bodies by way of a digital ID. All of this is about digital ID. We’ve been talking about that. But anyhow, so that gives you an idea of what all of this stuff is about this whole COP26. Where’s all this stuff going right.

Dayz of Noah  53:07

Now let’s talk about Copenhagen. The world’s most sustainable city. I’ve been to Copenhagen beautiful, beautiful city. Awesome city I had a great time. It was years ago. So of course, you know, it’s probably totally different now. Had a great time out there, man. But actually I went live there for those that have been around a long time. See if you guys remember that live stream. I live streamed off my phone. Yes, it was back in 2017. Oh man it was good times. Anyhow. Yeah. So Copenhagen, right? What do we got? The Netherlands? Scandinavia? Why is it that they’ve been absent through all of this for the most part. You hear endless stories about Sweden? Well, my argument is that the Netherlands, Scandinavia, great places, great people. But they already have the proper infrastructure. They have the digital infrastructure for the smart cities for everything. They have the build back better, the great reset, they have the culture. People out there don’t think twice about digital identification. They don’t think twice about using smart technology and QR codes checking in. They don’t think twice about any of that stuff. The culture is there and if you’re paying attention, we’ve talked about this at length. It’s always about the culture. We got the tech, we got remember we got the tools, we just have to finish the job. They have to convince you. How do they convince the public? Through culture, culture creation, social engineering. That’s what is happening right now in America, that is why they are trying to bend us over backwards and twist our arms because we have culture here that doesn’t go for this type of stuff, right? The same can’t be said for other areas, as beautiful and awesome as the Netherlands are and all of those countries, unfortunately, they are already set up for this entire system. That’s why they’re on the good list. Right? Because they’re already ready. And the people there will accept it, unbeknownst to them what this is truly about, right? So we just have to be clearly honest about this. This is why you don’t hear about those countries in all of the news and why you’re not hearing massive cases in there, and why the pandemic has almost been non existent in those areas, because they’re already set up for the new normal. Just ideas. You know, I considered moving out there just because it’s just so peaceful and it’s just the food. I mean, it’s just such a great area, man, but those countries are very interesting. The people, the culture, it’s very inter, I mean you could say that about all countries and it would be true. But I’m somewhat familiar with it. So. But unfortunately, those will be the smart countries soon enough sooner than later. And I don’t know, I don’t know. I hope I’m wrong, right? It’s like I don’t want to be right about these things. It’s just, you pay attention. And you look at who’s behind this stuff. And when you find out who are the most sustainable cities. Remember, sustainability is the key word here. Sustainability today is the sensibility of Marcuse that Marcuse would discuss in the essay on liberation that we’ve discussed at length as well. We need to create a new sensibility, that’s sustainability, that’s the new cultural norm they’re trying to push on everybody. This cultural norm, this sensibility of sustainability is standardised in these European locations, hence the new normal. So let’s check this out here.

Chase Pipkin Freethink  57:24

The world are bursting with people. Cities all over the world are bursting with people. More than half of us live in cities now. And by 2050, that number jumps to nearly 70%. That’s a lot of people. So how do we grow cities sustainably. And with the climate crisis, figuring out how we do that is more important than ever before, but there’s one city that may be doing it better than any other place on earth.

Frank Jensen  57:47

We want to become the first carbon neutral capital city by 2025.

Chase Pipkin Freethink  57:53

So we packed up our gear and headed here to Copenhagen, Denmark to find out how. It’s not surprising to learn that two thirds of the world’s carbon emissions come from cities. That number is getting worse as more of us move into cities, which means a higher demand on infrastructure and resources. So Copenhagen is on a mission to cancel out all of their carbon emissions.

Frank Jensen  58:16

My name is Frank Jensen. I’m the local mayor of Copenhagen. When I became mayor, we started this process, we decided that we would want to become the first carbon neutral capital city by 2025.

Chase Pipkin Freethink  58:27

What does carbon neutrality actually mean? For a city it’s creating more renewable energy than the dirty energy it uses. It’s all about achieving a net zero. And their plan is focusing on mobility, pollution and energy.

Frank Jensen  58:40

We have introduced a lot of new solutions in Copenhagen. Our bicycle infrastructure is world famous. Because today 62% of the Copenhagener’s use the bike for daily transportation.

Chase Pipkin Freethink  58:50

everyone in Copenhagen bikes, and I mean, everyone, so the city is leading into that. In the last 10 years it has invested nearly $300 million to improve biking infrastructure, all that money is paid off. There are more than five times the amount of bikes than cars in the city that goes a long way when cutting down on carbon emissions. But the effort doesn’t stop there. Copenhagen has totally transformed their waterways too.  Only a few decades ago, the Harbour was contaminated with industrial waste, oil spills, even dead fish.

Frank Jensen  59:17

When I moved to Copenhagen back in 1987, this harbour  was so polluted, you could never dream to have a swim in this harbour. But today you can swim, we have a harbour bath where people can have a swim with their kids after school, after job.

Chase Pipkin Freethink  59:30

Though Copenhagen has made huge strides with their mobility and pollution efforts, by far their biggest focus is on energy use. It makes up about 80% of their carbon neutral plan. To cut down on their consumption Copenhagen uses one of the world’s largest and most successful district heating systems. It works by using a network of pipes to capture leftover heat from electricity production, then delivers that heat to homes across the city.

Frank Jensen  59:53

99% of all households in Copenhagen are linked to our very efficient district heating system. We have also introduced district cooling, where we take the cold out of the water in the harbour and distribute cold in the pipes beside these reheating pipes, so you can reduce temperature in buildings, in server rooms, in factories. We can reduce electricity use for cooling down buildings to 70%.

Chase Pipkin Freethink  1:00:17

To come up with these kinds of sustainable solutions, Copenhagen collaborates with partners across the city, like Copenhagen solutions lab, an incubator for Smart City initiatives.

Dayz of Noah  1:00:27

So I just wanted to give you guys an example of what a sustainable city truly is. And I’m going to tell you, man, some of this stuff sounds great. It sounds very, you know, clever and smart. You know, just the way they they put this whole thing together. But but but what is the big but, the big but the big butt is well this eventually will be digitally centralised, right through a type of smart city grid. Now, though all of these things sound great, shortly they will be creating something called a 15 minute or 20 minute city and they might already have some of these there. And in order to live in these cities, in order to actually operate in these cities, you’re going to have to be of course connected, right, but there will be qualifications, and we’ve talked about this. Mainly, the easiest qualification will be your status, right? Your injection status. We’re just breaking the surface on this, but I just want to show you guys that smart cities are real. Now entire countries and massive metropolitan areas and cities are coming together to create smart these these types of smart cities, and we’re seeing the first areas this is happening is in Scandinavia, but also Singapore. Singapore’s another one. And I have a whole clip about that here. But gosh, we’re really running out of time and I have just tonnes of stuff here. So maybe it’s not as important to show you guys those clips. Just to give you an idea. I wanted to show you that. One of the keys is Denmark for sure and Sweden as well.

