adrenochrome data dump

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! – Isaiah 5:20

Why is the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care, 39 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0EU buying Adrenochrome? Found in Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 6. I remember hearing about Adrenochrome about five years ago and it made me feel sick inside. This compound certainly exists, but why are there so many young children listed in the following documentary and its files, who are (even in 2021) hunted, tortured, and disposed for by a company called CYM Adrenochrome? I used to be a denier of these facts, thinking that those exposing information like this were the satanists, but I was the blind one!

Here are the Adrenochrome CYM files mentioned in the document. After seeing the evil capable of our UK Government this year with its callousness regard to human lives, the cruelty toward children and the elderly through the genocide, the depravity of sin is clear in this documentary and these files. There is no point closing your eyes to this evil because Satan is real and he hates all of mankind. These are children who do not deserve this abuse. Children are a gift of God and not to be used for human consumption. Shine your light and expose this evil corruption, while you have breath in your body.

I highly doubt that most of the child trafficking links that you come across in a search engine are trustworthy, but at least the adrenochrome data dump leaked documents are with the US and Russia, like she says in the video.

Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 1

Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 2

Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 3

Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 4

Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 5

Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 6

Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 7

Adrenochrrome Data Dump Files 8

Adrenochrome Data Dump Files 9


  1. Adrenochrome is a NORMAL product of the oxidation of epinephrine (adrenaline) in vitro in the Warburg process, staining the inside of the flask brown. In a high oxygen environment, adrenochrome formation from circulating epinephrine is also likely in vivo in humans. What is the significance of adrenochrome or “dump” in this report? Why relate it to criminal activity? Bizarre!

    1. Author

      These papers are in relation to adrenochrome harvesting and many young children are listed in these papers, papers of disposal, body bags etc.

  2. They all need to meet GOD asapThe worst ,most heartless acts to do.
    Please YAWAY, Send someone to stop this evil.
    I dont think after seeing this,that ill be able to do anything but be devastated inside!How can anyone do this fucking evil?
    GOD,help us!

    1. Author

      It’s terrible seeing such levels of evil as saved people. The devil is using everything possible, and also lying lucifer is deceiving these leaders into saying he is the light bearer, but he’s leading them into darkness and hellfire.

      1. This is taking the most evil, who in turn, tortures the most innocent! I have seen some really bad videos! I have been researching for quite while!

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