Dr. William Bay joins us to share the story of how his conscience led him to speak out with no fear of AHPRA, vaccine injuries he has witnessed, the overwhelming number of hospitalisations among people who have had multiple COVID-19 injections, and call for his colleagues end the silence, beContinue Reading

Indeed, everything that has taken part, and still is under the climate change lie, is criminal and should be investigated. Who are the police? Why do they protect the criminals? Are they not sworn to protect the public and punish evil? I really do admire this ex police officer, MarkContinue Reading

james roguski

James Roguski Substack. Leave the WHO Get your opinion across to the WHO inb.who.int on 16th / 17th June. Here is a brief summary of what happened: On January 18, 2022, the Biden administration proposed amendments to the World Health Organization. On May 31, 2022 I published THIS ARTICLE toContinue Reading


Article Copyright: UKColumn.org If you believe the mainstream media—which, unfortunately, it seems most people do—you could be forgiven for imagining that the most pressing issue surrounding so-called Partygate is that the Government “broke the rules”. Irksome though this rule-breaking is, however, it is neither unexpected nor unusual. Throughout history, politiciansContinue Reading

universal mRNA vaccines

Article copyright: Newsrescue.com The panelists in the clip discussed making a transition from the “egg growing” old method of making vaccines initiated in “1947” In clip, Fauci complained of having to “prove this thing works” due to the clinical study phases in traditional proof of new therapies which he saidContinue Reading