Please get up to date with the deceptions of this world. It’s downright evil what is being promoted in this world. Look at the past four years. Stay away from those poison jabs. It’s been a depopulation agenda.

If you believe that there is nothing nefarious or evil going on in this world, the bible says that Satan has and is deceiving you. There is only freedom in Jesus Christ, who died to pay for your sins, and resurrected to give you eternal life.

Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone, not by works, as no amount of works could make you right with God. Remember, the wages of sin is death, and one sin is enough to condemn you to an eternity in hell. But Jesus comes to give us life, but we must accept that gift of salvation by faith in Him alone through his death, burial and resurrection.

The Christian has a daily choice – walk in the flesh or walk in the Spirit, but once you are saved by Christ, you are saved forever, no matter how you live your life.

For by grace are ye saved, through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God; not of works lest any man should boast – Ephesians 2:8-9

Excellent short video giving an update on the current world system.


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  1. Hate to be “that” guy, & I make the imminent statement & asked question(s) NOT from ANY motivation of sneering, derisive, insolent “devil’s advocacy”, NOR from any imagined modality of “ambush-journalism”, but. . . . . . . How CAN it possibly be the case that a person, once saved, is FOREVER saved, as you state-“No matter HOW you live your life”, yet you ALSO state that- “one sin is enough to consign you to an eternity in hell”? I intend NO disrespect, nor mirthful- “Ha! Gotcha THERE, didn’t I, EH?” modality of “smart Alec” questioning, but, to explain myself further, I had, some 18 odd months, maybe 2 years ago, began to pray, eventually joining a pentecostal church & getting baptised. Never having previously been a Christian in any “real” sense, although christened as a baby & attending Sunday school for a time, I had SO many questions that were ALWAYS immediately dismissed without answer, as if from a communicated attitude of-“If you were any less foolish, and had more faith, then you would realize just how foolish your enquiry really IS!”, regarding what I, as a child at that time, had considered WERE in fact perfectly ‘reasonable’ , ‘common sense’ questions about, as it had seemed to my innocent, child-like mentality, the seemingly great number of scriptural inconsistencies, contradictions, continuity errors, non-linear chronology of the placement of the order of the books of the bible, & how seemingly most, if not ALL scriptural tenets, injunctions & pronouncements could be apparently contradicted outright, in a character of polar, diametric opposition? (love, bless, pray for, forgive your enemies versus do unto others, an eye for an eye, fingers made for war, & so on, & so forth. . . . ). Having joined a church and, being genuinely confused about these issues of-“Well? Which IS it then, the one OR the other?” concerning scriptural imputations of DIRECTLY contradictory character, sadly, I was, to MY mind, treated very poorly & disrespectfully indeed, including being immediately walked away from, completely ignored, interrupted & rudely, loudly spoken over, or glibly offered evasive, superficial deflections, non-answers, & even treated to ad hominem attacks, transparently false equivalences, & blatant affectations of the so called “Delphic-technique” & insulting employments of the tactic(s) of “appeal to ridicule”, or “offense”, gleefully & enthusiastically taken up by the rest of the “august elect”, & His “best & brightest”, who figuratively mobbed around the smug, arrogant ‘pastor’ in defence, as if hooting, perturbed primates, whose “territory” had been threatened!? I recall one occasion whereupon two of the women there approached me, laying hands on me & praying for me “in tongues”, & when, not knowing but GENUINELY wishing TO know, I had innocently asked-“When you speak/pray in tongues, do you KNOW what YOU or EACH OTHER are actually saying? Do you know in the sense of an almost literal “word for word” translation, or is it more that you intuit & interpret the “general sense” & impetus of what you say, OR are you almost engaging upon some unconscious analogue of “channelling”, so to speak, & are merely the vessel of the Spirit, rather than the scrupulous translator OF it?”. Well(!), after briefly exchanging an angered scowl of evidently mutual disgust & unambiguous contempt, they both turned on their heels and separately walked away from me!! I had GENUINELY, innocently wanted to KNOW, because it HAD ALREADY been imparted to me that I WAS going to NEED to cultivate these “Gifts of the Spirit”, or else I would NOT be in reception of having attained that “fiery, second baptism of the Spirit”, & was NOT SAVED, & so, I had felt it vitally important that I DID learn HOW to attract, cultivate & rightly measure & discern these “Gifts of the Spirit” & speaking “in tongues”, but was treated so harshly, rudely, & overtly aggressively for merely having ASKED them about the matter (politely AND respectfully, I might add, & without ANY lurking attitude of mockery, ridicule, nor scorn)! If it be the case that you are unable, or deign NOT to answer, address, &/or enlighten me as to the answer of my original question (that being “saved forever or eternally damned by a SINGLE sin?”), might I respectfully inquire as to whether there be any other Christian resource you’re aware of that you might furnish me with the link/details/site address(es) of? Please understand & accept that NO disrespect nor attitude of ridicule, or of precocious brevity has been intended by these questions, nor this communication, I need HELP!! I have become very depressed & consequently oppressed by this whole upsetting matter & what I feel to be cold, callous, dismissive treatment/behaviour, marginalization & ostracism at the hands of this church, & feel strongly that my very faith itself is under attack! I will be greatly indebted to you for ANY legitimate counsel, advice, elucidation, or further resources you might be able to direct me towards. Whatever may be, I thank you for taking the time to have read my message to you. Thank you, & God bless you. Yours sincerely, Greg

