
Chemtrails are evident. You only need to look up at the sky. See the long white trails that do not disappear quickly like the aeroplane contrails, but they contain a list of ingredients that are dangerous to human health. Depopulation agenda done slowly over years of poisoning? Only God knows.

These pictures were taken on the 8 June 2021 outside my bedroom window. They are not clouds, but chemtrails. It is not conspiracy, but fact. Here is CIA Director John O Brennan speaking about it as a use against ‘climate change’. Video and transcript link.

Wonder if the big pharma want people to get sick through alzheimers and be on drugs for life.

Why spray the skies with this cocktail of chemicals? Their theory is to cool the atmosphere because of the lie of climate change. The decision makers are failing to protect the people from evil and punishing evil.


Dr Gabriel Cousens

Dr Gabriel Cousens  00:00

So what’s EDiv (??) let me explain. There’s about nine general components, they do vary from time to time. They vary the formula. But here are the basics, aluminium oxide, which is one of the most deadly heavy metals and acts, again, as a reflector for scalar wave technology that affects us, barium oxide is pretty much the same thing, but it’s not as poisonous, but it’s used to affect our consciousness. We have bio nano particles,  which act again as scalar wave transmitters with the particles in this, they act as receptors for the scalar waves to affect our consciousness, and synthetic polymers, which which do the same thing. So they got a group of things, okay.

Dr Gabriel Cousens  00:55

Now, next thing they use ethylene dibromide and is ranked as the 12th most deadly toxin. It displaces iodine from the system therefore diminishes health and intelligence. But it is a poison on its own and it’s also in a lot of fire retardants. It’s also in Mountain Dew, Gatorade, and a few other drinks, and it’s also as a fire retardant in a variety of places including automabiles. There are only two countries in the world that do this, use bromide, they’ve outlawed it in every country because it’s poisonous and you can guess that United States is one of them. But everybody’s getting affected by definitely dibromide. So that’s a pretty important one.

Dr Gabriel Cousens  01:54

Then we have viruses, (inaudible) biological warfare, viruses, bacteria, fungus, and Morgellons. Curious how many people have heard about Morgellons? One okay. Two. Okay? Not a whole lot of people. Morgellons is something that appears that we don’t have a cure for. It attacks your skin, hair and nails that literally melts your skin away and ultimately kills you. There’s four kinds of Morgellons, we don’t even know where it’s from and it’s hard to classify whether it’s a bacteria, virus, or a fungus, and nobody quite understands it, you know, there’s lots of theories about it. So Morgellons is being dumped on us as well.

Partial Article Copyright: Tree of Life Center US

There are about nine essential components that make up chemtrails:

Aluminum oxide – one of the deadliest heavy metals, acting as a reflector for scalar wave technology

Barium oxide – similar to aluminum oxide (though not as poisonous), being used as a reflector for the consciousness altering scalar waves

Bio-nano-particles – act as scalar wave transmitters and receptors once they enter our bodies

Synthetic polymers – act as scalar wave receptors and transmitters upon entering the body

Ethylene dibromide – ranked as one of the deadliest toxins, displaces iodine from the system and therefore diminishes health and intelligence. It is in many fire retardants as well as Mountain Dew, Gatorade, and a few other drinks. Ethylene dibromide has been outlawed in every country in the world except for two, and the U.S. is one of these.

Morgellons disease – attacks skin, hair, and nails. It melts the skin away and literally kills the victim. There appear to be many kinds of Morgellons.

Viruses, fungi, and bacteria have all been used in chemtrail cocktails. There are other heavy metals that used from time to time. Radioactive thorine is also commonly included. When we add it up, there are typically about nine different factors.

Keep in mind that the entire intent of these chemtrails is to weaken the physical health and the spiritual willpower of the masses.

Michael J Murphy is another source of help on geoengineering / chemtrails and he made a documentary called “What in the World Are They Spraying”.

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