Dayz of Noah  1:02:30

Now, how are they doing this? First off, this is about the future. Okay. This is all about utilising the youth. Okay. And what you will see is endless propaganda spread all over the place, showing children, teenagers promoting all of this climate stuff. This is also a big part of the metaverse. You and me, say if you’re over 30, or those of us that are in our 40s 50s 60s this Metaverse thing sounds crazy. It sounds like something for, you know, people that got issues, to put it lightly. You know, people who want to live in some virtual world like it’s Lawnmower Man or something. It’s weird, it’s beyond weird. But it’s not for us. That’s the thing. It’s for those 12 and under right now. Now, this might not make sense to a lot of people. Why are they pushing it now? Well, you’ve gotta start early. And you’ve got to start socially conditioning children at birth, even. Right. So really, this is for the kids. That’s why everything’s about the youth. That’s why all you see is all these teenagers. And the worst part about it is, and I have to be honest here no disrespect, but you don’t listen, you don’t take the wisdom of a teenager. Okay considering where humanity needs to go. Right? And why is that? Life experience? These young people have very little life experience. Not only that, they’re impressionable. Right? They lack wisdom, clearly, right, of course, a child is going to lack wisdom. The problem is a lot of these young people are being moved by individuals. They’re following leaders, they’re following organisers. They’re not, they’re not moving from a type of internal understanding of how things work based on years and years of understanding research and life experiences. So when you take that into consideration, I mean, we have to realise that you know what, this is crazy. Why are we listening to these young kids? It’s all emotional. It’s like, oh, the environment we have to get together and if not we’re gonna, the world’s gonna end. Nah, man. No, it’s not true. None of that is true. That’s not how any of this works. But unfortunately, children and young people are very, they’re inspiring they’re motivating, you know, and people. Rightly so, you know, when you address young people, you’re always sensitive to them, you know, you’re always well, you should be more understanding. And the problem is you can’t let children lead. And I think a good example of this is something like The Simpsons, right? All these shows that have always shown the young, the children smarter than the parents and all of this. It’s all coming to fruition. And I think about like Margaret Meads work, she was big on this. She was big on this, this whole idea of listening to the youth, the younger generations are, we’re gonna learn from the younger generations, they know better, and we get that today with the tech, well the young people know tech better. They may, but that doesn’t mean they’re wise. Just because they have more knowledge, more information, shouldn’t replace the fact that they lack wisdom. You can read all the books you want. You could be you know, have all the information you could possibly handle. If you don’t have wisdom, you have nothing. Right. And I would make the same argument for God. If you don’t have God, you don’t have wisdom. Anyhow, so we’re seeing this right. So I wanted to show you guys that. So the whole Greta thing, but it goes deeper. You know, you have these big movements now of all these young people. And it’s manipulative. It’s truly truly manipulative. Now check this out. This is the concept of the 15 minutes city. This is the future they’re planning for the smart cities. This is why they’re trying to move away from single family homes. This is why they’re trying to move away from traditional forms of American lifestyles, American Living and American Housing. Right? The traditional, you know, 2500 square foot four bedroom, two to three, maybe four or five acres of land, mind you there’s plenty of space for that still to this day, in this country, plenty of space. They’re moving away. They’re moving away from that whole process and they want to bring in this this new smart stuff, right? 15 minutes city nurturing communities for smarter cities. So this is truly where they aim to go. What is a 15 minute city? A 15 minute city is an urban planning strategy. Again, planning, communistic planning, right? This is fascist This is techno fascism. They want to plan everything from family planning. We saw that with Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, family planning, urban planning, planning how you live, planning your community, right? Planned economies, right? We’ll see that through Doconomy that I’ll show you eventually here in the new digital programmable currency.

Dayz of Noah  1:07:55

Programmable. So you guys think this crypto stuff is cool. You know, I know all the young kids are into it. I’m not anti any of, I’m not really anti anything, I’m just trying to understand how things work. There’s pros and cons. But if you think this is going to be some type of anarch, what is it anarcho capitalism, if you think this is going to be some new movement where everyone’s gonna be able to, you know, take advantage of crypto, you got another thing coming, man, they’re gonna control that as well. And the problem is, they’re already doing it, they’re already coming out with things like programmable currency, where your currency will only be able to do certain things. It’s not like you get $1 and, or $100 and you could spend that on anything. Now, currencies will be programmable, whereby there will be different types of coins, there will be different types of currencies, right? And you might have this type of coin and you only can purchase these types of things with it, it’s called programmable money. We’ll eventually get into that. Bitcoin I’m sorry, guys, and I hope I’m wrong about this. But Bitcoin was the bait. Bitcoin was the bait to get everybody into this digital currency system that is going to be connected to blockchain, of course, but more importantly, your digital identification. Now, will there be a black market, an underground market where this stuff can work? Hey, that’s a possibility. I’m hoping that happens to be the case that way we’ll be able to survive, but it’s going to be a lot more difficult than people think, and I think we just have to be prepared for that is all I’m saying. Let’s just prepare for the five D chess. Let’s prepare for the double cross. Right? Let’s not get so excited about things that we think are going to help us, wise as serpents gentle as doves, right?

Dayz of Noah  1:09:52

We have to think these ways anyhow. In short, the strategy focuses on meeting the needs of citizens by giving residents access to everything they could need within a 15 minute radius of their home, workplaces, schools, healthcare, shops, restaurants, leisure facilities, and parks should be accessible to all members of a community all within a 15 minute walkable distance. If this is the future for cities, it makes sense why they want to get rid of travel, doesn’t it? They don’t want you going anywhere within or outside of 15 minutes. This is called a crowling. This is called slavery. This is called, what do they call I have this one paper? What is the term they used? Actually, let me find that. Yeah, here it is. Captured cities. Yeah, that’s more like it. Let’s read this. In practice, the smart city is, in practice, a smart city is very different from the vision. It is better understood as the captured city. As a model for urban governance, the captured city takes the capabilities offered by smart systems and puts them to work in surveillance and control. That’s the important thing. This was what I was trying to get at regarding Scandinavian and these areas. It’s really about surveillance and control, because in order to operate in these smart cities in these sustainable cities, there is omnipresence this omnipotence of connectivity, digital connectivity, everything is being monitored, everything is being measured at all times in real time. Even your biometrics, okay, this is not a good thing. Now, this may be good for the environment, right, utilising electricity, right, instead of all of these other types of fuels, right, instead of getting a lot of sources from from nature, right? Kind of trading all of that for this new type of centralised digital electric system that might be good for the environment, right. It might be in theory, but is it good for you and I? What does that do to our freedom? What does that do to our privacy? It destroys it. Often, this includes importing tools and ideas from military intelligence, this is all military. All of these types of technologies come directly out of DARPA, at least the application, right, DARPA, Palantir, Pentagon, etc. Often, this includes importing tools and ideas from military intelligence into police departments and extending method of colonial control such as welfare restrictions in Aboriginal communities, to the population at large. The city and its inhabitants are thus captured both by surveillance that collects data and by authorities who control territory. Geo fencing is this concept of controlling territory, geo fencing is through GPS systems truncating or limiting access based on a grid. So say you have a digital currency, this all is coming I’m telling you right now, you buy into this, these are going to be the consequences. These are going to be the standard protocols here. Geo fencing is one of them, you’re given a digital ID, you have your digital currencies that you could spend, you have all your different programmable currencies, different coins. I could use these coins to do laundry, I could do these coins for food, and these coins I could get gadgets. But [with] geo fencing, say your social credits kind of low, right, say you’re not in good terms, basically, geo fencing will limit where your currency works. If you go outside of this fence, say they create a diameter within a certain location area. Once you step outside of that digital fence, your currency doesn’t work anymore. It shuts you out. This is all very easy to do already. Geo fencing it’s a real thing. Access Denied Robert Wagner, there it is.

