bail ins

I wrote this article on bank bail ins in March 2021. This is an interesting video which paints a clear picture of the current fiat currency ponzi scheme that is destined to collapse, with COVID being the “ideal” situation to bring forth their cashless society – a system of control and will eventually require people to submit to the beast system as spoken of in Revelation 13.


Christopher Wheeler, President Donald Trump, Economic Renegade, AFP News Agency

Economic Renegade  00:08

The way the banking system is set up today is this – they lend money that doesn’t exist called credit to the population, and then charge interest on it. The bank takes as collateral wealth that does exist land resources, property, and businesses. And if the population doesn’t pay back the credit money that he’s created out of nothing than the people issuing the credit – the banking system – get your wealth that does exist. Over the generations, this exchange of nonexistent funny money called credit for real wealth and resources has sucked the wealth of the world into the hands of the few. Not only are individuals and businesses borrowing money from private banking institutions, but governments also borrow money from private central banks for which the population is paying interest on top. We have allowed a banking system to exist which issues non existing credit money and charges interest on top, interest which cannot be paid back because the real money to pay it back does not exist. So when the borrowers are inevitably unable to repay, the banking system takes the real wealth of the people.

Economic Renegade  01:11

The people who issue the credit, they dictate if the economy goes up or the economy goes down by controlling the supply of credit. They can lend out a lot of credit causing an artificial boom, then they can tighten that credit supply causing the inevitable bust. During this bust, the people cannot pay back the loans they took out during the boom. And this is when the banks take the real wealth that was put up as collateral for the funny money. It leads to a situation where eventually almost all of the real wealth is owned by the government and the owners of the private central banking system. And that is why central banking is a tenet of communism, because with a central bank, they can eventually control all of the resources and the people become serfs impoverished, enslaved and dependent on the state. It would not be possible without the monopoly on violence that is government creating a monopoly on money through fiat currency issued by private central banks. These private central banks can prevent the commercial banks from failing while they Institute the funny money debt-based fiat currency Ponzi scheme.

Economic Renegade  02:17

The system is designed so that it constantly needs new and greater amounts of credit issued to be able to pay off the old credit and interest. As soon as the new credit creation slows or contracts, the entire system implodes in on itself because there’s no longer enough funny money to pay off the old debt, defaults skyrocket and catastrophic losses occur. It creates a giant hole and people cannot work out why everything was fine one day, and all of a sudden, their wealth was gone the next. It’s because their wealth was transformed so that it was based on paper IOU’s credit. These paper IOUs used to represent something real, something tangible like gold or silver. So there’s actually real resources backing the paper. And without the real resources, you could not create any more of it without the market noticing. This is why the bank has wanted monopoly control of the money supply through a central bank so that they control the gold and those who control the gold make the rules, rules that they would slowly change over time to benefit themselves by sucking the real wealth of the people into their hands.

Economic Renegade  03:21

Part of the rule changes included backing the pieces of paper with less real resources over time. The reason they had to do this was because they issued more paper receipts than there was gold to back it up. So they had to devalue the piece of paper so that it was worth less in terms of real resources. This is a direct transfer of wealth from the people to the bankers. When this system was created, initially, the credit was lent to people who actually produce something so they could pay it back. But see, the bankers know that the more credit the more funny money they create out of nothing and lend out the more real money and wealth they earn in return from people who actually had to produce real goods and services to obtain it. It wasn’t long before they started lending credit to people that didn’t want to use it to produce, but to consume, to purchase consumer goods like houses, cars, electronics and appliances.

Economic Renegade  04:15

Now, instead of being able to buy these consumption goods with savings, people are forced to borrow credit from the bank, because credit is not backed by real resources. So naturally, credit was more abundant than the real resources, so the prices of real resources rose over time to a point that they represent a much larger portion of the average person’s wage. So instead of one or two years of savings to buy a new car, it takes seven years of debt to be repaid with future wages. So instead of savings people have debt. Debt is the opposite of savings. What it means is that people have already consumed much of their future wages, they’ve consumed a significant amount of their future production. But what happens when the capital is not available for them to produce the same amount in future? They’re now unable to repay.

