
Depopulation. Only 480 people are searching for ‘depopulation’ and then there are 170 searches for ‘depopulation bill gates’. Is this not a sad reality. There are probably more people searching for Lady Gaga makeup than depopulation, because it seems such a dark subject matter, but depopulation is happening right before your very eyes. Let’s look at the various ways this world system attempts to depopulate humans.

Obviously, if I have missed any other depopulation methods, please comment below.

Firstly, let’s look at what scripture says.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earthGenesis 1:27-28

Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons’ wives with thee. 17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. 18 And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him: – Genesis 8:16-18

And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all thingsGenesis 9:1-3

It is clear that God wants mankind to be fruitful and multiply, which means to populate the world. However, our Governments, globalists, agenda makers, haters of God, have an entitlement complex of we vs them. They think they are something bigger than human just because they have money and influence. This is not wealth in the eyes of the Lord. However, it is wealth in the eyes of the world, and sadly so many people believe the crap that these agenda makers and influencers create. An agenda of fear can make so many people compliant.

Methods of Depopulation

The Food Pyramid: It’s upside down. The world tells us to stuff up on carbs, and shames saturated fats, when meats and animals fats are the healthiest foods to consume. The food industry doesn’t care about making you lose weight or keeping you healthy, it cares about making money and it will use whatever methods available to achieve its goal. How many people still demonise butter. Seed oils are found in all processed foods. Most crisps used to be cooked in sunflower oil, but now it’s rapeseed (canola) oil. These oils are too high in omega 6, they are rancid and oxide when heated to high temperatures. Do you remember when McDonald’s fries used to be hot, crispy and salty? They used to fry in beef dripping until the evil food manufacturers told the fast food industry that vegetable oils were heart healthier. Then the fast food lemmings all got on board. Today, McDonald’s fries are limp, tasteless, and soggy, and often without any salt. Very very few fish and chip shops fry in beef dripping. I think Crown Fisheries at Hebden Bridge still fry in beef dripping, and I say good on them. It’s always a popular chippy and their chips are crispy, fat, and delicious. Do your own research because no one is going to tell you these truths about the upside down food pyramid that is making people fatter, sicker, and reliant on medications to survive. I learnt a lot reading Bruce Fife’s Coconut Cures book. The Weston A Price website is an excellent source for nutrition. I followed their pregnancy diet and gave birth to a healthy girl at 42, and she’s jab free and has a very healthy immune system. The NHS today recommend against liver and high Vitamin A products, and I believe it’s a conspiracy to damage generations of children. They also have no cure for toxemia or preeclampsia, but I discovered that taking a megadose of thiamine managed my blood pressure throughout the third trimester and it was such a cheap treatment. I tried to contact Dr Berg to get a copy of the book, which is no longer in print, where the information was found, but he never contacted me back. I thought it would be an amazing resource for pregnant women and I planned to scan the pages and add is as a free PDF download online. The book is called The Natural Way To A Trouble-Free Pregnancy: The Toxemia/Thiamine Connection if anyone has a copy.

Vaccines and Drugs: I’m not just talking about the covid-19 mRNA jabs, to which they had to lie to the population through their emergency authorisation, and while much of the world was hoodwinked into these bizarre rituals of masking, distancing, and staying at home, then the population divide through these crap jabs. I could see through the agenda back in March 2020. In fact, I had to stop listening to Classic FM because the fear propaganda news was happening way too frequently. There are so many guilty parties that have contributed to this depopulation agenda. MPs, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Premiers, mainstream medias, the courts, police, GPs, nurses, NHS, vaccinators..the list goes on. Those Covid-19 jabbed and injured have been left to rot, and what about those murdered. It’s downright evil, and still the jabbing continues with the crappy boosters, which so many people will accept because the propaganda news starts up the fear campaigns.

LGBTQ+ etc: There is too much emphasis today on pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda. Gay pride used to be situated in a city at weekends, for example Manchester, because I used to club there before I was born again, but now it’s pride month in June. Then there are these drag queen story time focused at children and families. This is not normal. If you want to sleep with men or women, keep it private. We don’t need to know about your activities, which contribute toward a loss of children being born. I suppose we can discuss this ridiculous satanic push toward gender non binary nonsense. God created man then woman. There are no other genders, and if the world wants to create that then it’s contrary to the word of God. Sadly, evil gets accepted in society just like Isaiah 5:20 says and when you speak against it, you get called a hater.

Attack on Family: Society says it’s okay to live together, but it’s the sin of fornication and not blessed by God. The attack on family is a huge one. Men are to be the leader of the home, with the wife submissive toward the husband, but it’s often the other way around. And in no way am I promoting domestic abuse within a marriage or relationship. That is a complete abuse of power. For biblical references to how a man should treat a woman, read the book of Ruth and look at how Boaz treated Ruth. He was gentle and respectful. I know I put my foot down sometimes when I should be keeping my mouth shut, but that’s my sin nature that I need to confess to God and submit my weaknesses to Him. Let’s just be honest with God. None of us as perfect and have our resurrection body yet. We still struggle with the sin nature.

The Vegan Diet: I believe that this plant-based diet causes hormonal issues in both men and women, which may be contributing to gender confusion. Where does this theory come from? Humans and the intake of soy products.  My friend who was largely vegetarian was having very heavy period bleeds, but when she cut out tofu and other soy products, her periods went to three or four days light bleeding. There is not a lot of information available to prove this, but soy is a huge part of the vegan / vegetarian diet, and with the push to kill farming or reduce meat consumption, we need to be careful what we are eating. Always read your labels, unless you cook everything from scratch.

I believe those are the five main contributors to depopulation today. What do you think?

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