Are you not tired of websites like who slander and defame people like Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Vernon Coleman, who actually care for humanity and are exposing these mainstream lying scientists and the official COVID narrative, which is based on pseudoscience and is harmful and designed to causeContinue Reading

sally beck

Reiner Fuellmich interviews journalist Sally Beck. Interview June 25th. SPEAKERS Reiner Fuellmich, Sally Beck, Vivienne, Viviane Fischer Reiner Fuellmich  00:00 Sorry Sally to keep you waiting. Sally Beck  00:03 Don’t worry. Reiner Fuellmich  00:05 We’re close to our one year anniversary as the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee. I think inContinue Reading

james delingpole

This video of James Delingpole interviewing Dr Reiner Fuellmich on 25 May 2021 is a great summary from the start of the investigations and the lawsuits into current events…with more news on the way in two to three weeks, according to Reiner. The successive court cases thus far are spokenContinue Reading