Economic Renegade  05:02

What the unbacked nonexistent money called credit has allowed is for people to bring forward future consumption for today’s enjoyment at the expense of their future. Eventually, once credit contracts they will have produced for much of their life to pay for a consumption good like a house that they no longer own. So the system has stolen their time, energy and resources. With the growth of this astronomical credit bubble has come a population bubble built on top of it. The population bubble is heavily reliant on the continuation of the funny money system that allowed for it to be sustained.

Economic Renegade  05:37

How does the debt bubble sustain the population bubble? The grand total of all of the production on earth came about through the issuance of money that never existed in the first place. So that nonexistent money called credit allowed for the existing production. The existing level of production has allowed for the existing level of population to survive by consuming, but see that production is heavily reliant on the continuous flow of credit. Take away the credit and the producers will realize that the real resources and capital to sustain their production do not exist. So the producers go out of business and suddenly the productive capacity collapses and the end products to sustain the current population level disappear. Consumption will collapse as well as the population. It is built into the system. This is where the poverty comes from. The problem is not the collapse. The problem was the artificial boom that was created by this credit bubble. We’ve built a global house based on weak foundations, foundations that cannot sustain the size of the house. When the house collapses, few people escape alive. That is unfortunately the serious nature of allowing such an enormous Ponzi scheme to go on for so long.

Economic Renegade  06:50

In 2020, a critical economic lesson should have been learned by the masses that you cannot consume if nothing is produced. Look what happens when producers are shut down for whatever reason, people queue in lines miles long for food. They’re unable to consume at the level they were previously when real produce was abundant. The extension of credit allowed for unsustainable economic activity, which is the base that the entire population is sitting on. After the coming financial reckoning, the economic activity will be realized is unsustainable, and the base that is holding up this level of population will be removed. The irony is that the people who came up with the idea of sustainable development are the same people who created and profited off of this unsustainable debt bubble. And we are now witnessing their final play, which includes mandating the closure of the economy, bankrupting the small businesses making up the middle class, and transferring the rest of the resources that they don’t currently own to themselves. The only thing that has seen production skyrocket in this economic collapse is funny money. But as people should have learned over the last few months, no amount of paper or digital dollars matters if there’s nothing on the supermarket shelves to purchase. The funny money is realized as worthless because it is only worth the real goods, the real wealth that it can purchase. Wealth is the real goods and services that are produced. Wealth comes from production of real products, not money creation. All of your savings in your bank account are only worth what they can purchase. And the reason I’m making this video is to warn you that your savings are not actually there. And when people can no longer repay the institution holding your savings, that institution will write off part of the amount they were due to repay you as the depositor.

Economic Renegade  08:38

The early 2000s. A golden age of banking. Banks were getting bigger through consolidation. Investment banking operations were thriving, fueled by a buoyant subprime lending market. But in just a short period, everything went wrong. As wholesale money markets froze, and so began banking’s Annus horribilis, one of the first signs was the run-on Northern Rock, as people queued in the streets trying to withdraw their savings.

Christopher Wheeler  09:03

We saw the value of large amounts of subprime mortgages which were not only held by investors but were held by banks in their treasury books starts to decline. We started to see considerable concern about liquidity in other banks. And we then got through to the stage where Bear Stearns, a very big name, found itself in deep trouble a big player in the mortgage market in March of 2008. It was taken over by JP Morgan, and then a very jittery summer flew to the point in time where Lehman Brothers of course went into bankruptcy. And this was really just, if you want a whole deck of cards falling, the markets were very weak at the end of 2007, banks were starting to have to take marks to market. Now there was losses through their P&L on the assets on their balance sheet, subprime loans in particular or subprime mortgage-backed securities, and this accelerated into the start of 2008. Unlike banks like Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns that have run into problems that were predominantly wholesale banks serving the institutional market, Royal Bank, of course, had a very large retail bank. And basically, the government had to step in to protect depositors.

