
From David Pattinson’s Ambitious Friends YouTube Channel

Welcome back to the DPAF vlog format and I’m out here in no lockdown Florida. I’m here at the beach. No face masks, no social distancing, and I wanted to talk about the how the British Government are going to cover up inflation. Obviously with the lockdown, you’ve had people taking a year off work, not producing any goods and services, and we want to also point out they have compounded the problem by paying people to sit at home and not do work so the value of money is gonna decline as a result of that.

What they’re not gonna do is they’re not gonna come out and say you know Rishi has caused all this inflation, Rishi has printed a ton of money, he’s doubled our debt. He’s taken it from two trillion right up to four trillion and putting us on an unsustainable debt path is totally evaporating the value of money. They are also not gonna say how they’re following the United States Federal Reserves Monetary Policy, which is even more inflationary than ours, so they’re gonna come up with different messages for the public to communicate that inflation is a problem, but it’s not a problem caused by the Government. It’s not a problem caused by lockdown, it’s not a problem caused by furlough, it’s not a problem caused by financial mismanagement, which of course it is, but it’s a problem caused by other things. The things are gonna be like supply shocks. There’s gonna be some sort of lorry that’s overturned on the M20, which is the reason why the shelves are bare in your local Sainsbury’s. There’s gonna be some ship bringing imports into the UK, which crashes, or which gets stuck, or which runs out of fuel, and there’s gonna be problems with the energy grid. There’s gonna be issues like the electric grid’s gone out, there’s gonna be issues with oil, and of course now the scapegoat is gonna be Brexit. The Governments gonna say “well you voted for Brexit. We recommended you didn’t. We did the project fear and here is the project fear come to fruition, nothing to do with our financial mismanagement, but to do with the fact that Brexit means that people don’t want to trade with us, we can’t sell them stuff, they can’t sell us stuff, so we have all these shortages.”

I want the public to realise all these are total and complete lies and the cause of inflation is financial mismanagement by the Government, it’s the fact we’re not on the Gold standard, it’s the fact that we have a chancellor of the exchequer who believes in debt slavery for the people, he does not believe in sound money in any way, so I think that’s the primary message I want to get across.

I mean I’m already seeing this stuff here in the United States, I’m seeing inflation kick in, there’s certainly a huge difference since I moved here to Florida last November, in terms of consumer prices, in terms of the cost to go out to a restaurant, the cost to fill up your car with petrol, the cost to go for a night out, go on a day trip, staying at a hotel, the price of rent, it’s going up up up and I think America, especially Florida, is ahead of Britain in this inflation curve. You’re also seeing it, I’m told, back in Britain in the housing market, houses go on the market and they’re sold within twenty-five days and a hundred grand asking price and this is a sign of an out-of-control financial system, and I think what I fear the most is hyperinflation what happened in Weimar Germany and we need to be guarding against it.

Back in Britain we need to be thinking about buying hard assets, we need to be thinking about getting rid of cash when we have it because it’s depreciating so quickly, we need to be thinking about commodities like precious metals and we need to be disbelieving of all the Government lies that they are gonna be highlighting or pointing to to distract from their mismanagement.

As I’ve said before Rishi is a hundred percent culpable for Britain’s terrible financial position. He inherited a large chunk of it from people like Gordon Brown and George Osborne and Theresa May and those clowns, but him and Boris Johnson have worsened it so dramatically with the lockdown, which is unnecessary and with the furlough, which is totally unnecessary, and we should be educating our people about the value of money. We should not be pretending that money grows on trees and that you can just print your way to prosperity, which we what we are currently doing, so a lot of things to think about. I encourage you to really educate yourself on sound money, educate yourself on historical examples of inflation and hyperinflation because that’s what’s coming down the road in Great Britain. It’s gonna be really really nasty and I want people who watch my channel to be as prepared as they can for it. Thanks very much for this. Please share it with your friends, subscribe to the channel and we’ll look forward to talking with you soon.

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