stop human reproduction

The goal to stop human reproduction makes sense to these earth worshipping money-hungry megalomaniac devil worshippers. To them, there are just too many humans on this planet.

This video was shared by a subscriber, but it’s relative to what is happening today. It’s mass depopulation on a global scale. It is causing unnecessary suffering. It’s being caused by fear, manipulation, coercion, and a false appearance of love. Jesus said perfect loves casteth out fear. This false love that is shown daily in the media (get the jab to protect others, wear a mask to protect others, keep your distance to protect others) is a blinded love that is ignorant to criticism and asking questions. This is having a sound mind. A confused mind is of the enemy, Satan. A sound mind can think logically, it is not manipulated by tactics like bullying, fear, or peer pressure. It can think critically and make its own decision based on fact.

This 18-minute video shows that not only are vaccinated women experiencing changes in their menstrual cycle, but unvaccinated women are experiencing changes to their menstrual cycle. Not only that, but pregnancies are miscarrying, and children are being stillborn.

I didn’t watch the series Utopia, but the goal of these megalomaniacs (in the TV show) was to stop human reproduction of three generations.

God is in control. If you are pregnant, just know that there is Our Father in Heaven who loves you and gave His life to die for your sin, and that of your unborn child. Salvation is available through the LORD Jesus Christ, and He will save you in an instant when you put your only faith in Jesus who died in your place and rose again. The bad news is that we are all born sinners, and this sin separates us and earns us death and separation from God in hell. The good news (the gospel) is that God does not want anyone to be separated from Him, and John 3:16 displays God’s unconditional love in sending His only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have everlasting life. This is good news. Jesus is the only God-man to walk this earth. He is fully God and perfect man (without sin). His name means Jehovah is Salvation. Jehovah is God Almighty and the name of Jesus means God our Saviour. Christ means Messiah. So Jesus is God our Saviour, the promised, Messiah of the world.

We need to lean on Almighty God more than ever to protect us from the enemy, who seeks whom he may devour. He is after destroying the testimony of Christians, side tracking them to not lift up Christ and share the gospel with a lost and dying world. Too many Christians are giving false gospels that lean on self-righteous filthy rag works to appease God, and yet denying the all-sufficiency of the cross and the blood of Jesus that paid for sin forever. They do not understand that Jesus paid it all. He came to make a payment for sin, and God the Father was pleased and resurrected Him from the dead.

While Satan is trying to kill (through human money-hungry greedy agents) as many people as possible through these vaccines, and trying to stop human reproduction in whatever ways they can, Jesus is our only hope. Please, if you have never heard before the good news of how God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, loves you and died in your place to pay for sin. There is everlasting life available only through Him, John 14:6. Everything else is called religion and is another of satan’s deceptions to deceive people from the true light of the world, the Lamb of the World who taketh away the sin of the world.

Jesus said by their fruits ye shall know them. By my fruits, the words I speak, I tell the truth of how YOU can have everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. He died to save you, and eternal life is available in Him. Simply believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose again and He will in a moment give you his very righteousness, which means that he gives you a new nature that is born of God and cannot sin. Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again to enter into the Kingdom of God, and all it requires on our part is faith in the power of God to save us by His mighty work.

After we are born again, nothing changes except we are given a new nature that should not remain a babe in Christ. This new nature should grow in the milk of the Word (of God), pray, have fellowship, fast (if led by grace), but each of us still have our carnal fleshly body that wages against the new nature. This is why we cannot fix the flesh. This is why a Christian who is telling you that you must turn from sin before Jesus will save you is an accursed gospel that deceives. It actually steals all of the glory from off of Christ. The truth is that none of us can save ourselves, none of us can wash away our sin by good works. We need the very righteousness of Jesus Christ, and that gift of God (salvation) comes through grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

We need more labourers to share the gospel. Let’s all pray to the Lord of the Harvest (Jesus) to send forth more labourers into his harvest (the world). The world (people) is ripe for harvest (the good news of Jesus Christ). Satan is only winning through our laziness. Yes, the world will laugh and mock, as they mocked Noah who warned for 100 years while building the ark, but warn we must.



  1. I am in favor of you and your followers not taking the vaccine. Please do us all a favor and don’t take it, faster.

    1. Author

      Not sure what you are saying, R W Spryszak. Are you mocking me for doing my own research and warning others? I do not have any followers, this is just a website where people can subscribe if they wish for future posts. I am a nobody. I just try to lead people to the true hope – the LORD Jesus Christ. This world is sinking. The vaccines are accomplishing the depopulation agenda, as sheep to the slaughter.

  2. Reuters reporting Japan is at 1% of its COVID peak cases and falling. India is at 3% of its peak and falling. What did these countries do? Ditch vaccine mandates for ivermectin. Since April 28, India medical officials started providing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to its massive population. As India is the major pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world, they were ready for this massive drug distribution. MIRACULOUSLY!, COVID cases have plummeted quickly since then. Meanwhile, all “first world” countries in Europe are reporting a rise in cases. Get your ivermectin before it is too late!

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