Economic Renegade  10:13

We’re all familiar with the events that transpired in the global financial crisis in 2008, where taxpayers bailed out the banks. That caused a lot of pushback, which isn’t surprising considering the bailout saddled many future generations with debt. So we had our problem the bank bailouts in 2008, they got a reaction, the Tea Party movement in 2009, then it was time for the solution. In 2010, the United States Congress passed the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which was signed into law by President Obama and became effective on July 21, 2010. The Dodd Frank act created the Financial Stability Oversight Council, which is responsible for keeping the banks and other financial firms from becoming too big to fail. Which is interesting because at the end of 2019, JP Morgan was three times the size as it was before the GFC. It also mandated that the Federal Reserve more closely monitor the largest banks and insurance companies conducting annual banking industry stress tests, using hypothetical scenarios to assess the impact different financial shocks might have on their stability. Of course, the stress tests were designed to ensure the bank’s past employing very mild scenarios. I think we can all agree that 2020 is anything but mild.

Economic Renegade  11:28

Did the stress test examine whether banks could withstand the government mandating the shutdown of the entire economy? What about 50 million Americans becoming unemployed, millions of Americans not paying their mortgages, tens of millions unable to afford rent, and over half of small businesses at risk of permanently closing down? I don’t think they examined this scenario. Another regulatory body created by Dodd Frank was the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was intended to protect consumers from risky or abusive financial products. This was after the financial weapon of mass destruction called collateralized debt obligations blew up in 2008. Instead, what became popular was the collateralized loan obligation. And instead of filling it with residential mortgages, they packaged up commercial mortgages into commercial mortgage-backed securities and put them into a synthetic derivative called a collateralized loan obligation. That worked out really well, especially now with all of the empty commercial properties, businesses not paying their rent, and the commercial property owners deferring mortgage repayments. So I’m sure consumers are protected from these products, products of which pension funds have been loading up on for years in search for yield.

Economic Renegade  12:48

But here’s the most relevant aspect of the Dodd Frank act to this video. It eliminated the option of bank bailouts but opened the door for bank bail ins. A bank bailout is where the government uses taxpayer money to bail out the bank. A bank bail in is where the bank converts their liabilities into equity to recapitalize the bank. A banks asset are their loans, a banks liability are their deposits. Before the Dodd Frank Act, when you deposited money at your bank, it was called a demand deposit meaning you could withdraw it whenever you wanted. After the Dodd Frank Act, now when you deposit money in your bank you are lending it to the bank. You’re an unsecured creditor of the bank and now the bank owes that money, and they’ll only pay it back if they can afford to. This is not only an American policy. The Dodd Frank Act came from the bank of International Settlements Basel III regulations, which is the international regulatory framework for banks. So there is international framework for regulating bank capital.

Economic Renegade  13:49

In Carol Quigley’s 1966 book Tragedy and Hope on page 324, he describes the Bank of International Settlements as the apex of the international financial system. “In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks, which were themselves private corporations.”

Economic Renegade  14:37

In 2012, the International Monetary Fund wrote a paper titled From Bailout to Bail In: Mandatory Debt Restructuring of Systemic Financial Institutions. This paper studies the usefulness of statutory bail in power as a resolution tool for systemically important financial institutions. In describing a bail in the paper states bail in is a statutory power over resolution authority to restructure the liabilities of a distressed financial institution by writing down its unsecured debt and or converting it to equity. This statutory bail in power is intended to achieve a prompt recapitalization and restructuring of a distressed institution. So what was formerly called a bankruptcy is now called a resolution proceeding. The bank’s insolvency is resolved by a neat trick of turning its liabilities into equity. Insolvent banks are to be promptly recapitalized with their unsecured debt so that they can go on with business as usual. Unsecured debt includes deposits, the largest class of unsecured debt of any bank. The insolvent bank is to be made solvent by turning your money into their equity. The bank stock that you potentially receive in return could be worthless on the market or be tied up for years in resolution proceedings. It’s very interesting what the paper outlines given the events that have taken place in the financial system in the last year. It states that without bail in powers, “runs on repos and other short-term funding now become high risk as the bank’s capital is eroded by losses. But if part of the bank’s debt can be converted into equity under a bail in power to absorb losses, the risk of runs on short term funding could be significantly lowered.” The reason that is interesting is because a run on the repo market occurred in September of 2019, causing interest rates to spike to 10 percent. It forced the Federal Reserve to intervene and pump hundreds of billions of dollars into the repo market daily to ensure interest rates didn’t spike to 10 percent again. The question is, if it blows up again, will we see bank bail ins this time?