Dayz of Noah  1:14:18

We’re being played into this. They’re playing us and just nudging us along all under the guise of environmentalism saving the planet, right? Rhetoric all pure rhetoric and nonsense. What happens to the captured city then will be shaped by the context in which the smart urban systems are deployed. So this was a pretty interesting article here that really kind of breaks down this, but we got to fly through some of this man gosh, I just got so much I want to show you guys, So yeah, we got the smart the 15 minutes city. Why is a 15 minutes city important? Let me see make sure I’m on track here. All right. Youth sentiment. Sustainable cities. Okay, health benefits, financial benefits, community benefits. Oh, it’s just perfect it’s everything you want in the city? Did you ask for any of this? Did we sign up for any of this? When do we vote on this stuff?

Dayz of Noah  1:15:26

The 15 minutes city is full of possibilities. Aside from obvious advantage of being able to enjoy all aspects of life within a short walk from home, there are plenty of other benefits. You know, it does sound kind of convenient, right, but they don’t tell you that well, you won’t be able to go anywhere else where it will be very difficult or extremely expensive to do anything outside of your 15 minute city. Yeah, well we’ll go more into that eventually, when it’s more present. Right now all of these things are slowly being developed. Want to reduce your carbon footprint. Build a smaller house with no basement. What almost defines the traditional American home? Big with a basement? Okay. This is a pure attack on Americanism. Now some will say, oh, well, Americans do too much. I’ll be doing too much. I want too much. You guys are greedy. Some of those arguments I think are legitimate. But if we got the space, right, if we have the land, why not? If our culture and traditions are rooted in this type of lifestyle, why not? If this can be done sustainably? And it can? Why not? We’re not going to Japan saying we don’t like how you guys live. Look at your tiny little homes, you know, you guys shouldn’t live that way. They’re gonna look at you like, why we’ve been doing this. It’s fine with us. You know? It’s just ridiculous, man. Anyhow, let’s see here. What do we have? What do you have next here? Now we have more COP26, this is the infamous, what’s this, Jennifer Morgan she’s all over the place, you know, big and all of this. I’m gonna show you another clip of the COP26. What needs to be, it needs to be a turning point in the climate change fight says Green Peace. So this is just more rhetoric just to give you guys a little more understanding of really what their whole philosophy and push is about here. Jennifer Morgan says the public is demanding action like never before.

Jennifer Morgan  1:17:56

Scientists back in the 1960s when Lyndon B Johnson got the first Science Report on his desk, we would be in a different situation. What has changed is the impacts themselves are happening. And we are seeing them ravaging people’s homes all around the world and I think what developed countries have experienced recently in the US in Germany is what developing countries have felt for some time. You know, you just see this immense you know, storms that come down wipe away homes, you see forests going up in flames around the world. So what we we’re seeing as far away problem is now here and now it is me it is my kids. And I think that that panic that anxiety is much more tangible than it was and you can’t ignore it, you just can’t ignore it anymore.

Jennifer Morgan  1:19:13

There is a plethora of net zero pledges being made by companies around the world, and many of them particularly those from the fossil fuel industry are pure greenwash, they’re depending on offsets that would allow them to plant trees and continue business as usual. And so Glasscobol needs to both surface those and put in an accountability mechanism to get those to be much more in line with the science. We have all of the policy solutions we need. That’s not the issue anymore. We have the technology to move things quickly. But what is lacking is the courage to stand up to those interests that want to keep things going the same.

Dayz of Noah  1:19:59

The culture, that’s what she’s saying. In other words, what’s lacking is the culture. We need all of you plebs to jump on board with this movement, and fulfil our plans. That’s really what it is, it ain’t about us, it ain’t even about the environment, it’s about their goals, to create this digital grid of a world and turn humans into machines, that’s truly what it is and make new types of humans through genomics.

Dayz of Noah  1:20:32

That’s pretty much it there. So basically, this is what we’re dealing with here really is this whole net zero thing, and you know, I’m not some scientist that is well versed in this stuff so I don’t know the whole carbon thing. I’m going to tell you and I could be wrong, but I would not be surprised if this whole carbon thing was just as much BS as this whole COVID thing. Just ideas, don’t you know, don’t shoot the messenger. We’re just constantly being played, right? So what’s new? Can’t believe any of this crap any of these people are saying, man. So that’s the sustainability jargon. Here’s an example of the 3d printed homes. This is what they want for the future. And this is in Africa. They just can never leave Africa alone. Right? This is what they got going on in Africa. And they plan on putting this all over the world, man, I mean, at least in the major areas, right? So check this out, man. This is it, man. 70%. So they build these little homes, they’re these tiny little homes. Then yeah, maybe they are good for the environment or better for the environment. I’m not saying that’s not the case. But they fail to describe what happens to the human experience. Right, they fail to describe the qualifications required for access to some of these types of forms of living. There it is in the Netherlands leading the charge on this 3d printed homes. It sounds cool. It sounds affordable, right? It sounds like, hey man, we could do this, you know. But there’s always, there’s always the fine print, guys. There’s always that fine print. Accelerating Youth Climate Action with global shapers. I want you guys to see this here. We’re just going to look at the aesthetic of this. Just look at the aesthetic. These are the youth talking about the future, right? Let’s look at the aesthetic here. No disrespect to anybody. All right. But these are the young people shaping the global future. It’s pretty diverse, isn’t it? It’s pretty darn diverse, so diverse, that I can’t think of how any of these people could agree on something. Unless they’re following a script. Right? It’s pretty disturbing. I don’t mean anybody any disrespect, but there’s not an American person here. And you know, I’m just putting it out there. I’m just putting it out there. These are the people leading the future. Now the problem is, it’s not to be some like, you know, American elitism or anything, but what I’m saying is, American western culture is about individualism. It’s about private property. It’s not about communistic, collectivism, and what you’ll see in these talks with these people that they’re using, these are all people coming from collectivist, communistic, cultures, that will comply to communitarianism. Okay. I got a problem with it. Got a big problem with it, no disrespect. But I’m sorry, y’all are’nt going to tell me how I need to live my life. Right. And I don’t believe you guys are qualified to be shaping the future of human existence and civilization. They have to destroy Americanism Dank Bud, yes, that’s the goal. That’s the goal. Now again, this isn’t some some patriotic, you know, screed, okay, I’m just being real. They have to destroy individualism and Americana almost defines that, at least it did at one point, right? Yes, they sure are not Americans, and they sure are not Christian. And I’m not saying everybody has to be American Christian, but what I am saying if an American Christian is not on a board of the discussion it’s not a discussion. Someone has to be representing us. And the funny thing is the interesting thing is, you just see our representation vanished. Vanished. Wonder why that is? Now, we’re getting into the next phase. Where is this leading? Well, we went into we did the smart cities, right?

Dayz of Noah  1:25:47

We did the smart cities, just briefly. Sustainability being the whole push, right, youth sentiment as a catalyst. We looked at some of that, we didn’t look at the top sustainable cities, but we’ll get to that. 15, 20 minutes cities, centralization plan, economies, we talked about that. In Vairo technological infrastructure, so I started this off with Steven Oelrich of Bayee discussing the bio digital infrastructure. So what he said and you guys you heard it from his mouth, he said, you know, if we would have took a survey a couple years ago, no one would have been willing to put gene therapy into their bloodstream. But now that we’ve had this pandemic, everyone’s willing, so it kind of worked, right? It worked for our technological development, right. So now we can diffuse our new experimental technology into the population freely, and everyone will accept it because they’ve all been scared into a corner and think they’re going to, you know, their lives are going to end or something. So that’s the bio digital infrastructure he’s created bio digital merging technology with biology through injections through mRNA tech. Right. So that’s the bio digital I wanted. Next I talked about COP26 and the smart cities via climate change, because that’s the environmental or envirotechnological infrastructure. So we have the bio digital infrastructure, getting it to us. And then we have the enviroltechnological infrastructure, changing the environment, changing cities, changing the ecology, right? Very important. They work internally and externally, right.

