
A document no longer available from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regarding “Emergency Use Authorization” of potential COVID-19 treatments appears to suggest that hydroxychloroquine satisfies the criteria for the classification, but would stand in the way of lucrative other drugs, and a vaccine. The possible treatment, shunned by theContinue Reading

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Many doctors and nurses have spoken out about the guidance for Covid-19 deaths fraud by the advice given from The Center for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC), and you can see from this PDF by National Vital Statistics System that these lockdowns and mandatory face mask laws are theContinue Reading

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face mask fine

A face mask fine for non compliance is the norm worldwide. In the UK, the fine is £100, or £50 if paid within 14-days. In the USA, I think a face mask fine ranges from $500 to $1000. Isn’t it a ridiculous world we are living in? But nevertheless, weContinue Reading

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rochdale baum

It’s strange in pubs like Rochdale Baum these days. Christian and I normally visit Wetherspoons for a curry and pint every Thursday, but this evening we decided that we would have a meal at Rochdale Baum using the £50 deposit that we put down for our wedding reception, which wasContinue Reading

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mask bullies

Dear mask bullies of the UK and worldwide, be careful who you are judging when you give abuse toward the people exempt from wearing face masks, or face coverings, as they are now described. Have you experienced mental illness? Have you ever undergone a panic or anxiety attack? What makesContinue Reading

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