Economic Renegade  16:41

An example of how a bail in plays out on a bank balance sheet is given by the IMF in this paper. [Staff Discussion Notes] From Bail-out to Bail-in

First, you have the bank’s balance sheet at the starting point with $10 billion in equity. Then you have the bank balance sheet after a write down of $10 billion in long term assets like mortgages, which brings the assets down to $90 billion and the equity to zero, making the bank insolvent. And finally, you have the bank balance sheet after recapitalization under the bail in power, whereby the bank converts $10 billion of liabilities into $10 billion of equity, bringing them back into solvency again. As we’ve discussed, those liabilities include bank deposits. This paper was written in the midst of the European debt crisis after the GFC then came there first bail in trial balloon.

AFP News Agency  17:30

Before the 2008 financial crisis, Cyprus appeared to be in good shape. A long period of growth kept unemployment rates low and public finances sound. Even the islands 2009 recession was the mildest in the Eurozone. But Cyprus had been gradually exposing its economy to more and more risk, notably in the form of rapid credit growth, which in turn fueled the housing boom, close financial ties with Athens, and lending money to Greece. Cyprus’ financial sector was particularly vulnerable due to its large banking system. Total bank assets were the equivalent to 835 percent of GDP in 2011. This led to mounting debt and finally a formal request for Europe’s help. In return for a 10-billion-euro bailout deal with the Eurozone, the Cypriot government has now agreed to a major downsizing of the sector. Laiki Popular Bank, the country’s second largest will be wound down with healthy assets eventually merging into the Bank of Cyprus. The Bank of Cyprus itself will endure a major haircut on deposits of more than 100,000 euros. This comes as a huge blow to major investors, many of whom are Russian. Analysts say Cypriots meanwhile could face years of economic hardship.

Economic Renegade  18:35

In regard to the bank bail ins in Cyprus, the final deal ended up keeping deposits under 100,000 euros untouched, but uninsured deposits were restructured. This wiped out the savings and cash flow of foreign depositors and local businesses. Cyprus’s second largest bank Laiki Bank was closed down and deposits over 100,000 euros moved into a bad bank. Deposits below 100,000 euros were moved to the Bank of Cyprus, the country’s biggest bank. Deposits at Bank of Cyprus of more than 100,000 euros were frozen, some for months, and some for over a year. A deal was reached in July of 2013, which saw the Central Bank of Cyprus agreed to a 47.5 percent haircut on deposits exceeding 100,000 euros in an attempt to recapitalize the Bank of Cyprus.

Economic Renegade  19:24

Capital controls were imposed once the freeze was lifted to ensure people couldn’t immediately withdraw their funds out of the bank. So Cypriots went to bed on Friday night 15th Of March 2013 thinking everything was fine. By the next morning, they had no way to pay bills or buy food. Remember, there’s a huge difference between checking your bank account seeing a number displayed on the screen and a well capitalized bank that actually holds abundant cash. Those who follow the financial markets closely know that the current financial system is founded not on the bedrock of sound economic principals, but instead upon the quicksand of public perception. All it takes is one large bump in the road to upset the economic bandwagon and usher in a new financial paradigm. One major bump in the road took place in Cyprus in 2013. In the immediate aftermath of the bank holidays and the deposit bail ins many in the financial media began to speculate on whether Cyprus represented a template for future bail ins across the world.