Dayz of Noah  1:27:19

Now, let’s get into intrinsic automation. So the next, the next move, if everything’s digital, if our smart cities are digitally connected, if we’re connected to our smart cities through digital mRNA technologies and digital IDs, biometrics, QR codes, etc. Next is intrinsic automation, which is a concept I’ve come up with and we discussed in the past, but I’ll bring it back up. Intrinsic automation means there’s an intrinsic nature of automation in everything. Everything is rooted in automation, right? We take on the AI. We take on the nature of AI, and we have to be comfortable with automation. So everything’s automated. Also in that intrinsic automation, we have something called the AI digital governance. So we’re going away from government of man, government by way of man to digital governance by way of artificial intelligence. A good example of this would be in the Terminator films Skynet. This is precisely where we’re headed right now. It’s already been built. We could look into the Maven project of the Pentagon. We’ll talk about that eventually. Skynet already exists, it’s just yet to really be applied. So now we have artificial intelligence, digital governance, by way of automating everything. How do you think this whole system is going to run guys? How is this system going to run? How are you going to connect all of these countries and all of these products and all of these these different, you know, networks, these different networks of information, how are you going to man all of this data? Artificial Intelligence, algorithmic systems, that’s how. We are outsourcing not only our intelligence, not only our immune systems, we’re outsourcing our civilization, that the governing of our civilization we are now outsourcing that aswell to artificial intelligence. It’s just crazy. It’s absolutely crazy when you think about it, man. San Pablo 39 is in the house. Shout out to San Pablo. Probably one of the first listeners of the work man. Good to see you. It’s been, seems like years. Man good to see you brother.

Dayz of Noah  1:29:54

So yes, now let’s get into automation. So what are they automating guys, transport and delivery hence supply chains. Why are the supply chains been going crazy? Transportation needs to change. So let’s look at these new types of delivery systems via drones. Check it out. So listen to or read the rhetoric in 2020, a pilot project transported medicines to hospitals in lockdown. Now the network is launching 300 autonomous drones a day. In time it could ferry everything from groceries and clothing to medical tests. Israel is the perfect candidate for drone deliveries as most people live in urban areas, important urban areas, but there are still some obstacles. The drones must show they can fly in rough weather. Clear the sky quickly in case of emergency and not compromise anyone’s privacy and safety. Of course, they have to say that. This initiative highlights the need for many governments and countries to work together, for us work together. Right? We’re in this together, right? This is all about globalisation, right? The digital governance of all things. Last mile emissions are set to grow 30% In the next 10 years 2030. As the numbers of urban dwellers and online shoppers grow, would you eat dinner delivered by a drone? So what is this about guys? Yeah, do you see that there? What did they say? Hold on, let me pull this back. As numbers of urban dwellers and online shoppers grow, we’re becoming more online, we’re going more towards the virtual experience, so we’re shopping more online. We’re actually purchasing most things online now. But important here, as the numbers of urban dwellers grow, cities, more people are moving into cities. This is the goal. See the plan is they want full spectrum dominance. They want to control everything. The only way to truly do that, well they won’t be able to do it when you’re living out on a ranch somewhere out in a nice open land. Right? They won’t be able to do any of that stuff when most of the things you’re doing don’t require much digital technology. Right? You’re just living off oif the land being a natural person. So of course they want to put people in these smart cities so they can control everything. This is micromanagement to the next level guys. Let me let me keep going here. I got so much to show you guys and yeah 140 already, huh, we’ve been on an hour 40. I really want to get to this second segment. The metaverse is the second segment. So let me just kind of rush through this and we’ll get into the metaverse because I know you guys are here to talk about the metaverse. Right. That’s what you guys, that’s what you guys really want to talk about. Right? Okay, let me see.

Dayz of Noah  1:33:12

These are the, let me show you this, these are the world’s 10 most innovative economies pay attention to these locations because these locations are on the good list with the World Economic Forum, and they are going to be the first locations where the Smart Cities, digital identification and web 3.0 will be released. So check it out. Germany, Denmark, Singapore, Finland, the Netherlands, South Korea, UK, US, Sweden, and number one Switzerland. All right. So I just wanted to show you guys that these are the ones, this is the good list. Right? These are the guys all playing their part. Now. I would say surprisingly, US is number three, we’re pretty behind as far as infrastructure is concerned on a national scale. California, parts of Arizona, New York, New York for sure. Parts of Washington are pretty ready. But as far as you know, the whole country we’re not ready for this, so it seems like they’re going to have to pull something here rather shortly, in order to bring in all of this madness here. So I wanted to show you guys that just to give you an idea of who’s playing nice Right. And if you’re in those locations, you want to start paying more attention to how things start to change your requirements that they start to roll out for you. Because that’s really what this is about. Now we have Amsterdam has self driving electric boats. So we’re getting into automation here the automation of transport, and the automation of delivery. This is a big aspect of the supply chain breakdown because what’s so important in supply chains? Transporting products right? They’re moving towards automated transport. This is very important. Now this is a small example here. They just give us crumbs right, but we understand the scale of this. So check this out.

Dayz of Noah  1:35:39

Roboat uses AI right AI, swiftest rattle on the city famous canals and docking autonomously. The boats could transform Amsterdam streets as well as its waterways.

Stephan Van Diijk  1:36:02

Lot of road traffic and congestion, ecommerce that is cluttering while at the same time we have a lot of open water available in the canals that is not being used anymore for transport, only for tourists. So we developed a self driving autonomous ship to help the logistics in the city.

Dayz of Noah  1:36:35

So you guys get the point here. So that’s just one example. That’s one example of the way they’re just automating everything and it’s just better, right? It just makes things better, right? We use less fuel. Right? Check this, Walmart is launching an autonomous delivery service in three US cities. Walmart has been America’s biggest retailer since the 1990s. It’s focus on low cost and ultra efficient logistics helping it edge out competitors and keep customers coming back. But Amazon has been gaining on Walmart and the pandemic gave the online retail giant a huge boost. Both companies are continuously searching for ways to cut costs while meeting consumer needs. It seems one of the needs of that steadily increasing in the delivery. Whether due to busy schedules, health or safety concerns, or simply avoiding the stress of steering a loaded shopping cart up and down countless aisles more people are trading in store shopping for online shopping. Amazon clearly has a leg up on Walmart in that arena but the brick and mortar retail king isn’t about to hand over its crown without a fight. Yesterday Walmart announced its adding a new delivery service for goods purchased online. And not just any delivery service but one powered by driverless cars. The company has partnered with automaker Ford and autonomous cars startup Argo AI sorry. In plans to use Ford Escape Hybrid cars outfitted with Argo’s self driving software to make deliveries. The service will initially be available to customers in Austin, Texas, Miami, Florida, and Washington DC. So don’t get it twisted just because a state is red does not mean they are not on board with the build back better scheme and I got some negative, I’d say some disappointing data regarding the beloved DeSantis and something his wife is pushing. Hopefully we’ll get to that before the shows up, we might not actually, but we’ll definitely be covering that shortly because it is to be discussed. For sure. So here we are like oh this stuff is out of pocket right? So everything is going towards automation, we have intrinsic automation, whereby everything, everything will be outfitted, will be restructured for type automated system by way of AI. Remember, digital governance, meaning artificial intelligence replaces government by man and not just government in a political sense, but governing, managing, controlling, operating civilization. Okay, civilization that’s from water, to food, to electricity, to transport everything, right? It’s in a sense electricity on steroids AI is replacing electricity. Even though it uses electricity you get the point. Electricity being such a huge revolution at one point, the AI revolution is 10 times bigger, if not more. So we’re used to everything being ran by electricity right, now everything will be ran by AI. Speaking of shopping online and people not wanting to shop well if you still do shop in person, let’s make it easier on you. And in fact, let’s make a system where we just get rid of cashiers and you know human bodies all together in the store. Could this be the opening of that? Check this out. This is KroGo, right? Madness. KroGo has created this. Well, I don’t think KroGo actually KroGo didn’t create it I’m sorry, but KroGo is introducing this new technology. I’ll show you this technology in a minute here. Pretty interesting. Check this out. Actually, let’s not look at this one. I have a better video. Where is that? That’s not it. Here it is. Things are getting weird, guys. I mean, beyond weird. Okay, that’s an understatement. But just peep game man.

