
Article copyright: Bill Koenig’s Eyeview

Melbourne, Australia, has become the most locked-down city in the world.

Melbourne, situated in the south-eastern part of Australia, used to be called the most liveable city in the world, with its layback and relaxed lifestyle.

The nation of Australia has enjoyed stable government, where the rule of law is respected because it is founded upon the old English Common Law and democratic parliamentary elections. As part of the commonwealth of nations like Canada, Melbournians have been able to travel freely, speak freely and enjoy an open society where all ethnic groups and opinions are respected and celebrated.

We thought we could trust our elected representatives to make just, fair laws that respect our diversity of beliefs and our love for freedom of expression and movement. However, that trust has been destroyed in the last two years. Since COVID-19 exploded across the planet, we Melbournians have been locked in our homes for a total of 262 days, approximately nine months, only allowed outside our homes to exercise for one hour per day. Only one person could buy food or get medical treatment. The latest lockdown (our sixth) set a curfew from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. We were fined if found outside our house during those hours.

During the lockdowns, most businesses were closed unless they were deemed essential, like food services, medical services or other essential services. Strangely, the construction industry has been allowed to work during most of the lockdowns. Some would say this was because the Victorian state Andrews’ Labour government has always received most of its support from the labour unions.

Now, just as Victoria is coming out of lockdown and the vaccination numbers are some of the highest in the world, the premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, is planning to force through state parliament a health bill that would extend the emergency powers well into 2022.

Victorians are shocked to hear that this new health law would give Daniel Andrews unlimited power to rule by decree for an indefinite period, without any effective judicial or parliamentary oversight.

The premier would be able to detain or imprison any Victorian citizen for a period of up to two years. Those imprisoned would be denied any legal representation, therefore suspending habeas corpus! Individuals could be fined up to $90,500 and businesses $452,000 for infringement of the health orders. This looks like a blatant attempt by the state government to raise funds for the state, which is now seriously in debt because of reckless government spending.

For the last two years during COVID, Victorians have taken to the streets to protest the draconian lookdown measures. This has resulted in many arrests and violent clashes with police. Heavily armoured anti-terrorist troops have been deployed during the lockdowns and have on various occasions fired two-inch rubber bullets at unarmed demonstrators, causing serious injury.

Monica Smit, a young Christian lady, started protesting peacefully early in 2020 and has established a political movement called Reunited Democracy Australia. She was jailed for 21 days and kept in solitary confinement. In a recent interview, Monica said that the Lord warned her in a dream that she would soon be arrested and charged with incitement.

RDA recently combined forces with another minor political party called United Australia Party, which is led by a very outspoken currently-sitting member of parliament called Craig Kelly. This party has been standing up for democratic rights of all Australians and now is reporting that they have more members than the current Federal Liberal government.

The reactions to COVID-19 of both state and federal governments, combined with the media and medical authorities, have caused many in Australia to question why there has been such an overreaction to a virus that has caused fewer deaths in Australia than the common flu.

The lockdown that has been happening in Australia has also been occurring in many countries around the world. Safe and effective treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been banned by medical authorities in Australia and around the world even though mountains of data prove they are effective against COVID-19. I have personal evidence of its effectiveness because I recently assisted a close friend with a serious case of COVID-19. We were able to access what we call the triple therapy (named by Dr. Borody in Sydney), which includes HCQ, ivermectin and zinc. My friend recovered within 12 days.

Australian medical authorities have communicated to all doctors and health professionals that they must promote the vaccines, effectively taking away the age-old client-patient relationship. Even private health records are being seized by state health officials.

The Australian church has been divided on the vaccination issue, and many churches have succumbed to government pressure to refuse unvaccinated people the right to attend church services. Other churches are meeting secretly. Some larger churches have recently said they will open in January and defy the government mandates.

It is interesting that the public rallies, which have been illegal until recently, have attracted a mixture of Christians and non-Christians, who have united with one common belief in the importance of national freedom and liberty.

There have been some ominous warnings from some in the church that we could see martial law, with forced vaccinations and imprisonments in internment camps that have been built outside the city areas. Certainly, we are seeing a serious division in society between the vaccinated, who can enter retail shops and restaurants, and the unvaccinated, who are no longer welcome inside restaurants and retail clothing stores.

Many Australians have been coerced into getting vaccinations because of the threat of termination from their jobs, but many are “holding the line” and refusing to be vaccinated. They are losing their employment and incomes or are going on extended leave.

There has been much prayer, including all-night online prayer and worship gatherings, since COVID began. Parliament houses in Melbourne and other states have seen many mass demonstrations and prayer gatherings, and there is a belief that God is preparing to answer all those prayers.

It seems the Lord is allowing the shaking to prepare his church, as we know from scripture that “what can be shaken will be shaken” (Hebrews 12:27). Many Australians are now realising that we have been lied to by many of our leaders in senior government positions, by the media and by the corporate world. It is our pray that this shaking will cause the nation to cry out to God as our only true source of justice!

Australian Christians are praying that the declaration spoken over Australia by the Portuguese explorer Pedro Ferdinand de Queirὀs back in 1606 is about to be answered, that Australia will become the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit and we will see a great end-time revival of souls.

Thank you for all the prayers by believers around the world and especially in the USA. We appreciate that you all have identified with what has been happening in our nation. We are believing that all these prayers have moved the heart of God and we will hear the sound of Holy Spirit rain in Australia and around the world very soon!

God bless,

Alan Currie


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