Economic Renegade  20:28

The new financial paradigm is already taking shape globally. As many have speculated over the last few decades, it involves a cashless society. It includes central bank digital currency projects, which are already underway, and the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, which has over a decade of infrastructure built, and regulatory framework being rapidly designed. A financial cataclysm is the ideal problem to create the need for this new digital currency system as the solution. In June 2020, the World Economic Forum announced the great reset a plan that has been in the works for over 50 years. The great reset involves blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and artificial intelligence, all making up the fourth industrial revolution.

Economic Renegade  21:20

The bank bail in idea has been discussed for years in the highest circles of the international banking sector. In 2010, the Bank of International Settlements issued a white paper on possible bail ins of tier one and tier two bank capital in the event of future banking crises. The Bank for International Settlements houses a decision-making body called the Financial Stability Board. On November 10, 2014, the Financial Stability Board published a report called Adequacy of Loss Absorbing Capacity of Global Systemically Important Banks in Resolution. A few days later on November 16, 2014, in Brisbane, Australia, that report was immediately rubber stamped and adopted by the G20 nations as a guideline for instituting bank bail in provisions. Individual countries went away and quietly passed bail in legislation through their Parliament’s. That report by the FSB that was adopted by the G20 confirmed that bank deposits are now just part of commercial banks capital structure and that they are far from the most senior portion of that structure.

Economic Renegade  22:21

Deposits are part of the first liabilities used to help recapitalize the bank. Deposits even rank behind over the counter derivatives in terms of the bank creditors who are paid out first in an insolvency event. What it did is revalue bank deposits to make them worth less than a bank note, because a bank deposit can be subject to a decline in nominal value via a bail in whereas a banknote cannot be. Since the legislation has taken effect, banks have made it more difficult to withdraw deposits. The reason is simple. Many depositors will now prefer bank notes to bank deposits as a form of savings. Such a change in preference is known as a bank run. Since the G20 adopted the FSB’s report, each country introduced its own legislation to affect the bail in agreed by the G20.

Economic Renegade  23:11

While campaigning for office in 2016, Donald Trump promised to dismantle Dodd Frank.

President Donald Trump  23:16

Dodd Frank has been a disaster making it harder for small businesses to get the credit they need. We have to get rid of Dodd Frank. The banks aren’t loaning money to people that need it. The regulator’s are running the bank.

Economic Renegade  23:27

Dodd Frank instructed banking authorities to impose certain types of special regulations on bank holding companies with $50 billion dollars or more in total assets. The $50 billion level is referred to as the systemically important financial institution threshold. Banks above that threshold were subject to enhanced prudential standards, meaning more stringent rules. After Trump became president, Congress passed the Economic Growth Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act and President Trump signed it into law in May 2018. The Act authorized immediately raising the threshold from $50 billion to $100 billion and raising it to $250 billion 18 months after enactment. Under the EGRRCPA, the Federal Reserve retains the power to impose enhanced prudential standards on banks with total assets between $100 billion and $250 billion. 18 months has now passed since enactment, which means only banks with over $250 billion in assets are considered to be systemically important financial institutions. This means it will be these banks in America that will be authorized to conduct bail ins to prevent them from failing. It doesn’t necessarily mean that all banks over this size will conduct bail ins.

Economic Renegade  24:42

As of March 2018, only nine US commercial banking institutions were large enough to surpass the $250 billion threshold. What it likely means is there’ll be a large number of banks allowed to fail in the upcoming financial crisis further concentrating power. Only when a bank fails does it activate the deposit insurance offered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. In no country does the government’s deposit insurance scheme apply if the financial institution conducts bail ins to prevent failure. In the United States and Australia, deposits of up to $250,000 are covered by the FDIC and financial claim scheme in the event of a bank failure. Again, this is only activated if the bank is not authorized to conduct bail ins. That is one rule that many financial commentators are confused about.