Caper Advert  1:40:47

Today grocery store is facing competition from the biggest names in online retail. That’s why a company called (inaudible) is making a shopping aisle staple smart.

Caper Advert  1:40:59

We thought we’d take a conventional tool that everybody knows how to use and pack it full of technology and sensors. Right now you can basically throw in –

Dayz of Noah  1:41:08

Again, here we are, here we are with the millennials, these young cats that think they’re clever, and they are clever, and they’re smart. And you know, they’re good with technology. But it’s these young, godless people who are bringing their godless and I’d say narcissistic, and in some cases, psychopathic ideas, and applying them to advanced, very sophisticated forms of technology and introducing it to all of us. That’s where we’re at

Ahmed Beshry  1:41:39

weighted goods, like your fruits and vegetables, and the cart will actually weigh it for you. It’ll recommend you particular items based on where you are in the store, it’ll help you check out so we have these bagging hooks inside of our cart to allow customers to bag their groceries as they go so that after they’re done paying, they can just grab their bags and walk out of the store.

Caper Advert  1:41:55

That kind of grab and go technology is already in place at Amazon Go stores. There a complex system of cameras, sensors and AI track every product a customer interacts with.

Ahmed Beshry  1:41:58

So we wanted to make sure that as the customer walks into the store, they could just grab our cart and go. That being said, we’re working with the grocery stores right now. And you can log into your loyalty programme within that store so we have a better idea of who you are, how you purchase and to really compliment you as that end user. Basically, the ultimate vision and what we’re building towards is that a customer would walk into the store, they grab something off the shelf, and when they throw it in the cart, all the sensors and the technology in the cart will immediately identify with what that item is. This could work.

Dayz of Noah  1:42:36

Pay attention, you heard that all the sensors in the technology the exact way sensors embedded within this technology works regarding transferring of data, collection of data feeding an algorithmic or feeding an artificial intelligence systems that create algorithms and patterns to be able to predict behaviour. And as they say, make your shopping experience better. This same process will be done with human bodies by way of placing sensors into your body, hence Internet of bodies. So this is a perfect example of the Internet of Things diffusing through technological creep, diffusing into other aspects of life. Now it has disrupted the grocery experience. Now, this again it’s disruptive technology, as they always say this will fully replace grocery store workers eventually when this type of technology is advanced even more and perfected. So these are just perfect examples of intrinsic automation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And this is iceberg level guys, I just have to roll it out to you in a way to give you an understanding of how it builds on itself,

Ahmed Beshry  1:43:51

or something like a basket, this could work for something even larger or smaller, so it’s dynamic and it allows for us to go into different markets.

Caper Advert  1:43:58

For now, keepers carts are still in the pilot stage.

Ahmed Beshry  1:44:02

I think this job isn’t going away anytime soon, I don’t really think you could automate the entire cashiering space. So for us, it’s really an opportunity to direct this change in the market the way we see fit. There’s a lot of different tech solutions that will take somebody away from a brick and mortar location. So what we’re building is a technology that makes the experience and the convenience that you’d see online, back offline.

Dayz of Noah  1:44:27

Wow. So do you see how this works? He said we’re trying to take the online experience and put it in the real world. This is getting to the metaverse this idea of taking virtual experiences but then applying them to the physical experience. Slowly, slowly taking you away from the physical world in in any way possible. You know whether you’re at home with your Oculus on living in some virtual world, or you’re out in the real world, but you’re just dialled into all of this technology at every single point you’re looking at a screen and you’re scanning and you’re constantly feeding sensors, data. That’s the future they want for everyone. That’s what this whole climate change thing is about. That’s what the circular economy is about. That’s what this whole green peace nonsense crap is about.  Hey, it might be better for the environment. Maybe so but is it better for you? Think abou it. And there’s more. Autonomous drone networks are a faster route to sustainable supply chains. Here we go, guys. What do you think we’ve been seeing for the past month or so. And what we will see in the future when the cyber attacks come in? Supply chain disruption, but for what? Climate change control, right, this whole green movement, they want to replace fuel, they want to replace trucks, they want to replace cars. And in order to do that, you have to destroy the existing supply chains so you can lay the the infrastructure for the new digital supply chains or at least the new AI controlled supply chains. How are they going to do that? How are they going to do that guys? Huh? Seems pretty advanced. It seems pretty gargantuan, doesn’t it? Not quite, not quite at all, especially when we consider the level that these people are willing to go to turn everything into some type of computer system, some type of robotic Droid and that brings us right to the next part of intrinsic automation by way of automated driving. Let’s look at Otto which is I think based on my research, the first company to start this we’ll get into Aurora after this which is, I guess, the current one. Here we are man,

Dayz of Noah  1:47:00

So this is, oh you guys can’t read that. The kit was built by Otto startup led by former Google Tesla and Apple employers. The company claims they can reach retrofit any truck built in 2018, or later. Otto’s kit includes cameras, LiDAR sensors, radar and mapping data. A custom inbuilt computer makes all of the reactionary driving, oh wait that’s crazy loud. Otto has successfully tested their self driving semis on highways in California. There are currently over 3.5 million truck drivers. Dude, can you believe this? They’re telling you, hey, we we made this new automated Big Rig semi truck. And guess what there’s 3.5 million truckers employed. They’re just saying we’re about to get rid of 3.5 million workers. Can you believe it? These people are crazy. They’re not only crazy, but they’re like psychopathic, like they have no real empathy. You know, they they’re willing to, they’re willing to just completely destroy people’s livelihood for nature, right? Yeah. Okay. Check this out. Speaking of Otto, this is from truckers report. Self driving trucks: The last co founder of Otto has left Uber. So basically Uber ended up buying out this company right I think in 2016. So let me just read this a little bit too to give you some background, and some behind the scenes goings on with these companies. The last co founder of Otto has left Uber just 18 months after Uber acquired the self driving truck startup for a reported 680 million. Ubers acquisition of auto was supposed to jumpstart Ubers own self driving programme. Instead, the purchase came with a lawsuit from Alphabet Inc. They’re always a player in this. Alphabet Inc has Waymo which we’ll talk about here in a second here, which is also a competitor right Waymo is just big on all this automated driving stuff. So Alphabet Inc was like no, no, no, we control the game. We run this, this is our block, as it were. So they had to you know, they had to come in and make it happen and eventually this just totally destroyed the whole auto movement self driving tech company. The purchase came with a lawsuit from Alphabet Incs, Google parent company, self driving tech company Waymo. The lawsuit was eventually settled with Uber paying 245 million worth of equity to Waymo. Now however, with the departure of Don Burnett, all four of Otto’s co founders have left Uber they likely did so with far less than their 680 million expected payday since the price was contingent on the auto team hitting certain development milestones, something Uber’s self driving Tech has reportedly failed to do. And this is, mind you this was in 2016. or is this 18, I think this is 16 actually, I think. Uber isn’t commenting on Burnett’s departure but the timing is interesting to say the least that follows the departure of the head of Uber freight which signalled trouble within their CMV division. It also comes after the first pedestrian death from an accident involving an autonomous car, which involved an Uber vehicle in the self driving mode. Following the fatal accident, the company suspended all self driving tech testing. Now you probably won’t hear about this in the mainstream media. They want to keep these kind of stories under wraps. Because if people start hearing that people are dying, because of these self driving cars, by way of accidents, oh, no, that’s going to affect culture. Remember, you have to build a culture to make products sell, Apple being the perfect example of a great market culture. Uber does the same thing.

