digital identity

The government is inviting feedback on new requirements for organisations wanting to provide or consume digital identity products and services.

The UK Gov wants to officially implement a digital identity framework upon its citizenry, calling it the “trust framework“… and once it is in place, they intend to make it law!

Shared Telegram post.

How will this affect us

In a brief but big picture view of this move…, this will lead to a complete loss of our privacy of “everything” and open us up widely to government abuse and control and the likes of a Chinese Social Credit system. Freedoms can and will be instantly removed.

What can we do about it

Fight back. Flood your MPs, Protest, bang pots and pans like in Denmark, like they did for 9 days straight in the tens of thousands in front of their Parliament!

Go further… Storm their offices and take these leeches out by their ears and strip them bare! Arrest them under the rights of Citizens Arrest for fraud and genocide. Start now as a first move by sending feedback to their direct survey on that GOV UK webpage… Here is how:

I just sent a response within the gov website link ( below ) as there is then a survey feedback link WITHIN that first GOV page. I sent it as an Organisation or Business, not as a citizen for more impact, but it is your call, they don’t check.

Please everyone send a response with EDUCATED and APPROPRIATE views and reasoning AGAINST the implementation of digital identities systems in the UK…. and submit your responses.

EXAMPLE reasons are loss of privacy and freedoms, exposure to government abuse and misuse, and you can research more reasons you are comfortable writing about. Make it count.

We need to flood these traitors with hard push back! PLEASE Spread my message, as it is, far and wide! Go to the link at bottom below… Read all the info and then find the next link, within that page, where it says:

Comment on the framework using the feedback survey

The survey is open until 12 pm on Thursday 11 March 2021.

No more messing about. Time to fight even harder for our children, our families, for the countless faceless victims under threat, for those too who have been murdered and maimed by their “vaccine weapons” and poisons… We must fight for them all, or become enslaved. It is literally NOW.. Fight or become a slave. No two ways about it.

Blessings, Love and Honour to all of you Warriors out there.


  1. The government already knows your name, dob, where you live etc so what’s new about this?

    STORM THE OFFICES!!!! Might be a bit hard when half of the economy is working from home

    1. Author

      I know. These Government papers are pointless really. I suppose they think that by releasing them it gives people some sense of power, just like with the face masks. They feel like they are somehow in control.

  2. There is something VERY dark and sinister in Digital ID. If it cannot be seen for what it is, it is THE MARK OF THE BEAST. I will not be swayed by how good this proposal is, GOOD FOR WHO? As a street preacher I have been refused the opportunity to tell TRUTH, that’s TRUTH as Jesus , said it. I will not bow to any regime or government that convenes the will of God. 1 John 2 vs,`5 ‘Love not the world’ , why? because it is, being overseen by satan himself! Corinthians 1 vs.18-27 especially vs.27! Jeremiah 5 vs,30-31, is about deceit ending; but my people [deceived people] love to have it so; but what will they do in the end”? The Christian church, like my friends the Jews, are being persecuted worldwide, it is nothing but a whim with severe consequences, ‘Thy kingdom come’, will settle this very devious intent to rob us of any vestige of self we have. And what of a cashless society? Look at China!!

    1. Author

      Hi John. Thank you for your comment. Yes, it is a terrible time. Such a lot of deception. I fear even this GESARA/ NESARA that the truthers are discussing will overcome the great reset of the world economic forum, will be one of deception. It speaks of forgiving debt, a currency backed by gold, sonic healing devices, and a time of peace. I can see these being pushed by the antichrist, as he will come in peacably. Man just cannot bring in peace, because it will always be shrouded in the need for power and control. Stay strong in these last days and keep shining the light of the glorious gospel of Christ.

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