Economic Renegade  25:35

Another crucial factor that many people are unaware of is that the government deposit insurance schemes do not actually have the money to pay out. The level of deposits insured is far higher than the insurance funds available to pay out. According to the FDIC, the federal law requires the FDIC to pay out deposit insurance as soon as possible. But that assumes it is possible, especially since their Deposit Insurance Fund holds $113 billion, ensuring trillions of dollars of deposits. The deposit insurance was just implemented to give depositor’s confidence to not withdraw, preventing a bank run. It doesn’t mean that the insurance will actually pay out. In terms of the US banking institutions and which ones will conduct bail ins and which ones will be allowed to fail, I would make this speculation. All banks outside the systemically important banks will be left to fend for themselves unable to conduct bail ins and with no bailout on the way. If they can survive well done, but if not, they will be allowed to fail. Out of the nine systemically important banks I think the likes of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs will not bail in deposits in order to maintain their credibility with depositors. However, I’m very confident that the likes of Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and US Bancorp will conduct bail ins. The reason I say this is because they hold the most checking accounts and bailing them in will hit the average middle class person the hardest. And that is always the goal of the financial crisis and the response measures. Of course, they never tell the public that that is their intention, but it is always the result.

Economic Renegade  27:12

If you’re wondering which banks will conduct bail ins in your country find the banks with the most checking accounts and you’re probably looking at them. The Bank for International Settlements published a report in 2018, which spoke about the issues with the middle class. In this document, it states that the minimum bail in requirement for European banks is 8 percent of total liabilities, which has been enforced since 2015. That’s the minimum. There is no maximum which means they can bail in the entire amount over 100,000 euros. Here is the Deutsche Bank depositor information sheet. The limit of protection is 100,000 euros per depositor per credit institution. All of your deposits at the same credit institution are aggregated and the total is subject to the limit of 100,000 euros. So when a financial collapse comes, if you have assets, funds, pensions or something comparable to a 401k, it’s gone. It’s bailed in from that moment. You paid for the financial collapse. This is a Deutsche Bank document for the European Union but it is now international law. The scenario is the same in all nations, you will not be capable of accessing your money.

Economic Renegade  28:28

For years, those in the financial community have been trying to determine what will be the chain of events that would trigger the G20 to activate the bank bail in clause. In 2019, central banks around the world started rapidly cutting interest rates simultaneously. This sounded the alarm bells which only got louder with the collapse of the repo market in September 2019. It seemed that we were now on the countdown to collapse, enter 2020 and we’ve got the complete shutdown of the global economy. However bad the financial community thought it was going to be that was increased by an order of magnitude. When I heard that the banks were offering six-month mortgage holidays, it was obvious to me that the timelines to bail ins was set. The mortgage holidays would give way to bank holidays and the bank bail ins. Many of the mortgage holidays expire in September, so there is the potential for a bank holiday and bail ins around October or November. The IMF states that the bail in power will be triggered at a stage when a financial institution is close to being either balance sheet or cash flow insolvent or could even be implemented at an earlier stage called a pre insolvency trigger. The mortgage holidays have the potential to cause all of these scenarios.

Economic Renegade  29:46

The scenario could play out like this. The stock market is collapsing after its senses trouble approaching. Trading is suspended and there’s a presidential address informing people that there’s going to be a bank holiday. People will be frantically trying to get hold of their pension managers. There will be lines at banks, ATMs will freeze up, capital controls will be implemented, and store shelves will be emptied. People won’t be able to move their funds because of international protocols set in place in the banking industry, where if a financial collapse occurs, trading will be suspended, transactions will be suspended, and then the banks will be forced to freeze deposits until they can assess the damage. In the time of assessing the damage you cannot access your funds. There is nothing you can trade or exchange. When the bank holiday is over, and the banks reopen, people will open their bank account to find that their deposit has been levied. Pension funds will be gone because of something called bail-in-able bonds. Companies will have taken a substantial haircut on their savings and can no longer make good on their payrolls and goods payable. Immediately mass layoffs will begin, and a fire sale will unfold in markets heavily reliant on credit supply like real estate and automobiles. In a global financial cataclysm such as the one described, you will see more civil unrest and more desperation than you’ve ever seen in your life.