Dayz of Noah  1:50:35

So of course, we don’t want to talk about this similar to how they don’t want to talk about all the deaths from these new genetic injection things, but that’s another story. Or not just deaths, but heart issues, heart attacks, I think. What’s his name? Travis Scott had a show last night and apparently 11 people had cardiac arrest. Now I understand there were some big, you know, (inaudible) going on people excited for the show people getting trampled. It’s common. I used to rave all the time. I’ve been in many of those situations. Not once I’ll tell you did anyone have cardiac arrest though? 11 at that interesting, but that’s another story. Let’s continue here.

Dayz of Noah  1:51:16

Now that’s Otto right Otto, Uber, Google. Now let’s go to the current headliner of this, who have just rolled out their programme last month called Aurora. And guess who bought this company I’m sure you could figure that out for yourself. Let’s check this out here. Here we go.

Aurora Advert  1:51:39

This semi truck is driving itself, built by Pacos Peterbilt, the autonomous technology comes from Aurora. As it pulls onto the road and heads for the interstate, it’s seeing the world around it digitally, detecting other vehicles and deciding how to react

Chris Urmson  1:51:55

Onboard we use cameras, Lidar and radar to see the world that can see not just where things are, but how fast they’re moving.

Aurora Advert  1:52:03

For now, there’s a safety driver behind the wheel and a co pilot for backup. Aurora hopes to remove them by 2023 when it fully launches its trucking business commercially. Like many startups in this space, Aurora is also working on passenger vehicles that can drive themselves in the form of fleets of Robo taxis. But it’s big rigs hauling heavy loads of cargo, but the company believe autonomous driving technology scales first.

Chris Urmson  1:52:28

If you think about driving down the freeway, it doesn’t really matter where you are in the country. The freeway basically looks the same. Whereas if you’re driving through a city, it’s very different, right? So to scale a product, you have to scale the technology [and] advance the technology in a bunch of different ways. Whereas with trucking we expect to be able to scale the product by operationalizing the business

Aurora Advert  1:52:48

in Texas Aurora is running a commercial pilot programme with FedEx carrying real cargo several times a week on a 500 mile round trip between a terminal south of Dallas and Houston. The idea is to prove the business model works not just the tech. The stretch along the I45 is one of America’s busiest for trucks. We took a ride with Aurora for the first 28 mile stretch. During the trip we encountered varied traffic including dozens of large vehicles merging into the lane and also parked cars. The truck drove it’s

Dayz of Noah  1:53:19

[they] got their pretty little masks on for the proper behaviour modelling right, so

Aurora Advert  1:53:25

completely autonomously throughout. The safety driver had their hands hovering over the wheel, they did not have to take control at any point. The hope is that this limited pilot will be a key stepping stone for a technology that’s tantalising the parcel industry.

Ed Ludlow  1:53:40

Logistics and delivery companies from FedEx to UPS have been grappling with a severe shortage of drivers. And we’ve also seen wages rise that’s ultimately weighed on profit.

Ed Ludlow  1:53:51

We’ll be moving towards a driver’s service business model. We provide the driving technology, our partners from the manufacturing side, so Packard Volvo provide the vehicles. And then the folks who actually have a business to use those trucks to do something, provide that business and together, they own and operate those vehicles, and then they pay us some money to drive the truck for them.

Aurora Advert  1:54:13

In December, Uber sold its self driving unit to Aurora and took a stake in the startup with the hope to one day combine Aurora’s autonomous Tech with Ubers vast ride hailing platform. Lots of development work needs to be done to improve the technology. And in the meantime, Aurora has got competition. Publicly traded Too Simple has already run mail delivery pilots with USPS and UPS took a stake in the company in 2019. There’s Plus which has already run a trial on a public road in China without a safety driver behind the wheel.

Ed Ludlow  1:54:44

The next steps for Aurora are really more commercial pilots in Texas and other states. Ed Ludlow Bloomberg News in Parma, Texas.

Dayz of Noah  1:54:54

There you have it. It’s here, All this supply chain talk truckers now this is the beginning stages, it’s gonna take some time before we see a lot of these things on the road. But it’s happening. We’re 10 steps ahead of these people. You know, this is what we aim to do. We aim to be 10 steps ahead of this stuff when we provide the information for you guys. You’re seeing this, for those that aren’t aware already. You’re seeing this way before it becomes a thing. But it’s here, okay, it’s here. It’s here. Right? Let’s see here. What do we got next. So this is this is the direction of automation.

Dayz of Noah  1:55:36

Okay, now let’s look at Waymo, let’s look at Waymo, Way mo got way mo, right. Way mo to offer. We’re building the world’s most experienced driver, right? Because humans are useless. Humans are full of error. So we need to create artificial intelligence that’s perfect based on algorithmic patterns that are rooted in millions and millions and millions of data sets. Therefore, how could any human compare as if these things can’t be hacked, as if these things don’t have glitches? As if these things don’t rely on electricity to work? I think people think we’re stupid. They really do. They think they could flash all these little toys and gadgets and trinkets in front of our faces. And then we’ll just oh that looks fun. Nah man. Missed me with that. So here we are Waymo began as the Google self driving car project in 2009. We’re making it safe and easy to get around without the need for anyone in the driver’s seat. Can you believe this? Look at the rhetoric? Makes sense for today, right? Safe and easy. We make it safe and easy to get around, because getting around is never safe and it’s never easy. Shout out to the truckers by the way. Benton JA I got nothing but love for you guys, man. Our grandfather was a trucker. It’s a shame what they aim to do to the industry. And I don’t know if they’ll succeed. Right? There’s going to be a lot of problems before they do, let’s say that right? Definitely on your guys’s side, man, it’s not a game what they’re trying to do right now. But they might not succeed? I don’t know. I guess I’m just optimistic. Or should I say, I know the fallibility of this technology. And I know the myopic nature of the engineers behind it. They think a lot they think they’re so optimistic, you know, it’s just naive optimism. They think this stuff can do a lot more than it actually can and will. You got to learn the hard way. Anyhow, as you see your trucks. You see, it looks like a type of van, your taxi services, delivery services. Yeah, man. Check this out why we’re here. Look at this garbage. Why are we here? Because 1.35 million deaths worldwide due to vehicle crashes every year. 36,000 road deaths in the US in 2019 94% crashes involve human error. I love how they use this rhetoric human error. As if AI can’t have error, right? It’s just a total. It’s the techno fantasy as Don Id would say it’s this techno fantasy this designer fallacy, right? They truly believe so much in their designs. And again, I gotta be real with you, man, I’m sick and tired of this programming. You always got to use us in your marketing. You know, you always have to put our faces in your marketing like if black people will use it, it’s good. I’m sick and tired of this crap, man. It’s like man when I was, I can’t remember where I saw this, but I saw this thing this inoculation this juice marketing sign, its these two black guys and they’re just hugging each other. It’s like oh, we’re happy to be vaxxed and it’s like man, I’m sick and tired of this crap. It’s like are we the, like what is this? Are we the bar or something? I’m so sick and tired of this and you know they do all the, you guys know the deal I don’t have to talk about it. I’m just sick and tired of the mind games. See, black people are using it so it must be good. It’s not racist. It’s not oppressive because black people are using it see. These are black people. So it’s good. It’s a good thing. Yeah. All right. All right, man.

