face masks on small children

Face masks on small children is horrendous to see, yet that’s what I saw in a family of three walking out of B&M superstore today. This small child must only have been three or four years of age, and the design on his mask was brown cargo. Why would parents mask their own child, when studies have shown that the other ‘normal’ that this satanic UK government have brainwashed the public into doing, called social distancing, will damage children long term?

I can feel quite strong before I walk into a supermarket, but then people stare at me because I’m not wearing a mask. I applied some of their sanitising slime, not that it kills viruses anyway, but there has become this worldwide obsession with hand sanitiser. Great brainwashing by the BBC and worldwide Governments. Over sanitising our skin can lead to suppressed immune systems, just like these mandatory masks are going to weaken immune systems. It’s common sense. Our bodies are loaded with viruses and microbes that are naked to the human eye, yet they keep us safe. A great website that sells microbial cleaners for the home is Microbz.

I needed to use the toilet at Sainsbury’s, so I queued up, applied the hand slime, and immediately felt a crowd of stares upon me. Have these people never seen a mouth before? Are they jealous because I can breathe normally, and they are breathing only hot recycled carbon dioxide and germs? Are they enraged because they believe that I am going to give them this so-called Covid? If they are wearing a mask, obviously they believe that they are protected anyway so what does it matter whether I am wearing a mask? Why must they judge and belittle me for being normal?

I walked out of Sainsbury’s pretty deflated. Yes, judgements toward another is negative energy and doing the work of the devil. The first charity shop was great. We were not approached by any staff member, nor forced to use sanitiser. The next charity shop saw us faced with a staff member wearing a white and purple stripy mask with a muller rice in her hand. Her mask looked saturated. We both responded that we were exempt, then she proceeded to warn us of a local police officer who often stops by. I immediately felt ill and uneasy and left about thirty seconds later. I didn’t even want to engage in the ‘fight’ for what is moral and right, like the right to breathe fresh air inside or outside an establishment. I was no longer excited to look around the charity shops. By the third shop, I just stood outside, tears flowing down my cheeks at the mask madness I was witnessing by almost every human being.

I went to sit on a bench and was frozen solid, terrified to look anyone in the eye just in case they would judge me for non-compliance. One shop assistant in a black mask kept looking over and I was enraged and lost my rag for one minute asking him what he was staring at, until the submission to look at the pavement took over. I tried to recite scriptures but my mind was empty. Who’d have thought looking at human beings would be so terrifying. It’s not just that. It’s the social distancing stickers brainwashing us everywhere we turn. Its officially a dystopian horror movie society that we are living in.

I’m still using cash in every shop I enter, but the globalists have won. Shopping has become so uncomfortable because 99.9 percent of people choose to comply with the face masks and believe the mainstream medias. I feel sorry for the face masks on small children, and their being forced to stand apart from their friends in these extreme abnormal environments, and yet I feel like a minority. God give me strength to stand.

It took me over thirty minute to feel balanced again to enter a shop, but my partner and I walked into a dead Argos (via the exit), to which we were immediately targeted with a staff member wearing a visor, who told us we had entered via the exit and had we placed an order. My partner responded no, then she asked what we wanted, to which he responded we wanted to buy a kettle. She said that only one person was allowed in the store, even though the store was empty, and before I left I asked her what did it matter how a person entered anyway and to use her common sense.

What I am seeing amongst these high street shops is a spirit of authoritarian control and bullying in some staff members.

We next went back to Sainsbury’s, but the clear kettle was £55 and over our budget. Again, eyes were on us because we were mask less. Feels so horrible to be an outsider for standing up for my rights as a human. The sad fact is that I am exempt from wearing a face mask, yet I feel forced to comply by these mask bullies.

The next shop I entered was Hughes (again to find a kettle), and there was  small queue of three people inside. The staff member at the entrance with a visor looked like Martin Bashir (in fact it could have been) and he was quite rude to one of the customers outside who was just trying to explain what she wanted, as we have to explain what we want before they allow us to enter. He tried to force the hand slime on me, to which I said I’ve just used it, and he told me that I couldn’t touch anything. Luckily, a clear kettle was there and the transaction was done and dusted within a few minutes. What a horrible shop environment. People have lost their fun. Even the man at the till (not Bashir) who served me looked like a nervous wreck.

Overall, another great (not) experience amongst fellow human beings. Wonder what these mask wearers will do when they are told that they cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast (coming DNA altering vaccine), just like it predicts in the Book of Revelation. The 6666 legislation is already in place so it’s not conspiracy.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and sixRevelation 13:16-18

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