    1. Author

      Hello Greg. Thank you for your message. I want to apologise to those Christians who have treated you in such a way, just for having a childlike thirst for knowledge. This is positive. You should have questions, and while I might not be able to answer all of them, I hope that I can help, and I can definitely send you some links to some worthwhile churches that my husband and I watch online.

      Firstly, you questioned whether the once saved always saved is true, and it’s the only truth, because when I mention one sin is enough to send a person to hell, I am emphasising the fact that ALL of humankind have sinned, because we are born with a sin nature. Sin is a virus that is passed down, and God is Holy, so God demands perfection, and Jesus Christ the perfect God-Man is the only one who could make that payment for our sin, and upon simple believe in him, that he died for us and was resurrected, we are born again, and born into God’s family never to be lost.

      I do not know how to answer you with regards to the old testament laws, eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand etc, but when we look to Jesus, the forgiveness he showed as he was hanging in great pain on that cross, paying for our wages of sin, knowing that so many would trust in Him, just know that we have that very nature of God inside of us – this NATURE CAN product the FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT – love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control, these are fulfilling Ephesians 2:10.

      I don’t believe that tongues is a spiritual gift today, because it is impossible for us to know what they are saying. I went to a church in Milnrow last year and they spoke in tongues, and they were very focussed on the Holy Spirit. The Spirit has its role, to glorify Jesus, just as Jesus glorifies the Father, and there were people who prayed over me too, and it’s perfectly okay to ask what they were speaking, because every single person who heard the disciples speaking in tongues on the Day of Pentecost heard the tongues in their own language, and this can only be the gift of the tongues. If they could not answer, they are likely deceived and ‘believe’ that it’s from God, but would not think otherwise.

      Here are some great teachers who are sound on the gospel, and who teach verse by verse:
      Tom Cucuzza of Northland Bible Baptist Church
      Jeremy Thomas of Spokane Bible Church
      Jesse Martinez of BibleLine
      Ralph ‘Yankee’ Arnold of Yankee Arnold Ministries
      Tom Adams of the Good News Bible Church of Cohasset
      Bill Wenstrom of Wenstrom Ministries:
      GBC of Fresno CA
      J Vernon McGee:

