stanley milgram obedience experiment

In 1962, Stanley Milgram conducted this world-famous obedience experiment to demonstrate that the “Befehl ist Befehl” principle enables people to commit heinous acts. Subjects had to give increasingly stronger electric shocks to a “student with heart complaints” (in real life an actor with sound recording) when he made a mistake. The vast majority of these subjects continued to administer electric shocks at the command of the “investigator” even when the “student” pleaded to stop and then no longer responded.

With this experiment, Stanley Milgram showed that people are prone to obeying authorities, even when it means exceeding their standards. They were less likely to feel responsible for their behavior when it was ordered by an authority. This experiment shows that the Befehl ist Befehl principle on which the war criminals of WW2 invoked during the Nuremberg trial did not just fall out of the blue.

What do we have today in our society? Government employees losing their inability to use common sense because they are wearing a mask and obeying orders. They are using their ‘authority’ to force shops and businesses to comply with this nonsense satanic mask initiation. Police are the same. Courts. Social workers.  These ‘workers’ have become robots of authority for the non governmental organisations who want to push their great reset, bring in a cashless society and get the world ready for an antichrist leader. It’s entirely a satanic agenda. These leaders make their agenda blatently obvious – FEAR. These evil callous individuals are playing a psychological game upon the world. All they care about is wealth and power. Shame on people like this to promote such evil.



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