Dayz of Noah  1:59:40

Moving people. Moving people opposed to what? Robots? Yes, yes. Why? Because robots will be a type of citizen as well. Madness utter madness.

Dayz of Noah  2:00:05

Let’s keep going. Here we are the electric revolution they are coming right out with it. Right? Why the electric revolution needs to be about much more than cars. It’s not just about your cars, man. It’s not just about your supply chains, man. It’s not just about your trucks, man. It’s about everything. You see what they got here. The gas stoves. Have you ever tried cooking with an electric stove? No disrespect to those that do. I’m a cook. I’ve been cooking for years. I love it. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, a lot of time in the kitchen. And anytime I come near an electric stove, I wanna run. It’s the worst way to gauge heat. It’s just no fun. It’s just you can’t even compare it to a nice flame. Right? They want to get rid of gas stoves man, they want to get rid of gas all together. I know they’re popular. I know they’re cool. I know they’re aesthically pleasing with the flat little black glossy surface. I get it I get it. It’s not very good for cooking, I would argue especially when, yeah, let’s not even go there, getting on [a] tangent here. The electric vehicle revolution is underway. But to meet climate goals we need to go much further than switching cars. The transition from a fossil fuel dominated to an electrified world will require a radical transformation of the buildings where we live and work and have and heavy industry. This will require a huge investment in new infrastructure to produce more clean energy. Some one said F gas. Listen, man. I don’t know. I’m not some you know, I’m not studied in a lot of energy things right? But for me a nice flame is where it’s at when you’re cooking. Right that’s where it’s at. So I’m gonna just keep it there. I would prefer a wood flame man, that’s yeah, it’s wood wood wood for like when you barbecue. Right. It’s great, it’s lovely, you know, but it’s not as efficient. I’m not saying gas is the end all but I like me a flame. I’m not cooking on some surface that heats up, man. I mean, unless I have to. For those that are regular cooks, do you understand what I’m talking about iron skillet, EtaSoon thank you. That’s all I use. Right? I got one little one that’s I don’t know if it’s ceramic or something? I don’t know. But yeah, iron skillets man. Absolutely. Nice steak, man. Love it. What this means let’s see, electric vehicle revolution is underway demonstrated by recent announcements by both Tata Motors and Ford, they will invest billions of new Evie manufacturing. But most scientists agree that to keep global temperature increases below 1.5 degrees Celsius, nonsense, and avoid climate disasters, nonsense, we need to go much further than switching to electric vehicles. What is needed is a huge transition from a fossil energy dominated world to a clean electrified world in the next two decades.

Dayz of Noah  2:03:53

Now, listen, why is this the case? Is it because of the environment? Is it because electricity is easier on the environment? Technically, that might be true. And I know we’re, you know, we’re dealing with rhetoric here. So I will say, and I know we don’t always say oh, you know, stop trying to read motives, but we understand we have to do that in this case, because these people are not honest. These these are dishonest, manipulative, deceptive people. So of course, we have to consider motives in a lot of this. Now, that may be the case that electricity is better on the environment, but why do they want it? Is it because of that? I would say no. It’s because AI needs electricity to run. And if they’re trying to make the Internet of Things, the Internet of bodies to the web 3.0 the fourth industrial revolution, everything needs to be electric, right. It makes sense to me, man. So they call it the electric revolution. I call it the AI revolution. That’s what it’s really about. This is about AI. That’s what this is about. This is about AI. All this other stuff is smoke and mirrors man, smoke and mirrors. We are running out of time. Alright, so I got to fly through this. So let’s we’ll save this one here. Save this.

Dayz of Noah  2:05:20

Now I want to show you this bio digital convergence. We’ve been talking a lot about this. I want to show you this. We went over the actually official document many times but now wagyu steaks sounding good right now man, don’t even talk like that. Don’t even talk like that. I got some steak ready right now, too, I just have to cook it. Anyhow, man that threw me off, it sounds really good. So let me show you guys this video that kind of describes it right a little better. Or at least clearer. Let me show you guys this. This is just a brief two minute video on the biodigital convergence. And this is going to lead us into the metaverse. Okay. In order for the metaverse to work. Biodigital convergence must be complete. Right. All right, so check this out.

Biodigital Convergence Voiceover  2:06:22

Digital technologies and biological systems are beginning to combine and merge in ways that could be profoundly disruptive to our assumptions about society, the economy, and our bodies. We call this the biodigital convergence. Over the past 40 years, the economy has transformed through digital evolutions in information technology, like the internet, smartphone, applications, and big data analytics. The biodigital convergence could change the way we design and manufacture goods, revolutionise healthcare and agriculture, modify our environment, and even alter how humans evolved as a species. Today, many innovations are driving the changes. But what are the key things we should be looking out for? What new biodigital capabilities could completely alter the world?

Dayz of Noah  2:07:24

You heard that right. Completely alter the world. Yes, that’s not hyperbole. This is they’re being straight out honest and upfront with what this entire movement is about, this revolution. This is the foundations of the great reset. This is the lifeblood of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by way of informationalism. The information is your data, your DNA will be your data, remember that one, all if the biodigital convergence is completed.

Biodigital Convergence Voiceover  2:08:10

Hello, my name is Marcus Ballenger. My name is Eric Ward, My name is (inaudible). The whole biodigital thing is about really the convergence of two domains that tend to be thought of as separate. Essentially, you take something that’s biological and something that’s digital and you smush them together, like a dragonfly, for example. And what they do is take a dragonfly, obviously a biological entity, and you stick a microchip on the back of it, and it’s wired into the sensor so the nerves of the biological entity, you can actually control the dragonfly, straight integration of two things. That one’s pretty obvious to people. The second one is one where you’re getting really large advances in one domain that are predicated on advances in the other. So an example would be knowing what genes turn things on or off. But the only reason we can do that is because we have massive digital technology that can actually do the sequencing can use AI to figure out which are the appropriate genes. So you wouldn’t have gotten those biological advances if you didn’t have the digital advances. The third way is more

Dayz of Noah  2:09:13

You hear that? You can’t have the biological advances if you do not have the digital advances. So it’s a package deal. In order for them to accomplish all the things that they want, they have to have the digitalization the digitization of everything. And the only way to control such a process or apparatus, you’re going to need extremely sophisticated data management which can only be properly handled by artificial intelligence. Human beings could never handle and manage this amount of data. Right? So it’s, they’re putting us in a trap there. It’s like, you know, they’re getting us to willingly invest in so much to the degree that once it’s all rolled out, there’s no turning back. And we will no longer be able to live without it. This is exactly what Norbert Wiener was discussing. I had read some quotes last show about that point. And this is how they’re going to do it. Right. They’re gonna give you all these promises of health care and this and that, but the only way this stuff is going to work is if we literally plug you into this and we put sensors in you and or on you, whether that be injected or wearable. Regardless, we are going to have to collect endless data from your behaviour and from your vital signs.

