These useful links are a great source of information regarding facts on Covid, true science, and the massive deception that is happening in our society and world. Please share with your friends and family because this sick genocidal agenda is very real, and they are coming for you. Arm yourselfContinue Reading

Vaccine Adverse Reactions

Finally, after over a month, the MHRA are releasing the data of the Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions, which they predicted would occur mid 2020 with the tender they put looking for an artificial intelligence to process the Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions. The MHRA has played an active role in respondingContinue Reading

astrazeneca Covid-19 vaccine

Article Copyright: Grandmageri The person who made the video embedded below explains that we must read the packaging of this vaccine, and although many words are beyond our vocabulary (Scientific) that we must research each word we read which we do not understand. I encourage the readers to watch this very short video andContinue Reading


Copyright: Principia Scientific: Proof that the pandemic was planned with purpose Written by Dr James Fetzer A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1) ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time weContinue Reading

bill gates

No doubt about it, EVERY government agency follows the advice of the World Health Organization. Interesting read from The Washington Times Take a look at this timeline. On March 10, Business Insider wrote: “Bill Gates has been sounding the alarm on the COVID-19 coronavirus, calling it a ‘pandemic,’ though theContinue Reading

black lives matter protests

Strangely, my article entitled Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing and Covid-19 disappeared from my website, and of course it was deleted off Facebook too. Are the desperate demonic democrats now hiring hackers to delete articles off private websites? So I shall publish it again. Here is the video withContinue Reading

Ever since the beginning of the Covid-19 mainstream narrative in early February 2020, the scene has only grown more worse. The Covid lockdown has caused unprecedented damage to small businesses, and large global businesses like PayPal, Google, and Amazon have increased their sales. Social distancing measures are everywhere and causingContinue Reading