individual risk assessment

Are you a health care worker who is being threatened with the sack if you do not take this COVID injection? This is criminal behavior from the employer, and also attempted murder. You can request an individual risk assessment under Regulation 3 of the Management of the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Your life is important and no one can coerce or bully you into taking this injection. Do not do it just to comply or to make life easy for yourself, because if you cannot see already – this is about control, not a virus. If you are not aware of the current vaccine adverse effects data, please follow this post that is updated weekly with the latest numbers.

Well just about what’s going on with the care workers, you were saying in your speech that it was illegal. What’s your advice to any care workers?

Okay well, my advice to any care worker is to, first of all, assist that the employer gives you an individual risk assessment under the Health and Safety framework so it’s regulation 3 of the Management of the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and under that, it’s a legal statutory duty for the employer to give their employee an individual risk assessment.

Now that has to be conducted with the occupational health physician, so not a line manager, so it has to be a properly qualified occupational health physician and that occupational health physician has to see the individual privately, and for that time they become their patient, which means they have a duty to do their whole medical history and pre-existing conditions and do a proper risk-benefit analysis for all harms and risks, so that person as an individual because it’s the individual’s body that is going to be potentially harmed. So the idea that there can be a blanket policy and to say “it’s safe and effective” is nonsense. We’re all different and it’s not going to be safe and effective for some people – it’s going to kill them, on the evidence and it has done.

So, you know, the employer has no right to harm their employees. So the idea that they can mandate an experimental novel genetic engineering in the case of Pfizer and Moderna, and a novel viral vector injection in the case for AstraZeneca is ridiculous because we don’t have the long-term safety data. What we do have is data already from around the world confirming that thousands and thousands of people have died and millions have now been suffering serious adverse effects, including long-life term disabilities. Now, what employer has the right to play Russian roulette with their employees on that basis.

So as an individual, don’t allow someone to threaten your right to life, your right not to be treated.

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