Dayz of Noah  2:10:43

Alright, so that’s fine. That was a short clip, two minute brief give you just an understanding of what this biodigital convergence is. I think that was a decent little explanation there. Now, we’ve got all this AI stuff, but why don’t we just save this AI stuff since we talked quite a bit about AI? Let’s save this. Let’s save this and let’s go to the metaverse. Let’s, let’s do the metaverse now. We’ll save this Maven work Project Maven. We won’t talk about cyber attacks today because we don’t have time. Hmm, should I show this digital currency thing? Actually, we’ll save the carbon limit credit card doconomy. Let’s just go into this. Let’s go into the metaverse.

Dayz of Noah  2:11:33

Okay, now what is the metaverse? What is it? Let’s talk about it. What is the metaverse and why you should care. Facebook recently changed its name to meta to align the company with its ambitions to build the metaverse. Microsoft and Nvidia are also working on their own versions of the metaverse. The Metaverse is not yet a reality, but it could be the next evolution of the Internet. The idea is that extended reality the combination of augmented virtual and mixed reality will become a key medium for social and business engagement. Very important, this will be the new way we engage. Well, if it succeeds, right, and they say it doesn’t exist yet, because it necessarily doesn’t because it relies upon a type of infrastructure that has yet to be created. And what I will argue is that this pandemic has given them the perfect opportunity to begin the structuring of this infrastructure, the building of this, right because it’s rooted in data and connectivity, right? And the way they’re going to connect us, of course, through digital identification, but also social credits, and in biometrics. Really, really creepy. And the thing is this is so new, this whole Metaverse. I’ve mentioned Metaverse, for those that have been following the Patreon we talked a little bit about metaverse. I call it the virtual mirror, because Metaverse is just a fancy name they created. It’s really just describing web 3.0. That’s all. That’s all the metaverse is it’s web 3.0 it’s just given a cool little name and a marketing platform or a marketing project. And the biggest part of that marketing project is what Facebook has done by changing their name, right? Really this is just an introduction to the web 3.0 The Internet of bodies Internet of behaviours, internet of nano things Internet of Things, internet of all things. So really, right now it’s marketing as the World Economic Forum admits here. It’s not even created yet, but they’re throwing out the concept and what do they have here? What do you see here, these are young children man? This little girl looks no older than four wearing the Oculus could you imagine a child that’s just starting to form not even their identities yet, just starting to form their understanding of physical material reality in relation to their bodies, in relation to their self.

Dayz of Noah  2:14:15

Imagine this very very complicated complex detailed stage in life. Imagine going through that stage in life but sharing that experience in the real world with this type of virtual thing wearing these Oculus glasses. Oh, we’re gonna get into road blocks Joshua Jones, I got something for you. Oh, I got something for you. This is craziness man. Remember, what was it, Human 2.0 or whatever? This is the next stage in human 2.0, man, we are creating different types of humans now man? This is crazy. What is the metaverse? The Metaverse doesn’t exist, at least not yet. As of today, there isn’t anything that could legitimately be identified as a Metaverse a useful parallel for understanding its maturity with a hat tip tick technology analyst, Benedict Evans for the reference, maybe the story of when telecoms entrepreneur Greg McCall first heard about the internet. So they’re just giving a little backstory. Let’s just read this here. Technologists would answer that the internet will eventually evolve into the metaverse, which will come to represent the next major computing platform, or I would say the next internet, right, we had internet 2.0 with Internet of Things. Now we have internet or web 3.0, with the Internet of bodies, internet of bodies by way of the virtual mirror, which is a virtual copy. Academics use the virtual twin or digital twin. The virtual mirror, in my view, is this virtual copy of the real world managed and accessed through sensors, micro processing, digital networks that create data by way of the communication between these sensors, all taken into a type of artificial intelligence apparatus that then makes algorithms based on this data. If we look at social media right now, all social media is controlled by algorithms right now already. All of it. This is not a hard next step, right? But what’s required for the metaverse is sensors and data collected by or data collected of us, right. So they’re hesitant to discuss the internet of bodies, because it’s a bit off putting, especially for those of us that are say over 20, it’s just kind of weird, right? But this isn’t aimed at us. This is for children 12 and under will be born into this world raised developed into this world with all of these types of technologies as part of their development. So by the time they’re adults, all of this stuff will be normal and we’ll be the dinosaurs we already are.

Dayz of Noah  2:17:25

This is really vague everything, because this is so new, so everything they’re saying here is very vague. They’re not really giving a whole bunch of information cos there’s not a lot really to give about the metaverse. It’s a metaphysical abstract, Internet 3.0 type of thing. But we know based on the talks we’ve had on this channel, what this thing is. This is just the virtual mirror and the proxy self which is the Avatar. Now let’s get into the avatars. Right. Wow, this screen is just so bright. You know what, dude? That’s what I forgot to do. That’s what I forgot to do. Tip guys always lower your screen light. Because it’s horrible. It’s horrible for your eyes. That’s better. That’s a lot better. Alright. Now where are we? Good. All right, there we are. Let’s just look at this little example here. This is silly. It looks very childish cos it’s for children. That’s the interesting thing. This whole Metaverse things is for children. And they’re introducing it to us. But it’s not for us man. Reminds me a Nintendo 64. That’s what it really reminds me of.

Dayz of Noah  2:18:56

They always use the worst music for these things. This is just some imagery here. So imagine living you know, like having your glasses, and this is how you experience life. It’s just silly. It’s just silly. This is called mega world. It’s part of the metaverse. It’s the gamification of life. That’s what this is, man. It’s the gamification of life, turning everything into a big game, because they know by way of Rand Corporation and some others, some other think tanks that gamifying things, increases compliance and increases interest. It’s easy to control people. Let’s look at us Satya Nadella of Microsoft in his little piece on the metaverse.

Satya Nadella  2:20:23

As the digital and physical worlds come together, we are creating an entirely new platform layer, which is the metaverse. In a sense, the metaverse enables us to embed computing into the real world, and to embed the real world into computing, bringing real presence to any digital space.

Dayz of Noah  2:21:03

Real Presence, you see how they’re they’re twisting it back to definitions, and meaning. Twisting the meaning and definitions of words. Real is no longer real as we once knew it, they must do this in order to affect culture.

Satya Nadella  2:21:22

What’s most important is that we are able to bring our humanity with us and choose how we want to experience this world and who we want to interact with.

Dayz of Noah  2:21:33

I’m sorry, you got to be a strange and I’d say socially underdeveloped and possibly a bit [of a] disturbed individual to think this is cool, and okay, and even possibly normal. All of these types use and I mean no disrespect, I’m just going off of what I intuit, I guess, but these people, they all got some weird vibe about them, right? They all got this same strange, alien like vibe going on. And no I’m not making the lizard argument. I’m just saying all of these individuals that are behind this type of technology share something in common. And it’s not a good thing.

Satya Nadella  2:22:15

It’s no longer just looking at a camera view of a factory floor. You can be on the floor. It’s no longer just video conferencing with colleagues, you can be with them in the same room. Mesh

Dayz of Noah  2:22:30

Be with has changed its meaning. You can be with how? Virtually. That’s not being with, technically speaking, we have to stretch the definitions of words, the understanding of concepts, we have to stretch everything. Shout out to brother Steven DeLay in the chat our local philosopher and in phenomenologist. He would definitely understand the implications of this when it comes to phenomenology. And boy, is it fascinating and creepy.

Satya Nadella  2:23:01

When you’re video conferencing with colleagues, you can be with them in the same room. Mesh for Microsoft Teams will allow you to connect with presence and have a shared immersive experience directly in teams.

Jason Warnke  2:23:15

We’ve also created an incredible immersive space that’s now seamlessly accessible directly through teams. Why don’t we go check it out?

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