Economic Renegade  31:11

So it pays to be prepared. And to me part of being prepared involves owning assets outside of the current system in what will be the new system after the World Economic Forum’s great reset to crypto currency system. This will go down as the biggest wealth transfer in history. It’s called equalization. It’s about equalizing the playfield, part of the world communist agenda. It began in the 1970s after the Lima declaration, the goal being to transfer productive resources to the third world lifting them up and dragging the developed nations down. You saw the desperation of many people over the last few months that realized how dependent they are on China’s consumer goods. The made in China phrase came directly from the Lima declaration almost 50 years ago. Recently the United States regulators approved US banks to custodian cryptocurrency. The crypto system is designed to be the replacement for the failing monetary system. It will bank billions of unbanked people in the third world giving them a digital identity, all part of the United Nations agenda for inclusiveness and a cashless society. This has been in planning for decades; they just needed the right crisis event. Contact tracing, QR codes, and social distancing will give way to the new digital social credit system. And what is clear for all to see is the technocracy rising.


You do not want to be here for that terrible beast system, which is yet future. Those who reject the beast’s mark may be hunted down and martyred through a beheading. Some will survive and repopulate the earth during the Millenium reign – what a blessed time that will be with King Jesus ruling and reigning this earth. You can escape that terrible tribulation period and be snatched (the rapture). How will they explain the disappearance of millions of people. Watchman on the Wall 88 gives a possible explanation.

  1. NONE of us are righteous to enter a HOLY HEAVEN (Romans 3:23). We all do things wrong. God calls them sin.
  2. From the day we are born until the day we die, we would have to keep the ten commandments plus the additional 613 laws to go to heaven (Romans 10:5) and nobody can keep God’s holy laws perfectly, if we are honest with ourselves. If you decided to pay for your own sin then you will have to match up to Jesus Christ the Righteous One, as stated in Acts 17:31.
  3. Since the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), we have all earned death and separation from God in hell (death and hell are cast into the eternal lake of fire, revelation 20:14.) No good news there. Without Jesus, we have no chance of being redeemed to a Holy God.
  4. That is why God the Son came to earth. JESUS who is GOD IN THE FLESH was born of a virgin and died in OUR place, bearing the entire sins of everyone who would ever live (Romans 5:8). When He died, we had not yet been even born, so all sins past, present and future, were paid for.
  5. He was buried and victoriously rose from the dead on the third day, according to the scriptures, proving that it was done (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
  6. Jesus says, verily verily, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life – John 6:47. When we do, he seals us with the Holy Spirit and we receive His very righteousness. We now have sainthood (we are sanctified positionally for ever).
  7. Jesus saves us for ever, never to be lost. And I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. For my father than gave them me is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of his hand. I and my father are one – John 10:28-30.

MOST of what claims to be Christianity today teach that you must reform your life, turn from sin, give your life to Christ, stop bad habits and start new ones…for God to save you. These are accursed messages Galatians 1:8-9. The lists of these false gospel works for salvation messages only bring confusion to the one searching for truth. While these confused persons are trying to lead people to God through their pious efforts through the flesh, they are not using the power of the gospel message: how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. Believing that message brings (eternal) life. It obeys the gospel message, and it lifts up Jesus to give Him all the glory and honour. The gospel message is the power of God unto salvation to the one who believes it Romans 1:16. I am to trust in the power of God’s word and just deliver it as it says. His word will not return void unto Him Isaiah 55:11.

In believing that they have to ‘perform’ they have not submitted to the righteousness of God, because that is the only way we are delivered from death unto life (eternal). JESUS SAVES US. We play no part in salvation neither before we believed, nor after (however works done through the new nature will earn us rewards at the Judgement Seat of Christ.) Those who place themselves and others under bondage have not yet been captured by the grace of God. The truth is that none of us deserve to go to heaven, yet God in his mercy sent his only begotten Son Jesus to die for us, in our place. All he asks us to do is to trust in Him alone for everlasting life. Salvation is a free gift paid for by the LORD JESUS. His name means Jehovah is salvation, or God our Saviour.






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