black lives matter protests

Strangely, my article entitled Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing and Covid-19 disappeared from my website, and of course it was deleted off Facebook too. Are the desperate demonic democrats now hiring hackers to delete articles off private websites?

So I shall publish it again. Here is the video with the link to the study paper entitled, Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing and Covid-19 by National Bureau of Economic Research in which they found that there was NO spike in Covid-19 infections, yet Christians were told that they could not attend church. Now mandatory face masks (which do not work) or face a fine. The science for this entire Covid-19 pandemic is completely fraudulent , driven by the mainstream media’s use of psychological warfare through the social distancing and masks, and is genocide.

The Media’s Scaremongering and Cognitive Dissonance Over Covid-19 MP3 – Approx 9 minutes

Who are the hypocrites? Anthony Fauci most definitely. How he can even call himself a scientist beggers belief, but then again, in 2017, he predicted that the Trump administration would face a pandemic. Perhaps he is a wizard. Who knows what other tricks he has up his sleeve.

How can Fauci predict a pandemic that if he did not already know it existed, together with Bill Gates?

Fauci attacks a cheap treatment for Covid-19 called Hydroxychloroquine just because it has no profit in it, and when brave doctors speak out saying that Hydroxycloroquine cures Covid-19, there is serious censorship of this opinion against the Covid-19 bias narrative that is based on fear driven propaganda to control the masses. Why are these doctors’ professional opinions such a threat to these tech companies, the pharmaceuticals, and the coming vaccine?

Here is the full PDF study by National Bureau of Economic Research entitled Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing and Covid-19, which proved that there was no spike in cases of Covid-19, therefore also providing that the science they are using on social distancing is another case of fraud and psychological warfare against the masses.


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