  2. Also, I had intended (but forgotten) to state that you do VITAL, imperative work here, with this site. It is absolutely CRUCIAL that people WAKE UP to what is behind, and REALLY going on with this globally instituted campaign of planet-wide GENOCIDE/DEMOCIDE, what the C19 bioweapon REALLY IS, and the hell-born & bound consequences of having been fooled & lured into having TAKEN it!! I was most dismayed & depressed to realise that EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the church I had joined in late 2021 had, to an individual, ALL rushed to have taken EVERY proffered jab AND booster IMMEDIATELY attendant upon their having been made available to them!! Their children TOO!! It was instantly pronounced & adjudged that my urgent warnings about the C19 bioweapon to them were “paranoid, irresponsible & DANGEROUS !CONSPIRACY-THEORIZING’!” of the most vicious, egregious character, DESPITE the fact of my having explained that this damnable bioweapon had KILLED my DAD with THREE, immediately presenting as “stage four” terminal “turbo”-cancers, and that he had died a ghastly, gruesome, & hideously painful death, that it had killed FIVE of my neighbours (just the FIRST shot, that is!), SEVERAL school aged children in my town (& HUNDREDS of adults in ALL variant age groupings), & my attempting to provide them the irrefutable, conclusive proof, evidence, peer reviewed scientific studies, darkfield electron microscopy lab footage/reports, SHOWING the graphene oxides, self assembling lipid nano particulates, bio-mechanical, EGG-laying Hydra-Vulgaris/Lineus parasites, clotting formations, AND the voluminous trial-data of Pfizer with its NINE PAGES of horrible diseases that they had KNOWN it would cause, PRIOR to its release!! (& much, MUCH more!). I was roundly & soundly shut up/down, silenced, ignored, and even rudely “SHUSHHED/shhhhhh’d” when I tried to warn them they must NOT take ANY MORE of the C19 bioweapon jabs, and MOST imperatively- that they MUST NOT give them to their children!! How CAN such as them DARE to proudly impute that THEY are discerning “Lovers of TRUTH”, and that it was ME who was an “irresponsible, selfish, ‘rebellious’, dangerous conspiracy theorist”??! Now, led prayers have been requested for their “suddenly VERY poorly” children, in more than a “few” cases, & there is suddenly a LOT of asked for prayers for SEVERAL of them, or their relatives who appear to have classic/typical cases of turbo-cancers, COMPLETELY “coincidental”, OF COURSE!! (after all, wouldn’t the lab-coated liars that poisoned them NOT openly state that it was the toxic poison THEY administered that slew their relatives, neighbours, friends & family?). In any case, you do VITAL, crucial & imperative work in attempting to awaken the dullard, deceived, malleable masses as to this cruel & murderous, satanic pharmakeia & deception that has been levelled against them. You truly DO stand amongst THE very elect, and may confidently count yourselves amongst the saints, by the Saviour’s side- THANK YOU for EVERYTHING you do & already HAVE done, & may God continue to bless & keep you throughout this war between the scions of darkness & of light. God bless you ALL! Love, Greg .

    1. Author

      It is good to have discernment, especially this past four years. It has been so evil what has gone on, but then those deceived find it easy to call us names like conspiracy theorist. Satan is a thief who steals, kills, destroys and he appears as an angel of light, 2 Cor 11:14. I still find it so amazing that so many Christians have believed all of the bonkers science, and even put their life on the line to take the jab. Just know that there are many Christians worldwide who did see through the lies and deception, and we can only hope and pray for their eyes to be opened, because it’s harder to stay asleep, because the globalists are getting the world ready for their antichrist and his mark system and Christians who took the jab to ‘save others’ may still be looking to their works to save them and are therefore not born again. I firmly believe Covid was a precurser for that coming tribulation, only there will be no exemptions during that time.

      I’m sorry for all of the tragedy that you have faced in seeing so many deaths, and that those evil jabs quickened the cancer death of your father. Just know one day that God will have his vengeance upon those evildoers. They might be getting away with it now, but there will come a time when they will stand before God. All of that money used for evil.

      I will keep thee in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength – Isaiah 26:3-4

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